Angry, disgusted, no one!!!


Well-Known Member
28 October 2011
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The Welfare Act states this:

"Under the Act animal owners and keepers are under a legal duty of care for the animals for which they are responsible on a permanent or temporary basis. A person could therefore be responsible for an animal if they own it or are in charge of it. An owner has ongoing responsibility for their animal even if another person is in charge of it. A parent or guardian of a child under 16 years old is responsible for any animal that is owned or cared for by the child. This ensures that an adult can normally be identified as a person responsible for an animal. If an owner leaves an animal in the care of another person, it is the owner’s duty to ensure the keeper is competent and has the necessary authority to act in an emergency."

Make of this what you will...................

And as being a YO and a good friend they were deemed capable of looking after horses. Regular updates were sent via text message, all being well, when really, it wasn't. Yes I am liable for putting my horse there and choosing them to look after my mare. I did everything in my power to make sure she was ok, the YO didn't do everything they could to make sure my horse was ok.


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23 September 2004
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Our horses are out on similar pasture to yours, but I think they would have dropped weight without extra feed or hay during the winter.

Your Tb had nothing extra except hay during the snow, I don't know what regime she had when you were around, but a lot of TB's might have struggled with that over the winter.

What instructions did you give the YO and were you confident that she would care for her and physically check her all over daily ?

I do think the YO has let your mare down badly and has failed in her duty of care, but in hindsight, during the appalling wet and cold weather we've had, you might have talked to the YO about exactly how she was being cared for on a regular basis and asked if she had dropped weight or had any lameness or infections etc.

I'm really sorry that your YO failed your horse, I know its devastating and we can all be experts after the event, so I hope you get some answers to what went wrong and that your girl fully recovers with treatment and TLC.


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
north west
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OP I really hope your mare pulls through this and has a good prognosis.

FWIW I would have trusted a friend and livery yard owner you were paying to let you know if something was going wrong.I've had a pony come back from a loan while I was abroad and have to go on livery for four months while I was a student and couldn't get back. The livery YO looked after my pony perfectly while I was away.

I would look after a friend's horse like my own if she had to move or was ill, and they would have no need to send other people to check on me or the horse.. It sounds like this YO did a vague visual check rather than a proper one. I would be very annoyed and upset in your position.

And yes Elsiecat, I would think most people would have got what you were trying to say by now. You've made your point several times and are probably making the OP feel rotten right now. I'm not surprised she "threw her toys out of the cot" as you put it. I can't actually believe she was nice enough to apologise! Hope life never throws a curved ball at you where you have to rely on someone else. My husband has to have an op next week, and I am out of the country for a week, so my horses are going on livery and nobody will be checking them..


Well-Known Member
28 October 2011
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So sorry for you OP. I really hope she keeps fighting & you can get her home.
You say hay was given. Was it DEFINITELY given, or do you think the yo could have lied & just SAID she gave them hay?I wouldn't believe a word she said tbh.
I hope you're ok xx

I know I asked this but my OH went to the field to get his mare and a large round bale was there. I just think shes not coped but gone un noticed which is heartbreaking :( I'm kicking myself for believing she was ok, I would rather be told I made the wrong decision to retire her to the field and she would just be a horse that will always need stabling, rather than be told all is well when clearly she wasn't. YO had the cheek to say to my OH "you can't blame all this on me" so they obviously have a guilty conscience.

Big Ben

Well-Known Member
11 October 2012
On the frozen prairies
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So sorry that your mare is down again, I hope that she pulls through for you.

I can't see why there is a need to heap up a pile of **** on a person who is obviously so devastated at the turn of events here. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, so easy to decide how things could of been done differently after the event:rolleyes:

My retired mare was on pasture board for the summer, I trusted the lady she was with, and didn't go and see her, same as she is now in Arizona for 6 months and I have my mare and her donkey here. My mare came back in great condition and her donkey will go back the same way, it's what friends do.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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Good point Honey08.

I suppose the bottom line is, is it acceptable to go away for a couple of months and expect that the professional employed to care for your horse does the job ?

I left mine on livery last week and luckily, I knew they'd be well looked after. Not as well as I do, :D but then I've only my two to do, not a yard full.


Well-Known Member
28 October 2011
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Here's (well hopefully) a pic of her just to show the stamp of horse she is. I actually can't look at at, knowing how bad she is now :'(

Not sure if the link has worked, but this is her a couple of years ago (not recent I know) but this is an idea of what a beautiful horse she is :(


Well-Known Member
19 January 2005
Over the Rainbow
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How many we're in the field? It's possible she was also bullied, or chased away from the hay so she got none at all.

