Anyone else want to shed some lbs?


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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4 1/2 lbs off, pleased with that so I treated myself to having the copious amounts of grey in my hair obliterated. Just finished my day and scoffed a slimming world potato curry, eaten quickly it is bearable. Just need to keep my sticky mitts out of the fridge now.


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19 August 2011
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2lbs over the last (almost) two weeks, I think the gym classes and using the machines beforehand has made a huge difference in my suppleness and I think my muscles are looking more defined. In the grand scheme of things I don't need to lose a lot, but I've got a small frame and I'm quite short so every 1lb makes all the difference to the way I look and feel. Onwards and upwards - there are some fab results from some of you! :)


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27 July 2012
Between the Moors and the Dales
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Start weight (09/01): 11st 7.5lbs
Last weigh in weight (25/01): 11st 5lbs
Today's weight (01/02): 11st 4.5lbs
This week's loss: 0.5lb
Loss to date: 3lbs

Good going, everyone! I, it seems, am swimming through treacle. The perils of being perimenopausal. Blooming oestrogen drops are accountable for everything, it seems. However, all those HIITs (19/23 days - I've started doing 2 a day when possible) do seem to be toning up. When I find what I've done with the tape measure I shall see what, actually, it has done. I do want to lose the weight - I desperately want to ride my pony and for her to feel happy underneath me. She hasn't really since I got so fat.


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12 January 2011
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4lb off this week, so 11.5lb in 4 weeks. This week's loss attributed to norovirus and not eating well. In fact not eaten much at all, as it has completely ruined my appetite. Back on it this week though. Aim to get to my stone in the next 1-2 weeks 😊


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20 December 2007
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Weigh in last night and another 3lbs gone despite the huge wedge of chocolate cake and the all you can eat chinese (I was very good the rest of the time and did a tonne of exercise) :) That was my third weigh in and brings me to -11.5lbs, going to really strive to get my stone award next week!


7 October 2015
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Hello everyone

First of all let me just say this thread is not about judgement or unkind words. Its about support and positive words.

Ive come to the decision that its time I lost some weight. Im currently weighing in at a heafty 12st 5lbs and a size 14/16. I am too heavy for my beautiful horses.

So I've made the decision I am off to a slimming world group on saturday am determined to get down to my goal of 10st.

I was just wondering if anyone else is in the same position as me. Im doing this for my horses sake. Would be lovely to have the support of people who understand.

hefty 12 stone???? I would kill to get down to 12stone

I lost 3lbs in 2 weeks so far, I do think I have acid reflux which does not help so GP appointment in the am need to loose 3 stone

Mine is not shifting and all I had today so far is

Breakfast 2 weetabix
lunch nothing
Evening meal 1 packet 25g walkers crisps, rocket lettuce - plum tomatoes - 1 carrot- quorn slices-cucumber - 1 slice cheese- 2 slices white bread (cucumber and cheese in sandwich)

My body is not burning out the fat and I downloaded my fitness app and pacer app to keep a record of my steps and today I have done 7.6 kilometers in total so far doing my daily yard and burned 447 calories 11554 steps so in total today intake is 732 calories leaving me 2113 left to eat which i wont but still not loosing much

The rough miles I do is anywhere between 6 kilometers and 11 kilometers a day
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23 September 2009
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3 pounds in two weeks is good - you should be aiming for 1 - 2lbs per week so you are spot on.

Look up online pics of what 5lb of fat actually looks like - the mass of it and you will see that 3lbs is a great start.

You will not lose weight if you starve yourself! It's not healthy for mind, body or soul to try and do it that way. In fact the body goes into shock and keeps hold of the fat reserves

Cut out the crisps & the white bread, eat more protein, more simple carbs - you can eat as much veg as you need to make you full (except potatoes, keep them to a minimum too)

A typical day's eating for me is;

breakfast - big serving of porridge or home-made granola with berries and greek yoghurt
lunch (main meal) - home made stir fry with lots of veg and chicken / duck / pheasant (whatever is in the freezer) with a big serving of broccoli or courgette spaghetti! Or home made stew or pie (made with a couple of sheets of filo pastry topping instead of shortcrust or puff)
dinner - boiled eggs with one slice brown toast or the granola / berries / yoghurt if I didn't have the for breakfast or something like one slice brown toast with peanut butter and banana

No idea how many calories that would be but I'm not counting - just enjoying what I can eat and avoiding what I know is not good for me. I eat until I'm full so that I don't snack and drink plenty of water.

I am also exercising - PT 3 times a week plus all the usual dog walking and mucking out etc. If I wasn't exercising I would probably eat a bit less fat.

