Well-Known Member
I agree.To be fair Saint Boy was so tanked on adrenaline when the coach smacked his bum that I doubt he did feel anything. Still not appropriate behaviour. But I have seen people saying that he was punched in the face by the coach and that's not true either.
I honestly don't think the side-swipe punch over a fence was the main welfare issue going on that day and I think the MP authorities will try to scapegoat an errant coach rather than address the issues in the sport head on and holistically.
In case of misunderstanding since we ARE in purity spiral territory, no the coach was not excusable in her actions but focusing on the coach and the rider might detract from the main issue of MP needing at least an attitude overhaul towards the horses.
Taking horses out altogether would solve the problem but I think it could be solved without needing to do that. Whether it will or not. I don't know. Some human backsides need a hefty thump to sort it out though.
UIPM will now say we have acted, we have banned the coach when the "punch" was not really the issue.
When actually the important thing is what kind of welfare standards and safeguards are in place.
These horses aren't being ridden by riders with a significant interest in their well being like the horses in the other sports do they should be protected more than the other equine athletes not less.
UIPM haven't made any statements about pre and post competition vet checks. They haven't said whether there are any checks between riders. They haven't said what care they get between riders. There is no mention of any officials either in competition or during the warm up with the power to advocate for a horse or remove a horse.
Key welfare concerns are being lost behind some fairly hysterical shreaking on social media. We need a measured response if we want to effect change within MP without fuelling arguments that all horse sport is cruel and should be banned.