Watching Kentucky 2012


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16 April 2010
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Something must have happened to James Alliston - it says E at fence 2... and the coverage has gone straight to phillip dutton.

Fingers crossed James and Parker are alright.


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16 December 2005
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It's not the FEI's fault re coverage - this is what American sports coverage is like given it's being filmed and produced by NBC. Not sure if the FEI commentators are the same as those on the USEF network coverage as they're not that bad and have had a couple of riders in with them too :)


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1 April 2002
Lovely Northamptonshire again!
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The coverage by FEI is at worst, appalling and at best, completely laughable. A pair of "hockey moms" discussing their children.

Are you serious? They're all 4 star riders, I honestly learnt more listening to the coverage today than I have EVER learnt watching a 4* (and I'm an addict, have been watching them for decades!) I thought a lot of what they said was fascinating. Why WFP took PH there, for e.g.,truly fascinating.
I agree that the editing totally sucked, they should have shown replays, what went wrong, and more of certain rounds (and less of others), and the sound-guys really sucked (playing an interview + the voiceover concurrently a number of times, not to mention whoever left the mikes on at lunchtime!) but "a pair of hockey moms"... you have GOT to be joking!


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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No, I'm not joking - they spent some time discussing teaching their little girls how to canter and how sweet it was. I prefer the commentary that we have in the UK for 4* events - they may have been 4* riders but I didn't enjoy their commentary. Sorry......!!!!


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19 July 2009
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No, I'm not joking - they spent some time discussing teaching their little girls how to canter and how sweet it was. I prefer the commentary that we have in the UK for 4* events - they may have been 4* riders but I didn't enjoy their commentary. Sorry......!!!!

Remember that not everyone watching would have been experienced riders with a working knowledge of eventing, they have to cater for the 'oh look pretty pony' people too :D

If we want eventing to remain as is, we need to make it as user friendly as possible, especially at International/Championship level. Yes it can be irritating to watch and listen to but we don't want it to be seen an 'elitist' sport, do we? :)


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15 October 2010
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I think they started off saying how one rider had their mum watching and how nervous she must be and they sort of went off on to how parents are nervous at any stage. Wasnt listening properly as I was kidding my self I was doing an assignment which it appears I still havnt done.......


Well-Known Member
23 May 2009
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I think they started off saying how one rider had their mum watching and how nervous she must be and they sort of went off on to how parents are nervous at any stage. Wasnt listening properly as I was kidding my self I was doing an assignment which it appears I still havnt done.......

Yeah, they were referring to Doug Payne (I think it was him anyway) and his sister, who were running one after the other, and discussing how anxious their mum must be with them both on course at the same time. That then digressed to the little girl cantering etc..


Well-Known Member
1 April 2002
Lovely Northamptonshire again!
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No, I'm not joking - they spent some time discussing teaching their little girls how to canter and how sweet it was. I prefer the commentary that we have in the UK for 4* events - they may have been 4* riders but I didn't enjoy their commentary. Sorry......!!!!

Fair enough, I think we'll have to agree to differ... I find Mike Tucker's commentary (with mistakes everywhere, he really is the Colemanballs of eventing, I recall one round where he got Ian Stark's name wrong about 10 times fgs!) far more annoying! Lucinda Green was a great commentator but they ditched her because she has "too posh a voice" apparently (oh fgs) but they keep Lorna Clarke, whose voice sounds no more 'common" to me... but luckily Lorna is very good at gently correcting MT, because she has to do it a LOT!
The only mistake I heard yesterday was when they confused Lucy W with Tina Cook and claimed that Lucy had won indiv gold at the Euros. Other than that I thought their comments were really insightful and enlightening, which is more than I can ever say for MT's, he makes me want to throw things at the t.v! ;) ;) ;)
I did think the 'let's show everyone what studs are, here's a stud kit' interlude WHILE HORSES WERE RUNNING was awful, what the hell was that all about? I hardly think you're going to get many new people to the sport who'd want to know that... use it for a filler if they're on a hold but not when horses are running. Argh!
Oh, and the sound guys should be hauled over the coals. Surely not that difficult to turn 1 feed off while another's playing?!


Well-Known Member
13 November 2008
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Kerilli - would you mind telling me what WFP reasons were for taking Parker there? Was interesting in H+H where he mentioned reasons for horses he was taking to Badminton this year. I watched all coverage yesterday but could not get the sound to work!! Thanks v much


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14 January 2006
In limbo...
He took Parklane Hawk because although he's a good galloper and jumper, he's not necessarily the best at coming back to him on twisty courses. So he wanted to see how he would fair at Kentucky, with Greenwich in mind.
Think that's basically what they said anyway!


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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Ooooo no Kerilli, I certainly wasn't referring to Mr. Tucker's commentaries....heaven forbid! I prefer the likes of Tina Cook and Scottie's commentaries. MT is pretty dreadful and as for his his mispronunciation...... You see, we do agree on something ;-)