Angry, disgusted, no one!!!


Well-Known Member
6 April 2008
Badiddlyboing, Odawidaho
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Sorry silvershoes that your horse didn't make it

To summarise I would say the best thing you can do now is move on

This was a horse, by owners account, a typical TB was left out 24/7 in the snow on grass livery and was to be checked by YO and given hay and I doubt the 20 acre paddock was knee deep in grass at this time of year - that's NOT enough for a typical silly TB that is prone to colic so it wasn't a good solution for a horse that is such high maintenance. The other horse was ok - so YO doing something right. The law states its an OWNERS responsibility to look after a horse's welfare - all these dreamers on here banging on about YO this that and the other take em to court blah blah blah. I am thinking if you didn't have the money to asap pay for additional private transport to take the two horses to your new 500 mile away new home which would have been about 600 quid max, you wont have thousands to spend on legal fees. save yourself more heartache and just grieve for your loss and look forward.

Ignore all the duty of care yard owner crap on here, you have no leg to stand on in a court of law.

So sorry for your outcome - you don't need to think about the what's if's now - what's done is done. Deal with your awful loss and think of the good times and maybe look at this situ in a positive one - that you wont do this to fellow owners that you take on as customers and write something in your contract that says each livery MUST see to their horses each day or put measures in place to ensure this happens etc......

again RIP to your mare and I do hope your new venture goes well.

And I think you should go away and take your Animal Act quotes with you instead of coming here making inappropriate comments. The poor woman's just lost her horse in case you hadn't noticed :mad:

I think we should call a halt now to all this crap about what SS should have done. Whichever side of the fence you sit on, the poor girl's lost her horse under the worst possible circumstances and she needs our understanding now, not yet more recriminations. It'll take her a long time to get over this, if she ever does, and she'll deal with her grief in her own way, so for god's sake, lay off her now.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2008
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I don't know which makes me sadder - the news of the death of a much treasured horse or the reaction of some on this thread.

you literally just beat me to this comment - I was about to say something very similar.

Big hugs Silvershoes.

Big shame to the self righteous, smug, perfect people who showed little regard for what you were going through.


Well-Known Member
28 October 2009
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So sorry to hear that your girl hasn't pulled through. I am both disgusted and extremely sad at the negative comments on here. I hope you can move on in time and know that the horses you keep at your yard won't ever be in the position yours was in. Best wishes ...


Well-Known Member
25 October 2007
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Update for you all.

Unfortunately she has fought her last battle and has had to be PTS. She had a reaction to all the drugs she has had and was no longer able to fight. I feel totally empty inside and wish I could have done more and especially been there for her during her last hours. RIP and sleep tight my gorgeous little Silver Shoes xxxxx

Really sorry your mare lost her fight for life :(


Well-Known Member
25 October 2007
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If I had a horse on grass livery and it was losing condition I would ring owner to let them know and explain that their horse needed more feed and/or bringing in. The extra cost could be added to owners bill. I certainly wouldn't leave a horse and do nothing knowing it wasn't doing well :(


Well-Known Member
13 January 2011
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Sorry silvershoes that your horse didn't make it

To summarise I would say the best thing you can do now is move on

This was a horse, by owners account, a typical TB was left out 24/7 in the snow on grass livery and was to be checked by YO and given hay and I doubt the 20 acre paddock was knee deep in grass at this time of year - that's NOT enough for a typical silly TB that is prone to colic so it wasn't a good solution for a horse that is such high maintenance. The other horse was ok - so YO doing something right. The law states its an OWNERS responsibility to look after a horse's welfare - all these dreamers on here banging on about YO this that and the other take em to court blah blah blah. I am thinking if you didn't have the money to asap pay for additional private transport to take the two horses to your new 500 mile away new home which would have been about 600 quid max, you wont have thousands to spend on legal fees. save yourself more heartache and just grieve for your loss and look forward.

Ignore all the duty of care yard owner crap on here, you have no leg to stand on in a court of law.

