Well-Known Member
Time for a group hug, people![]()
Not with my lycanthropic tendancies, sorry... I might maul someone by mistake!
Time for a group hug, people![]()
lol no problem thankyou for the appology just very upsetting that people that dont no me can judge me in that way. first time i think complete strangers have actualy upset me. hay hoe![]()
MV22, He has not been castrated yet and you had said you could get a female foal. You wouldn't have to breed immediately. The op has stated that she is not looking to earn money from her foal and does not want to rush him. In a couple of years he and a similarly aged filly would make perfect parents.
i don't understand how they would make 'perfect parents' niether of thier breeding is known, well i dont even have a filly, so it'd be a gay baby for a start, but how would they be perfect?
Your post makes little sence and to be fair, i think you need to get real.
Sorry for delayed reply, some of us have real life horses not the plastic type that have an eye thrown over them before we go to bed. maybe one day eh?![]()
"Gay baby"? "The plastic type that have a eye thrown over them"?
Whose post doesn't make sense?
I give in. Off to bed. 'night folks. xxx![]()
Sorry for delayed reply, some of us have real life horses not the plastic type that have an eye thrown over them before we go to bed. maybe one day eh?![]()
mountain view don't be so sensitive. I currently have my first real youngster too, though he's 2 now. I'm probably not much older than you, if at all eitherYour posts are much more legible than the OPs, it's not about being perfectly spoken - this is a forum after all - but being understandable really does make a big difference...
next time i shall try and be a little clearer in my posts. im not to good with grammar, so do like to keep things short and sweet. half the time i havnt got a clue what half of you are on about as my grammar is very basic. anything word with more than 7 letters means nothing to me hence why i choose to be round horses and animals because they dont care who i am.![]()
Either way, by gones be by gones. I've taken some handy titles to buy from this thread so i'm happy![]()
You have very low maintenance plastic horses
Mine need bringing in from their plastic pasture to their plastic stables, they need their plastic bodies and legs brushed with plastic brushes and their turnouts replaced with stable rugs. The whole charade can take me hours
(am I mocking again?)
Haven't actually read the whole thread but has anyone suggested Jennie Loriston Clarke's Breaking and Training the Young Horse - that's my absolute favourite (although the Richard Maxwell stuff is pretty good too)![]()
Haven't actually read the whole thread but has anyone suggested Jennie Loriston Clarke's Breaking and Training the Young Horse - that's my absolute favourite (although the Richard Maxwell stuff is pretty good too)![]()
Ever so slightly yes, especially as it was not aimed at you. shame everyone didnt stick up for the OP like they are for whom my previous statement was aimed at eh?
how can OP put her gelding,(he will be by the time the filly i said i was going to swap my colt for as im not experianced enough to keep him that im not going to get, it was fiction) be put to cover what in reality is also a colt. it does'nt make sence, well niether does that but read back and you may understand.
my point being, grow up, why would i consider putting a mare (which i don't have) to a gelding to be (which would be about as much use as my 80 year old grandad in bed convieving wise) in which niether of us know the breeding of. inexperianced, yes, stupid, not quite.
to be honest, if ANYBODY needs to ask what they can or cant do with a foal, they shouldnt have it.
IMO and i stand by this. if you need to ask fine but ask and learn BEFORE you purchase it!
Ever so slightly yes, especially as it was not aimed at you. shame everyone didnt stick up for the OP like they are for whom my previous statement was aimed at eh?
how can OP put her gelding,(he will be by the time the filly i said i was going to swap my colt for as im not experianced enough to keep him that im not going to get, it was fiction) be put to cover what in reality is also a colt. it does'nt make sence, well niether does that but read back and you may understand.
my point being, grow up, why would i consider putting a mare (which i don't have) to a gelding to be (which would be about as much use as my 80 year old grandad in bed convieving wise) in which niether of us know the breeding of. inexperianced, yes, stupid, not quite.
I'm not sticking up for anyone - I was just joking. I'm seriously worried that my sense of humour must be really off whack tonight![]()
I'm not sticking up for anyone - I was just joking. I'm seriously worried that my sense of humour must be really off whack tonight![]()
BOGOFs? Plenty of people on here end up with a foal they neither expected or planned, I don't hear them being slated for asking questions.
If the OP is genuine then what harm is there in asking questions? That's all they are - just questions. Last I heard asking questions was the way to learn things, everyone has to start somewhere.
I'm not sticking up for anyone - I was just joking. I'm seriously worried that my sense of humour must be really off whack tonight![]()
To be honest, I think i';m just on the defence.
Between mad horses that like to rear, buck and jump at you then all of the normally well behaved gg's start thinking its fun to wind you up, and ontop of that the dogs decide to finally protect me and run around barking like idiots all in one day out of the blue i'm half asleep and thinking into things too much, Apologies![]()
its everyone else buddy... newcomers rule!!! (joke)
the difference with a bogof... its unexpected u HAVE to deal with it, but to purchase a foal with no knowledge is foolish, its like a horse lover going oh yeah im going to buy a horse.. no idea how to look after it, ride etc.
yes questions are a learning point but surely you ask first then decide if you are able to look after/train etc, not go on to forums where a millon different views will be thrown at you, so you still dont know what is right, wrong, or what to do.
I'm pretty new on here too and it looks to me like everything got a bit heated but I really wouldn't take it personally OP. Nobody knows you to know if you can ride or not! I'd take that comment as a generalisation if I were you. take what you can use from the thread and forget about what you can't. There's some fantastic advice given on here, and an awful lot of it comes from the people who have posted on this thread.
I only just found out about trolls too and it seems that people are a bit wary. Don't take it personally! I think your foal is lovely and all the time you're willing to ask for advice when you're not sure you should learn plenty to keep you going.
I hope you'll post lots of pictures as he grows up.![]()