The y/o should have ensured all horses were able to access the hay - not just put a bale in and hope for the best.

Many people leave their horses in long term livery due to work etc, the y/o accepted duty of care so is negligent in my opinion, all they had to do was text or call and say your mare isn't coping please advise.

Fingers crossed for her to be comfortable whichever way it goes.


Well-Known Member
5 October 2008
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And as being a YO and a good friend they were deemed capable of looking after horses. Regular updates were sent via text message, all being well, when really, it wasn't. Yes I am liable for putting my horse there and choosing them to look after my mare. I did everything in my power to make sure she was ok, the YO didn't do everything they could to make sure my horse was ok.

As stated in my last post (which you deleated) - I hope your horse is OK in the end.
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Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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She is very beautiful. Hopefully her previous good health will help her now, as another poster mentioned, she maybe totally exhausted and her system is trying to cope with fluids and food, so fingers and everything else crossed for her to make a good recovery.


Well-Known Member
21 June 2005
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Firstly I very much hope that your horse makes a speedy and full recovery.

The newly introduced animal act makes it quite clear that animal owners have certain responsibilities which includes to ensure that their animal(s) are checked daily.

It is quite possibel that your horse may have had a virus/been ill and this may have effected her.

The owner of the yard has a clear obligation and duty of care to the animals in their charge and they clearly have not been checking your horse.

I would suggest that you ask your vet to write a report on the condition you found your horse in and that you keep any photos of it.

You can then decide if you wish to persue the matter further.


Well-Known Member
5 October 2008
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You can't delete someone else's posts, only your own.

Oh for goodness sake......when quoting it is very easy to edit/delete the text, as is what happened when OP quoted from me.....the end of the sentence was missing - which I commented on in my last post.

I can see this is turning into playground bickering and I am not interested in commenting again.

I do hope your horse makes a speedy recovery.

You need to get some proper legal advice considering that livery yards are unregulated and it appears you didn't have a wirtten contract in place [specifying care etc] and there may be some issues with responsbility and duty of care.

Unless there are any posters who are equine solicitors or others who actually know the law concerning livery and welfare repsonsbilities, I don't think you'll receive much information other than criticism or sympathy.
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Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
north west
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Oh for goodness sake......when quoting it is very easy to edit/delete the text, as is what happened when OP quoted from me.....the end of the sentence was missing - which I commented on in my last post.

I can see this is turning into playground bickering and I am not interested in commenting again.

I do hope your horse makes a speedy recovery.

Do stop over reacting. You didn't say a quote was deleted, but a post, otherwise I wouldn't have put that!


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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So the mare lost all four shoes? She must either have been in dire need of the farrier, or been made to gallop around a great deal in the mud (possibly bullied). But foot care should have been another thing that should have been arranged for in the light of the fact that she was left there for two months.

I was also wondering about the possibility of her having grass sickness?

I am keeping everything crossed that this poor mare makes a full recovery. I can't bear to think what she must have gone through.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
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Having heard more of the story, i feel for you OP please ignore my first post, it sounds like you had the wool pulled over your eyes i hope for a speedy recovery for the poor girl


Well-Known Member
28 October 2011
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How many we're in the field? It's possible she was also bullied, or chased away from the hay so she got none at all.

The y/o should have ensured all horses were able to access the hay - not just put a bale in and hope for the best.

Many people leave their horses in long term livery due to work etc, the y/o accepted duty of care so is negligent in my opinion, all they had to do was text or call and say your mare isn't coping please advise.

Fingers crossed for her to be comfortable whichever way it goes.

Thank you Oscar. Yes there were others in the field, about 9 maybe a few more. There is a possiblility she was bullied, but she was usually the bullier lol! She quite fiesty and does stick up for herself so I wasn't too worried about her being bullied, more so for the other horses :rolleyes: but I don't know, which is making me feel worse, the fact I wasn't there to know


Well-Known Member
19 July 2012
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I am crossing fingers for your mare OP. I have been in a similar situation, although not as grave, and it's really distressing. I had to leave the country for work for a month and OH didn't drive so I put my mare on part livery. She had been at that yard for a year on grass livery in a large field with the YO's broodmares and I trusted the YO. I came back a day earlier than what I said to a poor ribby little mare in a tiny overcrowded paddock that acted like she had not seen hay for a month, needed a bucket of hard feed to be caught (and couldn't get past the big cobs bully who also wanted the food) and a disgusting stable. I was very fortunate that it was summer so she hadn't gone downhill too much. Although the YO clearly knew she hadn't cared properly for the mare and said I didn't need to pay the remaining money, I was stupid enough to insist and give it to her (not sure why, I just wanted to be done with it and move the mare asap).
The yard is respectable in every aspect, it's a small family type DIY livery and the YO is still in business. I still don't know why they failed to care for my mare.