I am avoiding sugar as much as possible but have honey in some of the stir fry sauces

Oh & I have one treat meal a week where I can eat whatever I want!! I always look forward to something with buttery mash and then a small dessert
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Well-Known Member
11 September 2007
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My weight is just not shifting, I cant even get a pound off despite reducing my calories significantly and upping my exercise. I have got so down about it, at least when you see the weight coming off, you feel that it's worth it, but to see the scales completely stuck on the same weight is soul destroying.

I had to go back onto some medication, so partly blaming that, but popped to the doctors about some issues last week and mentioned this lack of weight loss, feeling more freezing than usual constantly etc. Anyway, doctor was quite horrified to see my temperature was at 34.8. It's usually around 35.1, which is not ideal and does contribute to my already slow metabolism, but GP reckons it has probably slowed down considerably more due being medically hypothermic. No wonder I'm not losing weight.

Barrage of bloods again today and a hot water bottle up my jumper for the forsseable!


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27 July 2012
Between the Moors and the Dales
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Weigh in Wednesday:

Start weight (09/01): 11st 7.5lbs
Last weigh in weight (01/02): 11st 4.5lbs
Today's weight (08/02): 11st 5lbs
This week's loss: -0.5lb
Loss to date: 2.5lbs :blue::blue::eek3::mad3::eek3::blue::blue:

HIITs: 22/30. I didn't do any over the weekend as we went and climbed the Fells in the Lake District instead, and I managed neither a run nor a second HIIT on Monday and I was in London yesterday. Will do double sessions for the rest of this week.

GAH. GAH. GAH. Put on half a pound. But actually, this is a massive fluctuation because I cheated on the scales and weighed last Friday and was 11st 2lbs which got me all excited, believing I could shed the 2lbs before tomorrow when the saddle fitter comes and I get back on the 'oss. I so desperately wanted to see the underbelly of 11st. I can't believe a pub lunch and lack of run puts on 3lbs.

Anyway, well done everyone else. :):):)You have inspired me to keep at it. I am sure this will happen one day. Just not this month. Another 70 days and I might just see a small change.


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23 September 2009
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I'm only weighing myself once a month now - our bodies can fluctuate so much that even a drink of water, meal or exercising at the wrong time can see a couple of pounds in either direction.


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27 July 2012
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I'm only weighing myself once a month now - our bodies can fluctuate so much that even a drink of water, meal or exercising at the wrong time can see a couple of pounds in either direction.

I might have to do this, it's so frustrating. I also wonder whether my scales need a new battery because the fluctuations at times seem a little wild. I know we as women can fluctuate by 5lbs on a daily basis, too. I was just hoping things were going down. I shall do the measurements and see if there is any improvement. Things look a little tighter.


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1 August 2006
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I do wish that they would fluctuate downwards occasionally. I have been eating practically nothing, and the scales stubbornly refuse to drop below 11st - even temporarily :(


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12 January 2011
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Only down half a pound this week to bring me to 12lb in 5 weeks. Really got to knuckle down this week as I want to lose 2 to get me to my stone award next week!


Well-Known Member
23 January 2014
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Have joined weight watchers and the gym. Been to the gym a lot, second weigh in tomorrow and am hoping I'll have lost a pound or too!

Goodness knows I have enough to lose.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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I have been plugging away, and have now got back to pre Xmas weight.

Only a stone and a half to go (lost a stone and a half since July - but weight loss has slowed to a snail's pace, and was reversed by 4lbs over Xmas!!).

Sometimes it is frustrating, but I guess as a recent 50-arian (there is a name, it is a quinquagenarian) there is no option but to plod onward or forever spread further outwards. I do feel a lot fitter still, apart from all the aches and pains from running!


Well-Known Member
14 August 2009
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I have been on diets for three decades (off and on; more off than on) and put on 3 stones more like 3 boulders really Lost nearly two stone last year.Feeling good went to ride my angelic mare. Then dismounted forgot I had gel pad on saddle my posterior stayed on saddle rest of me didn't. Posterior eventually joined rest of my body and landed on a sharp pebble broke coccyx. In no time at all put on 11/2stone (due to immobility due to diet of chocolate and Earl Grey tea due to coccyx damage) so I will have to start all over again!

Crosshill Pacers

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4 May 2012
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Looking for some encouragement - after having shifted the first stone quite easily, I'm struggling now.

Still eating fairly well; piece of fruit for breakfast, either meal replacement shake with unsweetened soya milk or cup-a-soup (less than 100 calories) for lunch. Trying to snack on fruit also mid-morning OR mid-afternoon, but that's not every day. Evening meal consisting generally of chicken or tuna with vegetables or jacket potato, last night it was a homemade pasta bake.

