The Fuzzy Furry
Living in 🦄 🦄 land
I have mine as paddocks, previously many years ago we worked out where best to site permanent fencing by using electric for a long while.Yes, no more standing hay! And I've gone off a track too after watching my horses get lost around it for a month... I think from now on I might split into 5 paddocks and rotate every month or something.
Each and every paddock has a gateway to the adjoining ones including 3 separate gates onto my yard. Makes my life so much easier day to day. The water is only in the 3 paddocks close to yard, the 2 smallest are kept pretty bare and then gates get opened to the adjacent one or further, depending on grazing needs.
Probably sounds odd to some, but the fuzzies get exercise to get a drink and then wandering back up the fields to graze.