cauda equina
Well-Known Member
Actually it isYou might not like this, but everyone’s fear is theirs to manage; it is not up to dog owners to take action to lessen other people’s fear. It IS up to them to control their dog and ensure it doesn’t interact with anyone or anything it isn’t supposed to. If the dog is a bite risk it should be muzzled. If it has no recall it should be on a lead. Dog owners have a moral duty to ensure their dogs are trained. But it doesn’t have to be muzzled unnecessarily because you are frightened, nor should it. Everyone has different fears and fear doesn’t give a right to impose on other people’s lives beyond the law. I know a couple of people locally are frightened of horses, they would like to stop the horses going on a local train track due to their fear. Not reasonable, the rights of the riders take priority over those people’s fears.
In this case there is no way of enforcing muzzles on a specific breed. It is also unreasonable and unenforceable to impose a blanket ‘muzzled in public all breeds all the time’, so the point is moot.

Controlling your dog in public
You can be fined if your dog is out of control in public - find out about Dog Control Orders, banned dogs, dog fouling and reporting a dangerous dog
Your dog is dangerously out of control if it:
- injures someone
- makes someone worried that it might injure them