Going to the gym 3 times a week; one is for a 45 minutes powerhoops class which I love, the second and third times are in the gym doing cardio - 20-30 minutes on the cross trainer (burning anything between 120 and 180 calories) and rowing 2000m (fairly consistent with this, it takes 9min 37s). I have an exercise bike at home so try to do 20-30 minutes of light cycling on that on the days that I don't go to the gym.

Problem is...I've got no motivation right now. I've dropped a dress size and bought a gorgeous dress for an awards event I'm organising/hosting/possibly collecting an award at and now I'm super determined to make sure I look good in it (and not like a turkey stuffed into a dress). I want to get up a bit earlier in the morning and cycle in the living room for half an hour, or leave for work earlier and stop for a swim in the gym near where I work...but I can't seem to get myself out of bed in the morning. I find I stay up late working on projects on my laptop and even though I sleep well, I don't seem to have much energy in the mornings. Fine once I get to work and I'm wide awake all day...

Someone please give me a kick up the bum and tell me I NEED to get up that bit earlier and cycle each morning for half an hour in my pj's!!


Well-Known Member
17 July 2012
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Looking for some encouragement - after having shifted the first stone quite easily, I'm struggling now.

Still eating fairly well; piece of fruit for breakfast, either meal replacement shake with unsweetened soya milk or cup-a-soup (less than 100 calories) for lunch. Trying to snack on fruit also mid-morning OR mid-afternoon, but that's not every day. Evening meal consisting generally of chicken or tuna with vegetables or jacket potato, last night it was a homemade pasta bake.

Going to the gym 3 times a week; one is for a 45 minutes powerhoops class which I love, the second and third times are in the gym doing cardio - 20-30 minutes on the cross trainer (burning anything between 120 and 180 calories) and rowing 2000m (fairly consistent with this, it takes 9min 37s). I have an exercise bike at home so try to do 20-30 minutes of light cycling on that on the days that I don't go to the gym.

Problem is...I've got no motivation right now. I've dropped a dress size and bought a gorgeous dress for an awards event I'm organising/hosting/possibly collecting an award at and now I'm super determined to make sure I look good in it (and not like a turkey stuffed into a dress). I want to get up a bit earlier in the morning and cycle in the living room for half an hour, or leave for work earlier and stop for a swim in the gym near where I work...but I can't seem to get myself out of bed in the morning. I find I stay up late working on projects on my laptop and even though I sleep well, I don't seem to have much energy in the mornings. Fine once I get to work and I'm wide awake all day...

Someone please give me a kick up the bum and tell me I NEED to get up that bit earlier and cycle each morning for half an hour in my pj's!!

First congratulations on doing so well and getting the initial weight loss CP But- and a big butt haha - I don't think you need a kick at all. In fact I think you need a few days of eating more to get revitalised. Still the same good stuff and no junk/processed/silly sugars but more quantity of nutritious food as energy.Looking at what you eat at the mo it seems to be only about 800 cals daily. Which can't support you adequately for long periods of time.Might be worth a try?

Crosshill Pacers

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4 May 2012
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First congratulations on doing so well and getting the initial weight loss CP But- and a big butt haha - I don't think you need a kick at all. In fact I think you need a few days of eating more to get revitalised. Still the same good stuff and no junk/processed/silly sugars but more quantity of nutritious food as energy.Looking at what you eat at the mo it seems to be only about 800 cals daily. Which can't support you adequately for long periods of time.Might be worth a try?

Thank you. A few people who haven't seen me during the winter have commented on the weight loss so it must be noticeable, and that spurs me on to keep going with it. I'm finding food prep and cooking a bit difficult as I'm cooking for two and my OH is a bit fussy with some of the stuff I'm making. I'm trying to be creative, healthy and keep him happy, although last night when he moaned about the green peppers in the pasta bake he was told that he can only complain from now on if he starts cooking as well!

I work sitting down all day (although I try to walk around the building to speak to people instead of ringing or emailing them where possible) and then with everything else I've taken on outside of work, the biggest part of my evening is taken up with sitting on the sofa on my laptop. I know this is probably a large part of the lethargy and lack of motivation, so I've taken to hoovering the house every evening when I get home from work to keep myself moving! At least my house is benefitting...although I clearly have an inability to juggle everything AND look after myself I'll ever cope with having children I don't know!

Thank you for the advice on increasing the food intake though, I'll maybe start planning my daily intake a bit better. Off to do some more research on 'good' things to eat and cook!


