XL Bullies not banned in Scotland

Errin Paddywack

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20 June 2019
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They don’t look xl or pit type to me (they do look as what they’re described) but why on earth would they have let them have pups. This is why there is so much grey in the bull world. Because these idiots keep breeding random bull types to other bull types and then you have the xl bully as the outcome.
I think they were advertised as a one off accidental mating:mad:


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12 January 2017
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‘I didn’t vote for that t*** Sunak, so I ain’t following nothing’ bellowed a man walking three, off lead and without muzzle, through town this morning when I went to the bank. I would assume someone had quizzed him.

I have seen a few already, muzzled and seemingly calm/ok with this - so there are responsible owners out there within the breed. Equally I’ve seen over sixty since Christmas, being shared by the local dog warden social media page as ‘found wandering’ - so dumping has been popular in these parts.

I remain on the fence about the whole thing, not that I think the breed are blameless or it’s just bad owners. They are what they are, and designed for what they’re designed for. Having had one try to have a pop at me as I posted on here last year, I can’t imagine how terrifying being attacked by one is. I just don’t see this knee jerk reaction having the desired impact.

Those well meaning organisations who have redistributed these dogs have potentially sown seeds of incredible damage.
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Well-Known Member
13 November 2012
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I think I saw one of these bad boys dragging his hapless owner around Tesco car park on an unlocked wally lead this morning. Yeah, no. I'm sure it was a lovely dog but it was not under control and I'd have felt a lot happier if it had a muzzle and a short lead on.

Yay for Scotland (sarcasm).

Deed not breed sounds lovely but I'd rather be savaged by a cockerpoo given the choice.


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3 July 2013
Highlands from Essex
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When you have an entire male and an entire female of mating age, nothing is accidental. It’s not as if dogs are suttle about sex.
I dint know it does happen, dogs get out, someone opens the wrong door at the wrong time however there is a mismate injection to prevent the litter being born, problem is its expensive.


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8 February 2023
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Those 2 dogs are derivatives of pitbulls so they would have been banned before the XLB was explicitly stated.
According to the AKC/what I have read about them, the breeds American Bulldog and Olde English Bulldog are not related to pitbulls and therefore would be exempt from the DDA (and equivalent legislation in the parts of the US/other countries where pitbulls are also banned).

Whether or not they are the breeds stated, and how that would be verified, is a different matter of course.

This example highlights just how difficult it can be to verify dogs based on sight, particularly without detailed knowledge of dog breeds.

To me, it just strengthens the argument for licensing/registering all dogs to avoid any confusion over who is what and what rules apply.


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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According to the AKC/what I have read about them, the breeds American Bulldog and Olde English Bulldog are not related to pitbulls and therefore would be exempt from the DDA (and equivalent legislation in the parts of the US/other countries where pitbulls are also banned).

Whether or not they are the breeds stated, and how that would be verified, is a different matter of course.

This example highlights just how difficult it can be to verify dogs based on sight, particularly without detailed knowledge of dog breeds.

To me, it just strengthens the argument for licensing/registering all dogs to avoid any confusion over who is what and what rules apply.
Firstly, both of those "breeds" have been involved in fatal attacks, and I don't believe for one second that there is no pitbull in their ancestry.


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3 November 2004
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English Bulldog are not related to pitbulls and therefore would be exempt from the DDA (and equivalent legislation in the parts of the US/other countries where pitbulls are also banned).
Nope. The it has never been the breed that was bannned it has always been the type, so if it looks like a pit or a derivative there of, then it is deemed a pit.
The legislation explicitly states pitbull type so as to catch the partbreds.

If it had been just the breed then producing breed papers would be enough to free the animals but it never has been.


'It's only a laugh, no harm done'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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Very interesting point raised in a conversation I had with someone earlier...the very tight coat, face shape and potentially absent ears in these dogs means it's much harder to gauge if it's about to do someone imminently.

At least with pointy faces and ears and plenty of hair you know when it's coming and have time to de-escalate/get out of Dodge.


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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3 July 2013
Highlands from Essex
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17 August 2005
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I'm sorry but how on earth is this an advert for a "great family pet with a friendly disposition"
That’s absolutely sums up the conflicted nature of their supporters. How many dog can ‘scare strangers, keep you safe, protect your property and also tuck your baby up for the night and not mind having fingers stuck in its eyes by your toddler.’ All in one crop earred, steroid looking package.

Roasted Chestnuts

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7 July 2008
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You shouldn’t expect the SNP to be sensible!

They wanted to review the legislation 🙄 loads and loads of people are against this ban, which I agree with btw these dogs just have too many red flags, but I definitely don’t envy vets up and down the country right now. Instead what should have been done was a ban on moving the dogs up here, that was just stupid people trying to get round the law, now there will just be more dumped up here as a consequence.

I just feel sorry for the poor dogs, moved from pillar to post to be destroyed instead of just be neutered registered and muzzled in public. The things this country rebels against 🙄 sweats the small things whilst the big things go unchallenged. Typical really


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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They wanted to review the legislation 🙄 loads and loads of people are against this ban, which I agree with btw these dogs just have too many red flags, but I definitely don’t envy vets up and down the country right now. Instead what should have been done was a ban on moving the dogs up here, that was just stupid people trying to get round the law, now there will just be more dumped up here as a consequence.

I just feel sorry for the poor dogs, moved from pillar to post to be destroyed instead of just be neutered registered and muzzled in public. The things this country rebels against 🙄 sweats the small things whilst the big things go unchallenged. Typical really
'Sweats the small stuff'?! This type has killed people recently. What do you think the government ought to do about them? Ignore them? Set them on the poor people coming across in small boats? (I'm being super cynical, I obviously don't mean it!)

This is something the government can tackle to (hopefully) good effect. Were they to ignore it, there'd even more metaphorical burning at the stake of the Tories.

Roasted Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
7 July 2008
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'Sweats the small stuff'?! This type has killed people recently. What do you think the government ought to do about them? Ignore them? Set them on the poor people coming across in small boats? (I'm being super cynical, I obviously don't mean it!)

This is something the government can tackle to (hopefully) good effect. Were they to ignore it, there'd even more metaphorical burning at the stake of the Tories.

I’m talking about the actual state of the UK. The constant poverty and squeezing being done by our government, the smoke screening like this whole incident, then these ‘gestures’ to get on peoples good sides that are then rebelled against.

That’s the big stuff I’m talking about. I’m not putting down the incidents that have happened I don’t like these dogs or the vast majority of mastiff/bulldog breeds. I don’t particularly like Rottweilers either after being chased by one but hey ho. However all these people up in arms about doing a few changes to their ownership of these dogs, shipping them up here, saying they won’t stand for this that or the next things to do with their dogs but the country’s a shit show and that’s alright as long as they have their dogs the way they want them. Again I’m glad about the ban but it’s just created a shit show up herewith the way the whole thing has been handled.

That was my point.