Worst thing the cat's done.


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14 January 2012
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Ah yes the infamous sound of cat sick. I've never had a baby but I can imagine the instant waking effect is similar to that of a baby's cry

Just been out for the covid booster and came back to the below scene. Spot what looks out of place....


Yes, that would be the piece of posh bread I brought from the local farm shop type place as a treat. It was like the Alley Cat had returned!

Went into the kitchen to find further "evidence", I swear there were 4 pieces left. I've found 3.... OH suspects the Fluffy round pudding (frp) I suspect a tag team effort with frp fetching it down and ss assisting with the consumption



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20 April 2010
Somewhere Northern where there is mud
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16 February 2009
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This is not misbehaviour in any way whatsoever BUT I am back at my parents' house for Christmas and our beloved family cat, Stan, has developed a new "thing", which is sleeping under the duvet covers. It's the cutest thing ever! He is quite elderly now so I assume likes the extra warmth/ security, but whatever the reason, I am very much enjoying my furry, purry hot water bottle! (he is currently somewhere down by my knees!)


There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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This is not misbehaviour in any way whatsoever BUT I am back at my parents' house for Christmas and our beloved family cat, Stan, has developed a new "thing", which is sleeping under the duvet covers. It's the cutest thing ever! He is quite elderly now so I assume likes the extra warmth/ security, but whatever the reason, I am very much enjoying my furry, purry hot water bottle! (he is currently somewhere down by my knees!)

Our late Cornish Rex Berta that died last year, used to like to crawl in under duvet covers, especially during the colder periods of the year. Trouble is, she was so slim, and petite, that it usually didn't become any telling cat sized bump to warn you she was there.

As a result, I know at least me, and my mum sat down on her a few times.


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8 July 2009
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Stanley is in the dog house (cat house?!) at the moment.
Last week he got the bin open (no idea how, it’s a heavy metal pedal bin) and fished out chicken bones. He growled at my OH (who he usually adores) and would not give them up. A few squirts of the water gun and he begrudgingly let OH take the last remaining mouthful.

Tonight he has just jumped in through the bedroom window with something small and furry hanging out of his mouth.
I promptly screamed and all I can hear now as I hide in bed is my OH saying ‘Stanley drop it’ alternated with more growling ?


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8 July 2009
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I didn’t hang around to find out but according to OH it was alive and feisty!
Apparently Stanley was having great fun and thought it was a fab game to drop it, pounce, mouth, repeat.
Now captured and relocated to the communal garden.
Stanley will not be having any more late night garden visits, I’d have been stuffed if OH wasn’t here!


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23 November 2019
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Doing the stable this morning, my dog is rummaging in the shaving bank at the back…pulls out something…tell her to drop it…it’s cat shoite!

Im disgusted at the cat AND dog in that instant ?

The horses will not be impressed!
(I had been wondering why theres lots more poops out in their yard than in the stable recently…)


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Enjoying a chocolate flake yoghurt/mousse thing last night and teddy marches over and bats it out of my hand and tries to tuck in! The audacity. At one point he actually hit me in the face with his paw.

I looked over and saw Pickle licking soup out of the OH's bowl as he had his eyes fixed on the telly last night ?


Well-Known Member
3 December 2019
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Enjoying a chocolate flake yoghurt/mousse thing last night and teddy marches over and bats it out of my hand and tries to tuck in! The audacity. At one point he actually hit me in the face with his paw.
He has such lovely big paws for swatting! ? That is one of Marnie's signature moves too.

Her worst behaviour of late is being able to get to the top of the living room door (hanging off it is not having the desired effect anymore) and not being able to get herself down. We can't close it because then her brother panics that we are closing him in to take him to the vet (at 1am).
30 January 2022
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I've not had a cat for 10 years, we have 3 terriers and live by a busy road so not ideal for a Puddy Tat, I really really miss having them. We had 2 brothers and a sister and each had a totally different character. The small boy Smudge was a deadly hunter and could catch anything, he once came through the cat flap backwards dragging in a wood pigeon, which was twice the size of him. The other memorable thing he bought in was raw fillet steak, we suspect someone was having a BBQ and left in un attended. The sneak theif struck and all 3 cats had that for their dinner ?‍♀️?‍♀️. His brother splodge who was much bigger than him never really caught anything but in the summer of a night time I keep a window open and the sod would let himself in via my window and jump on me in the middle of the night. Their sister Marmalade was very much a lady and we sadly lost her when she was 14 months, she was run over. Smudge lived to 12yo Splodge made it to 20yo. I miss them greatly