7 October 2015
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Ok am I being stupid???

ok I started at st 15.4 used to be 10 ish before my cancer and other health related issues

ok 3 weeks ago I tried metric way and scales say 97.8 kilo
now I am 94.4 kilo which is 14.8 st, my weight loss app says i lost 7.7 pounds (half a stone)

Here is my problem , there are 14 lbs in a stone so 15.4 minus 7.7 lbs = is 14.11lbs.

15.4 - 1lb = 15.3 -1lb= 15.2 -1lb = 15 -1lbs - 1lb = 15. st There is 4 1lbs lost

Then minus another 1lb = 14. 13 - 1lbs 14.12lbs and 1lbs = 14.11lbs which is minus 7lbs total, how does it get to 14.8?? because in my book that is only 4lbs off 14. 4. Which is a stone of weight loss but I am only 4lbs heavier than that and it says I have only lost 7lbs ie half a stone.

Am I missing something?? sorry brain fart at the moment.

8lbs from 15.4lb is 14.11 but I am 14.8 so how can i only have lost 8lbs its is more like 4lbs off a stone (14.4)lbs

sorry sounds complicated written down
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Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
Between the Moors and the Dales
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Ok am I being stupid???

ok I started at st 15.4 used to be 10 ish before my cancer and other health related issues

ok 3 weeks ago I tried metric way and scales say 97.8 kilo
now I am 94.4 kilo which is 14.8 st, my weight loss app says i lost 7.7 pounds (half a stone)

Here is my problem , there are 14 lbs in a stone so 15.4 minus 7.7 lbs = is 14.11lbs.

15.4 - 1lb = 15.3 -1lb= 15.2 -1lb = 15 -1lbs - 1lb = 15. st There is 4 1lbs lost

Then minus another 1lb = 14. 13 - 1lbs 14.12lbs and 1lbs = 14.11lbs which is minus 7lbs total, how does it get to 14.8?? because in my book that is only 4lbs off 14. 4. Which is a stone of weight loss but I am only 4lbs heavier than that and it says I have only lost 7lbs ie half a stone.

Am I missing something?? sorry brain fart at the moment.

8lbs from 15.4lb is 14.11 but I am 14.8 so how can i only have lost 8lbs its is more like 4lbs off a stone (14.4)lbs

sorry sounds complicated written down

I think I have worked out your problem. It's not an exact science - your Kg measurement is metric and would therefore represent units of 10, whereas a stone is in lbs, and there are 14 lbs in a stone.

1 stone = 6.35029 Kgs
1lb = 0.453952 Kgs

When it says 14.8 stones it means 14 stone and 0.8 x 14 lbs, which is 14st and 11.2 lbs

If you subtract 97.8 - 94.4 you have lost 3.4 Kgs (well done!)


7.49 lbs. Go you!


Well-Known Member
11 September 2007
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Well, I still can't lose a thing, not a single pound is shifting off me.
GP contacted me yesterday to say that my ERS blood levels are very high so I was sent for another blood test today. This is not unusual for a lupus patient so I'm not too sure why the GP is so concerned.

I'm planning on starting swimming next week, aiming to go 2-3 times a week. I'm just so frustrated that I'm not losing weight.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Stayed the same at Chub Club this week which is ok considering I missed last week as we were on holiday so I probably lost what I'd put on last week. Time to kick on now though.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
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Well, I still can't lose a thing, not a single pound is shifting off me.
GP contacted me yesterday to say that my ERS blood levels are very high so I was sent for another blood test today. This is not unusual for a lupus patient so I'm not too sure why the GP is so concerned.

I'm planning on starting swimming next week, aiming to go 2-3 times a week. I'm just so frustrated that I'm not losing weight.

Take it easy, scats, you've not been well. It will come off, eventually.

When you are feeling a bit better, you could try some HIITs - the weight is dripping off me like treacle through a pin hole but nevertheless it's going. Am down 2lbs since Wed's weigh in (tsk, and I said I'd stay off the scales) so it's coming off. Am also following the Body Coach principles so low carbs, high protein and appropriate re-fuelling after a workout. Certainly feeling better, anyway.


Well-Known Member
28 May 2015
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Scales arrived, I am just over 10st which is worse than I thought! Aiming for 8 1/2 as I am only a smidge over 5 foot although if I put muscle on and lose the fat I will not be too bothered about weight.

Eating hasn't been great but it has been improved so I'm taking that as progress. Managed to run on Tuesday, and ski lesson yesterday and legs bums and tums class at the gym tonight which I am really feeling now! Hoping to be better next week!


7 October 2015
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I stopped having mid day food as lunch I can do without - I also got these which are better than alli but only just started them

Xenical giving it a go