Well-Known Member
My goodness CC that is very extreme behaviour. If I lived in an urban area with that sort of nutter around, one of my very over protective and reactive labs would most definitely react very badly to someone walking past us even at that distance waving a large stick and shouting at us!
I would suggest neither she or her offspring should be allowed out in public without a muzzle and gag on.
It's taken a fair amount of training and perhaps luck that my Cane Corso doesn't react. If she's very uncomfortable she may growl, start these muffled warning bark things, or raise her hackles. She did have her hackles raised once, but ultimately I've been able to keep things down. The Lab was excited at first (just looked with ears and face showing interest), but more in a curious way because she's a derp, but if I act normal and ignore, she generally does too.
My Corso says it goes against all things Corso to accept this as normal, but seems to accept that what I say goes! But my goodness it's a true test!