So sorry for your outcome - you don't need to think about the what's if's now - what's done is done. Deal with your awful loss and think of the good times and maybe look at this situ in a positive one - that you wont do this to fellow owners that you take on as customers and write something in your contract that says each livery MUST see to their horses each day or put measures in place to ensure this happens etc......

again RIP to your mare and I do hope your new venture goes well.

Would you like some compassion with the salt you seem determined to rub into an open wound?

Silvershoes I am so sorry for your loss x


Well-Known Member
30 November 2011
Mid wales
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I am So so so sorry you lost your mare R.I.P Girly

I am disgusted by some of the poster's on this forum..

Op it was not your fault you left your horse in the care of someone you trusted and they let you down and your mare...

So sorry sending you lost of hugs x x

Ellen Durow

Well-Known Member
15 March 2012
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I have a TB mare that was on grass livery at a yard in Wales where I used to live. I have recently moved to Surrey and due to only having room for 3 horses on our lorry when moving down my mare and my OH's mare stayed on livery there until we could travel back to get them.

So to cut a long story OH went to get them at the weekend, only to find my mare in such a state she was too weak to travel back on the lorry. He phoned me crying at the state she was in, I have seen pictures as I was unable to go back with them as I was looking after the yard at home. She is a walking skeleton :'( well, barely able to walk, she was dehydrated and basically ready to give up. I have seen rescue cases and she is by far the worst I have ever seen, every bone and every rib, so upsetting just thinking about it.

She was moved to a friends yard just 2mins down the road to get her back on the mend for a few weeks until she was stronger to last the journey. Only yesterday she took a turn for the worst and colapsed outside her stable and after several attempts to get her up (4 men and a tractor) she wouldn't :( I was given those awful words that PTS would be best for her. I gave the vet the go ahead as, even my little superstar I've had for 9yrs, I would never want to see her suffer, she doesnt deserve it. The vet went to give her the injection and from no where, she found the strength to get up! She is a fighter and always has been and I know she can pull through. Just taking each day at a time.

I just can't believe that someone I thought I trusted, someone I once called a friend could let a horse get in to such a state. An owner of a livery yard, someone you are meant to trust to look after your horse!? So angry at myself for trusting someone after being told for so long they were both fine and looking well, just can't put in to words how devestated I am for my horse. Its disgusting to think that people can call themselves horse lovers yet ignore the fact a horse under their nose is literally dying. Is this neglect? I just want to know where I stand.

I dread to think if we hadn't gone to get her when we did she would have been found dead in the field :( we owe them a months livery and tbh I am extremely reluctant to give it to them! If anything, they're getting my vets bills!

But for now I just want my little girl to get better :(
If the yard is registered with BHS I would report the case to them and if the yard is licensed report it to the local authority


Well-Known Member
22 March 2011
Central scotland
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Good point Honey08.

I suppose the bottom line is, is it acceptable to go away for a couple of months and expect that the professional employed to care for your horse does the job ?

I left mine on livery last week and luckily, I knew they'd be well looked after. Not as well as I do, :D but then I've only my two to do, not a yard full.

If money is changing hands for care from a professional then it should be given, if for any reason the horse needs more, the responsible person employed to care for the horse should address it and inform the owners there will be extra charges Even at grass livery if agreed, id expect the yo to check the horse over, clearly they havent.
OP im so sorry for your loss id report them to whw and the local authorites, the only thing you did wrong was trusting theyd fulfil your contract

risky business

Well-Known Member
22 April 2010
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Read the whole thread and I'm truely sorry for your loss :( what an awfully sad set of circumstances, I think your YO completely neglected her duty to care here.. If I was paying my YO to look after my horse I'd trust they'd do the job.. A very harsh lesson learnt.

Some comments have shocked me I can't quote but browbrow I think your out of line.. The OP has just lost their horse and most of your post was unnecessary at best!


Well-Known Member
9 December 2012
Abu Dhabi
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So so sorry to read your news this morning, what a difficult situation for you to come to terms with. Big hugs from us.

How is the other mare ?


Well-Known Member
10 January 2006
Near Leeds
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I am so sorry for your loss OP, very tragic circumstances, RIP little girl.

And to the posters who do not blame the YO, think about your comments the next time you go away for a holiday. I hope your YO is more responsible.

