Why do people want to own cobs?


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
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*saves link* :D


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
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The horsey racism in this thread makes me sad.

I am not a novice - but I have cobs. None of my horses have been novice rides. Only Midi and Mushi were hairy. Dorey is my jumper, and Zak was a show jumper and eventer!!

This sort of thread is the reason why it took so long to sell Zak - because no one wanted an eventing cob. All these old ladies used to phone up for a happy hacker... does the photo of him jumping nearly 5ft on his advert not make it clear that he is NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES EVER going to be a happy hacker!!

And, as for only riding stables have cobs, no, riding stables have knackered old warmbloods that everyone gets bored of because every bay warmblood is the same as every other bay warmblood and they were such an expert having sat on a hairy cob twice they thought they could handle it, and they had no clue.

A real cob is never on the market, never at a riding stable, and never seen posing at shows - because their owners are too busy having a whale of a time at home to join the pissing contests with the warmbloods.

Here's to cobs. Not any one is the same as any other one, and they have personalities, sadling lacking in the warmblood world!

Ah yes! Because one sort of prejudice is always best counteracted by another! ;)


Well-Known Member
8 December 2008
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No ester do keep up dear! We all know JM doesn't go lurking around in girls pants. However Kitty does like to shove old men down her kaks, I've definately seen her do it, she was single a fair time you know, poor little witchy kitty, tis a sad story and no mistake :p


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
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My wife's COB hates greys on site. Good job he hasn't found our laptop, unlike another bogtrotter round here :D

YAY! 200. I can go to bed now :)

LOL! I used to work for a v successful European SJ'er whose stallion (Selle Francais) had a massive thing for greys, and used to get all horny if he saw my share horse, dapple grey NF x Tb gelding, pass him hacking out on the high street!! :D:D:D


Well-Known Member
21 November 2008
Funny farm
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OMFG how did I grave rob too PMSL!!!!!

Lol I have to go to bed before IM the corpse, dead with my fingers on the keyboard on HHO!!! Thats probs how I'll go anyway..!!

Night ladies and erm, gents?


Well-Known Member
8 December 2008
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The old man down your pants you nut! I wasn't suggesting you were diggin up dead bodies! :rolleyes: :p
Good night my iccle witchy friend! :D


Patting her thylacine
26 March 2007
Daemon from Hades
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I love cobs but personally would not own one, for a multitude of reasons, none of which are remotely interesting. Have not read this thread but am SO irritated by it being constantly on the front page!! OP clearly has a drink problem, don't pander to it, ffs!!!!!!!! God, this has probably bumped loads of interesting threads to page 2 grrrrr

Good evening, everyone.
Skewby - you don't know me (clearly) and I don't believe I know you.
I am expert at ignoring uncivilised posts, but I really do feel you owe me an apology for the allegation made above.
I understand people often post things they don't mean, and am willing to accept an apology so we can move on.
S :(


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
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I love cobs but personally would not own one, for a multitude of reasons, none of which are remotely interesting. Have not read this thread but am SO irritated by it being constantly on the front page!! OP clearly has a drink problem, don't pander to it, ffs!!!!!!!! God, this has probably bumped loads of interesting threads to page 2 grrrrr

And haven't you just bumped yourself to the front page of a defamation case?! :confused::mad::mad::mad:


Well-Known Member
11 December 2009
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Whooo - hoooo - I got to the end

Now as I see it (bleary eyed from staring at the computer screen for a-ges) this thread is a pure case of COBICISM ..... somebody call the po-lice :0)

*NB: I am a pure splinter bum, I don't own a cob, tb or wb etc etc but love them all equally ...... but not moreso than my long spindly legged; short-bodied; big headed orlov-trotter :0) ** ........ now where has that "I dont like arabs" thread gone? lol


Well-Known Member
19 March 2010
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In this world on the forums
All can have their view
Yet to intentionally offend others
Is not the thing to do.

I’ve schooled and trained a multitude
From fells to thoroughbreds from the track
Ex eventers and medium dressage horses
So I’ve plenty of wool on my back

Some of you ride warmbloods
Who I liken to Labradors
Some of you like thoroughbreds
When you can keep them on all fours

An equine’s not just a type or breed
There’s the personality of the horse
Indeed I’ve seen and ridden cobs
Who leave TB’s standing on a course

To me it shows a lack of knowledge
To label all cobs hairy, lazy and fat
When clippers, exercise and ‘joie de vie’
Easily banish all of that.

My personal opinion
Of the reason for this thread
Is to stir trouble, to light touchpaper
And upset people with what’s said

However, ending I would like to say
To Shilasdair and glitterfuzz to,
That all the cobs I’ve met in my life
Have better manners and etiquette than you.

:D:D:D love this its great. I'm supposed to be doing house work though but im glued to the thread its so funny.

Any of you posh owners got a bridle i can have my plod cob snapped his in half last night coz he got spooked :D


Well-Known Member
7 September 2006
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Firstly i don't own a cob I own a Destroyer :)
He and I like skinny TBs though........... they give him a nice change from eating carrots
I think i can summarise his good points as follows:
In a gale he is an effective windbreak
If we are stranded anywhere his rugs are big enough to fashion a large tent, sleeping bag and matching handbag from.
I get a full upper body work out everytime i ask him to work in an outline
He is useful for removing those hard to reach apples from the tops of trees - one canter past, the earth shakes and bingo!! Apples are down!
Farmers no longer need to roll their fields - a few laps by us in full flight and whay hay the field furrows are flat.

Oh and that big choppy trot? You are absolutely right......... thats the bodies of the skinny little steeds we've trampled on as we've shot past them at warp speed!!!!!!!!


This post for the win!


Well-Known Member
22 November 2009
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Haha, I think they are great, the last one I rode before I bought my TB was a fiesty lass, she would tank off with me when she got bored and took some riding, far more riding than my TB in fact, she was a right chunk and I thought my hips were going to pop and she was so pretty. I love my friends coloured cob too, she's got bags of character. I was actually looking for a cob x or draught horse when I wanted my first horse but ended up seeing Toby and felt sorry for him. The people who I know that own them prefer them because in general they are more sane and tend to be much hardier, TBs and warmbloods are more highly strung and do stupid things that cause injuries, my lad can injure himself on fresh air.