Well-Known Member
31 December 2012
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I think some people have been very unfair on you Op in earlier stages of your thread but it seems more people completely understand it wasn't your fault, which it totally wasn't.

If you'd just left her at a random livery then yes it would be but you left her with a trusted 'friend'! Some people must live perfect lives :rolleyes: you honestly have to trust people sometimes in life in your case you did and most people would of done. Anyway I'm just covering old ground but I just want to say I really hope your mare pulls through, it's such a sad story :(

Take care and keep us updated. X


Well-Known Member
28 October 2011
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I think some people have been very unfair on you Op in earlier stages of your thread but it seems more people completely understand it wasn't your fault, which it totally wasn't.

If you'd just left her at a random livery then yes it would be but you left her with a trusted 'friend'! Some people must live perfect lives :rolleyes: you honestly have to trust people sometimes in life in your case you did and most people would of done. Anyway I'm just covering old ground but I just want to say I really hope your mare pulls through, it's such a sad story :(

Take care and keep us updated. X

Thank you for your supporting comments!

Just so everyone knows I havent come on here for sympathy in any way or to make myself feel better by everyone blaming the YO I just wanted to confirm my opinion and know where I stand so I know I have a case to take things further. Had some really useful advice and contacts so now I can just concentrate on getting her better and getting her home x


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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OP I think you are being very harshly judged. If someone had a horse with a pro then they might very well not see it from one month to the next, that doesn't mean they should expect it not to be cared for. And this is no different. The person responsible for the horse clearly knew you were going away and that they were in charge of the horse's welfare.

I've just retired my horse, and you know what, it was 2 months before I went to see him, and he looked great. The whole point of him being on grass livery where he is is that I don't have the time to go and see him particularly often, and I trust the person who is looking after him - and rightly so.

I feel for you - I think people are being very very unfair. You were paying someone to do and job and they didn't do it.

^^This. I feel very sorry for you OP and your little mare. I hope she pulls through, although think if it was me I would move heaven and earth to drive the 500 miles now to be with her before its too late, even it was just to say goodbye :(

I looked after a friend's two horses for 2-3 weeks when she relocated to another part of the country. I wasn't paid, she was my friend, but I treated them like my own and I would have been devastated if she didn't feel she could trust me and that the horses wouldn't have the best of care.

If I was PAYING someone, I would right now be planning to take them to the cleaners.

For anyone, no matter the circumstances, to willfully ignore a horse in suffering, particularly anyone that runs a livery yard, is unforgivable.


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26 April 2007
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Thank you for your supporting comments!

Just so everyone knows I havent come on here for sympathy in any way or to make myself feel better by everyone blaming the YO I just wanted to confirm my opinion and know where I stand so I know I have a case to take things further. Had some really useful advice and contacts so now I can just concentrate on getting her better and getting her home x

Good luck op, I hope you get your mare well and home soon and any further action is sucessful. x


Well-Known Member
10 November 2008
North west-ish :)
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Yes, good luck SS - I too would be devastated if I had left my horses with a professional YO, and friend to boot, then found one of them in this state without the YO having the decency to own up to what was going on. Terrible.

Everything crossed that she pulls through x


Well-Known Member
6 April 2008
Badiddlyboing, Odawidaho
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Just putting a few words of support for you too, OP.

I had tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat when I read your post, and even more tears in my eyes at some of the comments you've had to endure.

I so hope your little mare comes through this - she sounds like a fighter, and she'll need everything she's got :(

FWIW if I was in your position I wouldn't have done anything differently because a) I'd left her with someone I believed I could trust and b) the updates were encouraging.

And if anyone I considered a friend had asked me to look after their horse and sent someone else to check up on me without my knowledge I'd have been decidedly miffed.

You did nothing wrong other than put your trust in the wrong person, and how many among us can say they wouldn't have done the same?