I know this took place over a couple of months, but something equally devastating could happen in a couple of weeks or even days. What if your horse was injured and not checked, it could easily die in that time without care. Would you think that was your own responsibility and nothing to do with the YO. I dont think so.

I didn't think it was possible but this forum is getting worse. Glad I dont know some of you in real life. Perhaps the YO has friends on here, I expect this wont do her business any good.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
8 May 2005
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Op, so srry. Now go away & repeat 100 times "It was not my fault. I did everything I could".
Some of the posters this thread have been unbelievably unthinking & cruel & do not deserve a second thought from you. It's so easy for some people to hide their real nature until they think you won't notice.


Well-Known Member
3 August 2009
Up North
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SO sorry to hear about your loss OP.
You left your horse with someone you trusted, you were paying for services which they offered to you. They lied to you about your horse being OK, but were happy enough to take your money. Your poor horse has paid for the YOs negligence with her life.
I would be seeking to take things further, because the YO is obviously incapable of looking after the horses in her care, and so the same thing could happen to someone else's horse.
I know a little about how you feel because when I had my baby I left my horse on loan to a girl, at the yard I rented with a friend - friend promised me she would keep an eye on him. I still went up twice a week to see him. One day I put his grass muzzle on and 5 days later I went up and found it removed and poor horse hobbling with laminitis. My 'friend' had decided the muzzle 'didn't work' and rather than ring me to tell me it needed adjusting she took it off. Farrier said if he'd been left another day it would have been a different story altogether. Thankfully he is ok at his new yard though will always be a lami risk now, and though he's for sale no-one will touch him with a barge pole.

To all the nasty people who have been so cruel to the OP, I only hope you never find yourselves in a position to have to leave your horses in the care of someone else. Even for a few days - it only took 5 days for my horse to become ill! FOr whatever reason - illness, injury, holiday, relocation, pregnancy, breaking in, stud, retirement, loaning etc sometimes we DO have to ask someone else to care for our horses. That's no excuse for them to be subjected to cruelty and neglect!


Well-Known Member
19 August 2009
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So sorry to read about what happened and your sad loss.

Y/O does have a duty of care I know of one who was successfully prosecuted when inadequate fencing lead to a pound death and another who was taken through the small claims court for failure to meet the terms of contract with liveries, that is to carry out what the y/o was paid to do. The trouble with the horse world is that too many people in business in it feel they should be exempt from the rules that apply to any other business and worst still their customers accept this!


Well-Known Member
15 September 2012
Bridgnorf, innit!
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I am so very sorry for your loss, Silvershoes. I look after ("grass livery" effectively) a pony for a lady who had to take a considerable amount of time out from coming to see her but I did take responsibility during that time and kept said pony well fed, wormed, feet trimmed, etc. It doesn't take hours to thrown out some hay and keep any eye on their general wellbeing.

We also live opposite a field of racehorse brood mares who live out naked through the winter, heavily pregnant. They are checked daily and never run out of haylage and they are all absolutely fine and happy, pootling or hooning around as the mood takes them. It sounds to me that it was just a lack of decent forage that caused the end of your mare. As I said, I'm so sorry for your loss xx

Snowy Celandine

Well-Known Member
29 April 2010
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Poor Silver Shoes. She was a beautiful girl. How very sad. I hope that you realise that this was not your fault and can, like Booboos says, look back in time and remember the happy times that you spent together xx


Well-Known Member
15 December 2010
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Am I missing something as I only read through the first 3 pages but you owe the YO 3 months livery

You obviously read wrong as we owed her 1 month. It was agreed the bill would be paid in full when we collected them. Anyway its totally irrelevant now as she has lost her battle and has been PTS. Disgusting what people can do over meaningless money.

I have just read through this thread today... at first i felt sad, then i felt there was more to this story than what we have been told. As it emerged the poor mare had been left for a long period of time with no proper care. I don;t want to be mean but OP i think you have a lot to learn from this. Yes the yard owner had some duty of care but i think we all know that when you go away etc you KNOW your horses arent recieving the same standard of care as from yourself let alone when they are on grass livery. The mare probably looked fine with a rug on and lets be honest - how often were they really going to be taking that rug off. They probably had a quick check when they knew you were coming and sh* t themselves. The YO is not completley blameless but neither are you - i'm sorry!! Without paying for daily full livery care i don.t know what leg you would have to stand on, Especially as all the other horses were fine.

