Anyone else want to shed some lbs?


Well-Known Member
25 January 2015
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Feeling quite despondent, no more weight loss than those 2lbs a few weeks ago. I can't eat anything less without collapsing (1100 calories) and I am swimming 50 lengths 2-3 times a week on top of horses, riding and dog walking.

I think GP was obviously right when he said that it will be virtually impossible to lose weight as my current condition stands. I had to up my calories a bit because I felt so dizzy.

But I have massively toned up, so that's good.

It is very possible that you are eating too little to lose any weight. If your body doesn't feel like it is getting enough energy and nutrition to function, it will cling on to anything and everything that you do feed it and your metabolism will kick right down. I would almost say go up to 1400 for 10 days, yes you will gain a little but then you will start to see this change, and if not then drop after those 10 days to 1300. The ideal is to diet on as many calories as possible so I dd 10 days at 1500 and gained, 10 days at 1400 and stayed the same so I have no dropped to 1300 and am consistently loosing (and I only do 30 mins of cardio and an hour of weights a day!).

1st 1lb down, another 1st to go I think. Well done everyone so far!!

Crosshill Pacers

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4 May 2012
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Just checking in for a quick update - I'm stuck at 13st 8lbs at the moment which is 20lbs lost since October. A few things have prevented me from gymming it much over the past month and stress got me eating a bit crappy again but still managed to keep the weight off. My goal was to be down to 13st 7lbs by the end of March so still fairly confident of that (I won't tell you what OH said when I mentioned this to him, he's ridiculous and crude!).

Was lacking motivation a bit BUT just back from a weekend visiting my best friend down in the south of England and she has asked me to be her bridesmaid for her wedding (she got engaged 3 weeks ago and the wedding is in the middle of August this year - no messing about!). So motivation levels have returned - my overall end goal was to get down to 12st 10lbs (although would love to be 12st 7lbs or less) so I'm going to work hard to shift this remaining stone by the end of July. Sounds easy enough right?!

Keep up the good work everyone, you're all doing really, really well!


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10 July 2013
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Started at xmas at 13st13, weight this morning 12st8 so 19lb loss since xmas. Aiming to get to 12st by Easter and 11st by end may.
Ultimate aim is 10st


Well-Known Member
28 May 2015
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Weighed myself yesterday and I have lost 3.5lb. Not very much but it is a start and I haven't been on track the whole time (hides the empty biscuit packet from this weekend). However I am definitely feeling better and I can see it in how my runs are improving. I am not trying to diet dramatically, I am more focused on doing something I can maintain. So I have been trying to eat more veg and less carbs, eat fruit instead of unhealthy snacks, swapped some red meat for leaner chicken or turkey and making an attempt to be a bit more healthy!


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20 December 2007
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Lost around 2 stone now but missed my ritual shaming last week due to being at Cheltenham. Hoping to have improved on that. It's going slowly but still a long way to go!


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12 January 2011
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Weigh in update - lost 2lbs this week, bringing total to 1st 6lbs since the start of the year. Pleased with progress this week. Weight loss had slowed down because old habits were creeping in, so have firmly booted myself up the backside and am back on track!!


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10 December 2008
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I'm struggling a bit. It's still going down (have lost 11lbs since 2nd week of Jan) but far more slowly than in the past and while I don't really feel too deprived in terms of food, it's frustrating and does affect motivation.

My SW leader is, frankly, a nightmare and she's really putting me off. She keeps texting me non stop (at least every other day) even though I've asked her not to as I don't find it helpful. She keeps asking if I want to talk about my "problem." I think she assumes everybody has some sort of emotional overeating problem but I really am just greedy. My only problem is her, the patronising cow!

The issue is there's no other group locally I can get to. This one is convenient as it's the night my sharer does the horses. I do feel a weekly weigh in helps as the discipline of someone else knowing whether I'm failing or not makes me do it. I just don't want it to be her!


Well-Known Member
12 January 2011
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Urgh she does sound a nightmare. My SW consultant is very non-pushy luckily!!
Have you tried keeping a food diary? It might help keep her off your back as well 😊


Well-Known Member
20 December 2007
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I'm struggling a bit. It's still going down (have lost 11lbs since 2nd week of Jan) but far more slowly than in the past and while I don't really feel too deprived in terms of food, it's frustrating and does affect motivation.

My SW leader is, frankly, a nightmare and she's really putting me off. She keeps texting me non stop (at least every other day) even though I've asked her not to as I don't find it helpful. She keeps asking if I want to talk about my "problem." I think she assumes everybody has some sort of emotional overeating problem but I really am just greedy. My only problem is her, the patronising cow!

The issue is there's no other group locally I can get to. This one is convenient as it's the night my sharer does the horses. I do feel a weekly weigh in helps as the discipline of someone else knowing whether I'm failing or not makes me do it. I just don't want it to be her!

I feel your pain on this one! I rejoiced when I found out that our consultant was going on holiday for three weeks! That said she did stop messaging me after I snapped at her one day which I'm a bit ashamed of.

I hadn't been staying to "group" because we have been in the middle of lambing, along with other commitments and she caught me as I went to get weighed. I had only lost a pound, (although was happy enough with that after a couple of nights out and stuff) and she started having a bit of a go at me about not joining in with the group, saying that it was the only way I would lose the weight. I was tired and grumpy and quite honestly I'm pretty proud that I've lost every week so I sniped "well, you go to about 5 groups a week and haven't lost anything". The minute I said it I felt awful, especially as she looked completely wounded.

I'm a bad fat person!


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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I feel your pain on this one! I rejoiced when I found out that our consultant was going on holiday for three weeks! That said she did stop messaging me after I snapped at her one day which I'm a bit ashamed of.

I hadn't been staying to "group" because we have been in the middle of lambing, along with other commitments and she caught me as I went to get weighed. I had only lost a pound, (although was happy enough with that after a couple of nights out and stuff) and she started having a bit of a go at me about not joining in with the group, saying that it was the only way I would lose the weight. I was tired and grumpy and quite honestly I'm pretty proud that I've lost every week so I sniped "well, you go to about 5 groups a week and haven't lost anything". The minute I said it I felt awful, especially as she looked completely wounded.

I'm a bad fat person!

Haha, that's brilliant!

I never stay either. I stayed for the first one when some poor woman had put on a few pounds. She was in the weighing queue in front of me and I overheard her say at the time she'd had some relationship problems but she didn't want to talk about it. In the group this ghastly woman pounced on her and not only told the whole group she'd put on 3lbs that week but it was because she'd had relationship problems and that was something we all face at some point and well done her for coming to talk about it. I decided there and then not to stay to another group. I don't need therapy (and certainly not from some untrained woman who makes Marjorie Dawes look like Mother Theresa) I need discipline!

I'm too chicken to tell her the truth so I turn up every week in gym gear and say I can't stay as I have a gym class to go to at 8. (I don't, I go home and pig out on takeaway and chocolate, it's my night off!) She told me I should be staying. I replied I was better off doing exercise than sitting there talking about it (which would be true if me going to the gym was true!). She actually said "Oh on you're much better off staying to group and talking about it, it motivates you."


Well-Known Member
12 January 2011
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I feel your pain on this one! I rejoiced when I found out that our consultant was going on holiday for three weeks! That said she did stop messaging me after I snapped at her one day which I'm a bit ashamed of.

I hadn't been staying to "group" because we have been in the middle of lambing, along with other commitments and she caught me as I went to get weighed. I had only lost a pound, (although was happy enough with that after a couple of nights out and stuff) and she started having a bit of a go at me about not joining in with the group, saying that it was the only way I would lose the weight. I was tired and grumpy and quite honestly I'm pretty proud that I've lost every week so I sniped "well, you go to about 5 groups a week and haven't lost anything". The minute I said it I felt awful, especially as she looked completely wounded.

I'm a bad fat person!



Well-Known Member
23 September 2009
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Jeez slimming world sounds bloody awful

How is any of that encouraging. I'd be complaing tbh and finding a different way


Well-Known Member
12 January 2011
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Jeez slimming world sounds bloody awful

How is any of that encouraging. I'd be complaing tbh and finding a different way

I think it does depend on the individual consultant. My consultant is not like that at all, offers help but doesn't push it, and is very supportive.


Completely Unknown Member
1 March 2015
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I'd put 1 lb back on :-( I think it's lack of exercise, missed a gym session and swim last week because clients booked in and I ran out of free time to go, this week I've been nursing a sprained ankle so no gym for me - have been swimming twice this week though.


Well-Known Member
5 May 2015
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Hi everyone

Great to see this thread still going. Had no idea it would turn into this so well done everyone!!

Update on myself. Ive lost 1st 1lbs since january. Getting there slowly. Some weeks are better than others and some weeks I do just go ****** it and eat anything and everything :D but at least going in the right direction :)


Well-Known Member
17 July 2015
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Oh reminded me I'd gone on the Wii fit a week after birth so I knew what I weighed. Went back on a week later and have lost 3 pounds :).

Felt like a happy bunny until mother in law said oh that's just normal baby weight coming off :(. I was trying hard too.


Well-Known Member
17 July 2015
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Oh reminded me I'd gone on the Wii fit a week after birth so I knew what I weighed. Went back on a week later and have lost 3 pounds :).

Felt like a happy bunny until mother in law said oh that's just normal baby weight coming off :(. I was trying hard too.


Completely Unknown Member
1 March 2015
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Oh reminded me I'd gone on the Wii fit a week after birth so I knew what I weighed. Went back on a week later and have lost 3 pounds :).

Felt like a happy bunny until mother in law said oh that's just normal baby weight coming off :(. I was trying hard too.

It's coming off and that's what matters :)


Well-Known Member
17 July 2015
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Thanks theoldtrout, everyone else been so encouraging :). Fell off the waggon today and had prosseco with a couple of chocolates - but its my birthday so I figure its allowed. Back mucking out next week hopefully so that'll help.

Good luck to everyone out there trying to loose a bit, we can do it :)


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10 December 2008
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Hmmm, went to SW last night, put on 2lbs. I'd had a good week so was really surprised. Went home and weighed on my scales (which always weight 2lbs lighter than SW) and I was 4lbs lighter on those that I had been on the SW ones 10 minutes before. So I THINK I've lost 2lbs this week. This morning I was another 1lb lighter again (as is expected in the morning) so I really think it's their scales not mine. I don't normally weigh every day but I was curious! Wondering whether to bother with SW given I can't stand the leader and now I think their scales are wrong too. :mad:


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20 December 2007
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There was uproar at my group on Weds evening! The new fill in consultant arrived with all her own kit. There were problems getting it working and a muttering queue started to form. They got it working and the first six or so people had all put on weight, the murmurs of discontent started. The next half dozen got on with the same effect and there was uproar. It was then my turn and I quite expected to put on weight after a sneaky mcflurry and a boozy curry night but no, I lost a pound! Everyone looked at me furiously as I had spoilt their theory! Not sure if there was a scales issue and I just got lucky or whether everyone before me was just lying to themselves!!


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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Dug this thread up to give myself some more drive! I have lost no weight since Xmas, but am still a heck of a lot fitter!

I can say that in the month of March, by doing a bit each day, I....
Swam 10.45 km.
Ran 36.6 km.
Cycled 118 km.
I have eaten reasonably healthily, but have had wine a few times a week, pizza and chocolate!

Still feel a lot better, and have done another 5K Parkrun, and have entered a triathlon (Super Sprint distance) and a sportive (24 miles). Everyone says I look a lot smaller, so I must be more toned.

How is everyone else doing???


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19 August 2011
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I've turned into a gym fiend and going 5 times a week - body conditioning, pilates x2/week, spin/spin & abs, sometimes aqua aerobics. I reached my goal a couple of week ago and now I'm en route to my 'in my dreams goal' by one lb. DD came home for the weekend and said 'wow - you look thin!' <beam>, but I think what with the gym not having held classes over the Easter weekend and the amount of food, puddings, wine and chocolate I might just have undone all that good work. I have been walking the dog, typically three miles each walk, whilst wearing wrist and ankle weights to make up for it though.

As an aside, does anybody else shufty their weight on the scales/move them to the optimum place on the floor to get the best reading? :D


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1 December 2012
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I haven't lost weight so much, but my fitness levels have soared! I got my youngster in February with the motivation to lose weight and be fit enough to ride confidently. After cycling/walking 5k a day to the field I have leg muscles to burn and my whole body is toning up nicely.
Had a sit on my little mare tonight and a walk round the paddock school to practice steering and transitions and it felt lovely. I'm feeling a lot more myself now and changing my diet has helped, I actally look forward to salads now and I've stopped snacking on crap. I hope over the next few months I can shed some pounds and am looking to try some exercise classes :)


Well-Known Member
17 July 2015
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Not sure if I've lost or not but PJ's are baggy, i got into my normal prepreggers leggings and ym said i was looking slimmer :) made my day!


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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Well done everyone, particularly those who are getting fitter too :D

I have lost 9kg since January and have another 5 to go until I'm skinny enough to back micro mare....ho hum. Have been off the wagon all weekend but hopping back up on first thing tomorrow morning


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28 June 2012
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Was feeling great before Easter, then Easter happened!! Back on it today, I do feel fitter and notice my clothes aren't so tight and I'm changing shape. I haven't weighed myself for a while but I gave up the running as it was hurting my hips after 5k so I'm swimming 4-5 times a week.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2009
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Feeling great here - lost a total of 1 and 1/2 stone, thinner, stronger, fitter, more supple - all of the things I asked my personal trainer to help me with.

Now dropped my PT sessions from 3 a week to 2 and going out on my bike and walking on the other days with a couple of days rest.