I am sorry for your loss but even more sorry for the poor mare who has been let down from all angles. RIP beautiful mare - run free!!


Well-Known Member
30 August 2012
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So sorry for your loss.

FWIW I was good friends with my old yard owner when my horse was on grass livery. It didn't and would never have crossed my mind that I should send someone down to check on my horse while he was there, I trusted her implicitly and she was much more experienced than I was and would accept if she said my horse was well then that is exactly what he was. What your yard owner did was completely negligent.

Again so so sorry and can't believe people are trying to put any blame your way.


Wasting my time successfully....
23 July 2011
Somewhere south of the middle
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Op, so srry. Now go away & repeat 100 times "It was not my fault. I did everything I could".
Some of the posters this thread have been unbelievably unthinking & cruel & do not deserve a second thought from you. It's so easy for some people to hide their real nature until they think you won't notice.

^^^This. Having read much of the thread I'm a bit shocked at some of the responses. I'm very sorry for your loss, what a very sad situation indeed. I hope the other mare recovers well.


Well-Known Member
1 October 2009
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My thoughts are with you at such a sad time. I have no comment to make about blaming people but my heart is sad for any animal that dies in this way. People never fail to disappoint me and sometimes I'm ashamed to be human.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Sorry silvershoes that your horse didn't make it

To summarise I would say the best thing you can do now is move on

This was a horse, by owners account, a typical TB was left out 24/7 in the snow on grass livery and was to be checked by YO and given hay and I doubt the 20 acre paddock was knee deep in grass at this time of year - that's NOT enough for a typical silly TB that is prone to colic so it wasn't a good solution for a horse that is such high maintenance. The other horse was ok - so YO doing something right. The law states its an OWNERS responsibility to look after a horse's welfare - all these dreamers on here banging on about YO this that and the other take em to court blah blah blah. I am thinking if you didn't have the money to asap pay for additional private transport to take the two horses to your new 500 mile away new home which would have been about 600 quid max, you wont have thousands to spend on legal fees. save yourself more heartache and just grieve for your loss and look forward.

Ignore all the duty of care yard owner crap on here, you have no leg to stand on in a court of law.

So sorry for your outcome - you don't need to think about the what's if's now - what's done is done. Deal with your awful loss and think of the good times and maybe look at this situ in a positive one - that you wont do this to fellow owners that you take on as customers and write something in your contract that says each livery MUST see to their horses each day or put measures in place to ensure this happens etc......

again RIP to your mare and I do hope your new venture goes well.

Lets take a wider view at your statement.

There are thousands of racehorses, dressage horses, sj's etc left in the care of a trainer. There have been a number of cases brought into the public domain, where horses have not been given the appropriate care whilst in the care of trainers, the most recent being within the world of racing.

There are a number of stated cases where a trainer has been prosecuted for failing to provide the care that an owner has paid for. There are many owners who do not see their horses at all, they leave their trust and cash in the hands of the trainer/rider/livery provider.

Your comment is both wrong and inappropriate and perhaps you should engage your brain before your mouth opens or your fingers spring to life on a forum. Even better research your comments before getting it spectacularly incorrect.

OP, I am sorry for you loss.

Snowy Celandine

Well-Known Member
29 April 2010
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"but i think we all know that when you go away etc you KNOW your horses arent recieving the same standard of care as from yourself"

Based on what exactly? My YO cares for my horse way better than I could because she has years of experience and knowledge and would (and, indeed has), spotted the instant there is a problem. She has an abundance of common sense and cares for all her liveries as though they are her own.

What on earth makes you think that you and you alone can care for your horse? If you sell her will you have to go with her to care for her as, obviously, her new owner won't be able to reach your previous high standards. What utter rot :mad:

This poor girl has lost her much loved horse and you have not a shred of compassion. Shameful :mad: