Anyone else want to shed some lbs?


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5 May 2015
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So I went to Slimming World group this morning. Left feeling so motivated and feeling so positive for the next week. Bring it on!!!


Well-Known Member
29 November 2012
mancunian in Cheshire, actually now in Wales!
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Im a really bad daily weigher when I diet. So far I've lost 4lbs since Monday. I'm really pleased as I haven't calorie counted, I've eaten less, exercises a bit more and cut out gluten. Some if it will be loss of bloat I accept that but I needed to be less bloated :D
Reading some of the posts on here remind me of when I was younger and felt some weight go on. I wish I was as fat as I was when I first thought I was fat :D though I don't think anyone is wrong to be slimmer and fitter please don't get me wrong. I guess I just wish I had appreciated it more back then. I'd like to be fitter so I feel good when I ride, more flexible and better core so I ride with more confidence


Well-Known Member
17 November 2016
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Hi. Forgive me, but you sound more than a little cheesed off and extremely unhappy.

Menopause is a ******, isn't it? I feel your pain because I could almost say the same. Except I was 9st 7 lbs at 40 and now at nearly 46 I am 11st 10lbs and pony squishing. As I have a scientific brain I cannot comprehend the notion that not eating enough makes you fat. But read enough around the nonsense and in fact, there is a theory that your body will simply slow down its metabolism and you won't lose any weight. In fact, you'll stop metabolising fat and start using muscle for fuel instead. Even if you are working out with weights.

I like to think that if you also deplete your oestrogen levels, which are a significant part of the endocrine system, which regulates everything from metabolism to cell growth and function and tissue function, you are on a hiding to nothing if you don't eat enough. And enough of the right sort of fuel for your body to do the things it is doing. Even though the beggar is responsible for your metabolism slowing down in the first place.

I am no medic, although in the dim and distant past I did a degree that included immunology and cell biology so have a basic understanding of cell function, but I wouldn't mind betting that part of your health issues are as a result of the wrong sort of fuel and not enough of it for the amount of exercise you are doing. You say you are eating healthily but are you getting enough proteins and fats, and yes, even carbs? Are the medics aware of what you eat? Also, are you on HRT?

There are a gazillion body coach websites out there but, if you can afford it, I would thoroughly recommend you buy into - their 90 day SS plan. It sounds as though it could suit you - as it is high protein and focuses on weights work. The three friends I have who are, like you and me, victims of the menopause in all its sorry guises, who have done it look fantastic, think differently, and one has even fallen off her ADs. I would be at it like a shot if I had £147 spare. In fact, I am saving up for it. I'm just trying to follow the principles until I can.

If you go to: and set the filter at women 40+, scroll down and then 'load more images' you'll find a few stories of women in their menopause who have done this and transformed their lives.

I also have the name of a nutritionist that someone sent me after I poured my heart out on FB about being fatter than ever, working out hard and being energetic and getting absolutely nowhere. Please p.m. if you want it. I can't afford her, either.

Please believe in yourself, and be prepared to change your ways just a little bit. I think we're all here for you. And hope you feel better soon.

Thanks for the suggestions. I know that metabolism slows down with age and therefore calorie consumption must reduce in line with that. I know about the starvation response by the metabolism but I have reduced my intake steadily over several years and my body should be used to it by now. I already eat a pretty high protein diet as having chickens I much alot of eggs (poached, boiled or scrambled, never fried). I don't eat a huge amount of meat, but it is usually fish or chicken. Lots of veg, some fruit and low amounts of carbohydrates - I make my own oatbread which is a fraction of the size of a commercial loaf and I usually end up sharing it with the chickens towards the end. I do eat butter, cheese and yoghurt and always full fat as I'm only too aware of what low fat products contain, but again, only a couple of times a week for each. Almost everything is grilled or in my slow cooker.
As to what the medical world says - well according to them I'm not overweight. Quite what they class as overweight I don't know but someone of 5'4" and light to medium build should not weigh 11.5 stone. I suppose they are used to seeing really obese people and they never saw me when I was smaller. I can't have HRT as I have focal migraines and there is also a slight history of breast cancer in the family. To be honest I wouldn't take it anyway as you are just putting off the inevitable. I do use a bioidentical cream but apart from the fact I seem to sleep better when I use it, there was no other difference and the effects wear off after a few cycles of it.
To give you an idea of how quickly I can gain weight, during Christmas and New Year 2015/16 I was laid up with agonising knees. I could only do upper body work and spent most of my time just flopped out on the sofa. The furthest I got outside was a few yards to the chickens and back. In fact I was so bad, when I ran out of milk I could't even walk the distance from the car into the shop and back again to get any, so just had to go without. I gradually munched my way through my store cupboard during the period, but had zero appetite. In those 3 weeks I gained nearly half a stone. Most of my work outs are the HIIT variety, so short bursts of high intensity. They are usually 20 - 30 minutes long, but if I'm doing weights, I usually do at least 45 minutes. I mix it up and do something different each time.
I'm not interested in fad diets, I know they don't work long term. I tried the 5:2 diet for 5 weeks and lost 2lbs so I abandoned that. Yes, I'm seriously cheesed off. My thighs chafe together and if when I have to stand up for longish periods for singing in concerts my feet hurt due to the extra weight. I loathe the fact that my boobs have gone from 34 A/B to 36 D. My gut falls over my waistband and I look like at ATE the Michelin Man. Even my back has rolls of fat. I wouldn't dream of going swimming now, I'm so ashamed of my fat and I'd probably displace half the pool water anyway. I'd be happy if I could lose just one pound a week but it looks like that isn't going to happen any time soon :(
Incidentally, my Mum at 83 still weighs less than 9.5 stone, but was sent to a dieticien about her raised cholesterol (that seems to run in the family), with a diary of what she ate and how much over a week. The dieticien looked at it and told Mum that it was faultless, there was nothing that could be changed and it is the liver that controls cholesterol levels anyway.
Pah! :(

Crugeran Celt

Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
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I need this thread, I am now two stone heavier than I was giving birth to my son 18 years ago. I need to lose three stone even though I am not tooheavyy for my very chuncky cob I know I will feel much better for the weight loss.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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Half way through my week and I'm doing really welll (thank god for SlimmingWorld meals) I've got 8.5lb to loose before next Saturday as I'm going on a trek and want to actually be under the limit lol


Well-Known Member
16 December 2013
Over the rainbow 🌈
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I've been doing so well, all cooked meals from home- mainly fish and vegetables. Then we decided to have a spontaneous Chinese tonight- all that will power just disappeared!

Oh well, back on it tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
24 August 2010
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Me too. I am joining slimming world tomorrow. I want to get down to 9.5 stone. I probably haven't been that weight for 15 years. But there's no reason why I shouldn't be that weight again. Then I might be able to school for an hour without puffing like a train!!!

Ditto !


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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Answers on a postcard please!

Hve you asked for your Vitamin D to be checked on a blood test? Also Ferratin, B12? I was in a bad way for no apparent reason, but had D levels through the floor, and borderline B12. I was gaining weight, tired - no, exhausted, a lot of the time. Having spent the spring/ summer on inexpensive and safe supplementation I am over a stone lighter, and have much better energy levels.

In my own journey - having put on 4lbs over Xmas - I have not really lost much (3/4 lb) but yesterday I did my first Duathlon! It was great, the most friendly people you could imagine, the distance was 1.6km run, 6km cycle and 1.6km run. I was by far the slowest, but it felt great!



Well-Known Member
9 March 2007
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Hve you asked for your Vitamin D to be checked on a blood test? Also Ferratin, B12? I was in a bad way for no apparent reason, but had D levels through the floor, and borderline B12. I was gaining weight, tired - no, exhausted, a lot of the time. Having spent the spring/ summer on inexpensive and safe supplementation I am over a stone lighter, and have much better energy levels.

In my own journey - having put on 4lbs over Xmas - I have not really lost much (3/4 lb) but yesterday I did my first Duathlon! It was great, the most friendly people you could imagine, the distance was 1.6km run, 6km cycle and 1.6km run. I was by far the slowest, but it felt great!


well done!!!


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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If you find something that works please let me know. When I passed my 40th birthday I was a size 8-10 weighed less than 9 stone and ad a 26 inch waist. Now thanks to the menopause I weigh over 11 stone, have a waist that is well over 30 inches, enormous boobs and am currently a size 14. I don't recognise myself any more and my face looks like i have been on steroids. I only eat 2 meals a day and am on very restrictive calories (healthy food though).'m not starving myself because I don't feel hungry. I also eat in a small window so just a handful of nuts for breakfast, porridge at around 1pm and my tea by 6pm. I I only have 2 units of alcohol a week, don't have a sweet tooth and have never eaten rubbish. I work out every day, use lots of weights and walk about at considerable speed. But the very best I can do is not gain any more weight. I have had endless blood tests which have revealed that I am now borderline for type 2 diabetes, have raised cholesterol and dodgy liver numbers. I can't cut anything out of my diet because I don't eat anything unhealthy. I have a gut like you've never seen which makes me very concerned about visceral fat. Short of radical liposuction I just don't know what to do. Answers on a postcard please!

Have you had your thyroid checked? It could be under-active. Something metabolic is going on by your description of your symptoms. Menopause may cause you to gain a few pounds, but on your diet, it can't be that. The fact that you are not hungry makes me suspect thyroid. The trouble is, it can be running under-active a long time before the condition is reflected in the standard TSH test that the doctors use. You could do with TSH, T3 and T4 measuring. They don't do the latter two unless TSH is abnormal, but TSH is usually the last thing to change and you can have thyroid hormones out of whack way before this happens. I would go back to your GP and try to persuade them to do all of the thyroid tests.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
16 January 2006
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Thanks for the suggestions. I know that metabolism slows down with age and therefore calorie consumption must reduce in line with that. I know about the starvation response by the metabolism but I have reduced my intake steadily over several years and my body should be used to it by now. I already eat a pretty high protein diet as having chickens I much alot of eggs (poached, boiled or scrambled, never fried). I don't eat a huge amount of meat, but it is usually fish or chicken. Lots of veg, some fruit and low amounts of carbohydrates - I make my own oatbread which is a fraction of the size of a commercial loaf and I usually end up sharing it with the chickens towards the end. I do eat butter, cheese and yoghurt and always full fat as I'm only too aware of what low fat products contain, but again, only a couple of times a week for each. Almost everything is grilled or in my slow cooker.
As to what the medical world says - well according to them I'm not overweight. Quite what they class as overweight I don't know but someone of 5'4" and light to medium build should not weigh 11.5 stone. I suppose they are used to seeing really obese people and they never saw me when I was smaller. I can't have HRT as I have focal migraines and there is also a slight history of breast cancer in the family. To be honest I wouldn't take it anyway as you are just putting off the inevitable. I do use a bioidentical cream but apart from the fact I seem to sleep better when I use it, there was no other difference and the effects wear off after a few cycles of it.
To give you an idea of how quickly I can gain weight, during Christmas and New Year 2015/16 I was laid up with agonising knees. I could only do upper body work and spent most of my time just flopped out on the sofa. The furthest I got outside was a few yards to the chickens and back. In fact I was so bad, when I ran out of milk I could't even walk the distance from the car into the shop and back again to get any, so just had to go without. I gradually munched my way through my store cupboard during the period, but had zero appetite. In those 3 weeks I gained nearly half a stone. Most of my work outs are the HIIT variety, so short bursts of high intensity. They are usually 20 - 30 minutes long, but if I'm doing weights, I usually do at least 45 minutes. I mix it up and do something different each time.
I'm not interested in fad diets, I know they don't work long term. I tried the 5:2 diet for 5 weeks and lost 2lbs so I abandoned that. Yes, I'm seriously cheesed off. My thighs chafe together and if when I have to stand up for longish periods for singing in concerts my feet hurt due to the extra weight. I loathe the fact that my boobs have gone from 34 A/B to 36 D. My gut falls over my waistband and I look like at ATE the Michelin Man. Even my back has rolls of fat. I wouldn't dream of going swimming now, I'm so ashamed of my fat and I'd probably displace half the pool water anyway. I'd be happy if I could lose just one pound a week but it looks like that isn't going to happen any time soon :(
Incidentally, my Mum at 83 still weighs less than 9.5 stone, but was sent to a dieticien about her raised cholesterol (that seems to run in the family), with a diary of what she ate and how much over a week. The dieticien looked at it and told Mum that it was faultless, there was nothing that could be changed and it is the liver that controls cholesterol levels anyway.
Pah! :(

another thought if your thyroid is fine is your intestinal bacteria. there have been twin studies which have shown that differences in gut bacteria also effect weight loss and gain on the same calories. found this in New scientist

Blame bacteria if you start putting on weight
WEIGHT gain bugging you? Evidence is mounting for the central role that bacteria play in causing obesity.

Liping Zhao and his team at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China put a morbidly obese man on a diet of whole grains, traditional Chinese medicines, probiotics and non-digestible carbohydrates for 23 weeks. The diet was designed to inhibit the bacteria thought to be associated with weight gain by increasing the pH in the colon.

The 175-kilogram volunteer lost 51 kg, despite not exercising. People who have had weight-loss surgery lose on average 49 kg.

To see if the bacteria present also changed, the team looked at what species were prevalent in the volunteer’s gut before and after the diet. Before the regime, Enterobacter – a toxin-producing pathogen – was most abundant, accounting for 35 per cent of the gut bacteria. After the diet, it was reduced to undetectable levels.

The researchers fed mice samples of this bacterium from the volunteer’s gut to determine whether the pathogen was a cause or a result of his obesity. They found that the mice with the new bacteria gained significantly more weight on a high fat diet than control mice, also on a high fat diet (International Society for Microbial Ecology,

Previous work has shown a link between gut bacteria and obesity, but Zhao describes this as “the last missing piece of evidence that bacteria cause obesity“. Treatment with an appropriate diet could be cheaper and more effective than surgery, he says


gut bacteria by-products have also been shown to be involved in inflammation and other body responses.

the good thing about changing your diet to be good for friendly bacteria is it is cheap and easy to do. this is a change for life approach


Well-Known Member
2 November 2006
sheffield up t'road
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so far not bad for me...lost 0.8kg and the bad stuff in the diet s going down gradually. everytime I want to snack I think if I do, I have to clothes shop (hate it) and ive managed to motivate myself to do 3x 5k runs last week....if I book in a race I will defo stick to my fitness programme!
making a lot more food from scratch helps- loads of veg soup and stews is great- premade stuff is often full of sugars! snacking on carrot sticks helps too....and drinking A LOT


Well-Known Member
23 September 2009
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Very happy! I lost 4 lbs since last Monday - wouldn't it be great to lose that amount every week? lol but entirely unrealistic!

So I've cut out (the vast majority of) refined sugar, I've had about 1/4 of the amount of bread I would usually have or have swapped it for a lighter option in some cases.

I think I need to drink more water though, I did a food diary and I really don't drink anywhere near enough!

I did 2 personal training sessions last week and 20mins on the X trainer this morning and will have 3 PT sessions this week which I'm kind of strangely actually looking forward to....


Well-Known Member
28 April 2015
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I'm on a mission to lose weight as I currently squash my pony, poor thing. He's only 14hh. I'm at 11 stone 3 ATM and would like to get to 9 stone 7. I'm not actually overweight as I'm 5'7" but do have bad joints (RA) and have been told by specialist to lose a bit.

I'm at home with a baby and a toddler and have access to food all the time! Haha

Finding it harder to lose weight after baby 2. I am pretty active looking after two little ones, walking dogs and generally doing a bit of horse and livestock care and riding but... i have a huge appetite! 😳

Need as much thinspiration as possible!! Want to hear your progress and recommendations! Is anyone in the same boat? (Young kids?)


Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
Between the Moors and the Dales
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Well I have lost 0.5lbs since posting. Sigh. Such is life.

However today heralds the start of my 100 HIITs in 100 days challenge that I have set myself. Anyone want to join me?

This will take me to 19 April. It won't, obviously, be 100 HIITs in 100 days as I will need 1 day off per week but the sentiment is there. I have a load of Jillian Michaels DVDs which all work on the HIIT principles so will be doing 4 days of them on shuffle - the shortest is 22 minutes including cool down, the longest is 45; 2 days of HIIT YouTube workouts - I've found a few.

I shall also continue my 30 mins per day run (I do interval training on the treadmill to get my heart rate up) with one day dedicated to a 45 minute to an hour run. Unfortunately, living on the edge of the A66 as I do, getting outside to run involves travelling by car to somewhere suitable. So I shall make sure I do this at the weekend. If the weather is ok I shall see if I can't cycle to the yard again - it's 7.5 miles over Yorkshire hills on occasion. Ideally I should do a weights session, too, but a) I don't have any weights other than hand weights and b) I can't afford to join the gym, so I'll have to forget about that one.

I am also going to do 100 days of sugar free with the exception of fruit. So no extraneous biscuits, jam, sweeties, etc.

Well done everyone else who has been far more successful at getting going than me. It was a bit hard last week - my children are still off school until tomorrow, and the husband has had some sort of flu bug that has knocked him for six, and work is manic.


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2 July 2009
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I've lost 3lbs mainly due to the monthly hormonal fluctuations rather than diet I think.

I've just added a couple of brisk 30 minute walks a day. I'm not doing anything that I can't maintain or have to force myself to do as sooner or later I'll get fed up with it and it will stop and the weight will return.

I'm mainly following Slimming world recipes but nearly always cook from scratch anyway and my main meals are pretty healthy but have got a bit slack about snacking on extras so this I've cut back in although I did eat two whole Genoa cakes last week - flaming hormonal cravings!


Well-Known Member
28 February 2010
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Ok so here we are - lost a stone since Boxing Day - NO DON'T CHEER - I have had this bleddy virus cough thing - unable to eat, drink, sleep, all I do is cough, cough, cough - when I cough my bladder control is useless, if I try to sleep I end up breathing though my mouth which makes it bone dry and then I struggle to breathe and then I start coughing all over again.

Part of me says OK enough is enough I'll stay fat ........

Yes and before anyone suggests it I have tried absolutely everything =honey, lemon, vick on the soles of the feet - if it's on the internet I've tried it. Doctors says just rest and fluids and it can take up to SIX weeks to go away.

So I'm gong to give up on any serous dieting till I've got rid of this virus = I have still stopped eating chocolate and am dong Dry January but the next person who tells me to 'Starve a fever, Feed a cold' is likely to get lumped one.

Self serving whinge over, just needed to vent - good luck everyone with your diets


Well-Known Member
26 November 2004
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I'm in. I started in September and lost 3 and a bit st by Christmas. Haven't checked how much I put back on over the break though. Yet. Back on the wagon next week. Got another 3 st to go to get back to riding weight.

Wow, that's amazing! I'm sure if you've done it before, you can do it again :)

I think in order to get me going I will need to be publicly shamed by my weight. I know it is around 16.9st and it's horrific. I'm quite muscular anyway and people who are "bigger" than me weigh significantly less but if I could loose the fat.....

Esp my boobs. My boobs are humongous. I've no end of back pain and balance issues with them.

I'm a couple of pounds heavier than you. Started LCHF last week, lost 4 pounds since Wednesday. Biggest difference is in my energy levels, I don't feel the need to crash out after a meal :)

I've already posted in here but I thought id better actually make myself able to be shamed because lets face it, thats the only thing thats gonna make it work.

I'll be 21 in a little over a week. I am 5'11, and weigh 130kg. Thats 20st or there abouts. Its horrendous.


No shame, I don't think that's what this thread is about. There's plenty of supportive people on here- including me. It helps me to be kept accountable whether by fitbit, MFP or posting about it. We can do it! :)

Ideally, I'd like to be able to book a lesson at a riding school without them getting the scales out to make sure I'm not fibbing. I've not ridden since my old horse got injured and was then retired about 8 years ago. Put the weight on after that and especially over the last 5 months as I can't exercise properly due to a dicky ticker. Need the weight off to take the strain off that!


Well-Known Member
14 August 2016
South. Very south.
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With much trepidation, I finally summoned up the courage to weigh myself this morning after 3 weeks of festive alcohol drinking, carb and sugar eating and no exercise. And the damage is...

300g. I put on a lousy 300g. Phew.

Admittedly I didn't really overeat much over Christmas/NY, but I did eat many things that make me pile on the pounds. Looks like this whole portion size thing will continue to work nicely.

As of yesterday, back to no booze and cutting the starchy carbs. The horses should be back from their summer holiday soon, so things should start getting very physical again soon. Fat burning ahoy. I'm quite looking forward to the next 3 months of my plan now.


Well-Known Member
17 November 2016
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Hve you asked for your Vitamin D to be checked on a blood test? Also Ferratin, B12? I was in a bad way for no apparent reason, but had D levels through the floor, and borderline B12. I was gaining weight, tired - no, exhausted, a lot of the time. Having spent the spring/ summer on inexpensive and safe supplementation I am over a stone lighter, and have much better energy levels.

In my own journey - having put on 4lbs over Xmas - I have not really lost much (3/4 lb) but yesterday I did my first Duathlon! It was great, the most friendly people you could imagine, the distance was 1.6km run, 6km cycle and 1.6km run. I was by far the slowest, but it felt great!


Hi, yes vitamin D was normal - that was checked just before Christmas. I've giving another armful in about 3 weeks as my liver function results are higher than they should be and they want to do another comparison. I suspect my liver is creating the higher than ideal cholesterol results.
If I spent my day scoffing crisps and swigging full fat coke I'd only have myself to blame. I haven't had a takeaway in at least 10 years and I think I had chips twice last year. I have nothing to cut out of my diet - I only have 1 pint of beer a week and don't keep alcohol in the house unless my Mum is visiting. Over Christmas I had no Christmas cake, Christmas pudding, mince pies because I don't like them. I've never been a pudding eater, I much prefer cheese and fruit or nothing at all. The only cream I ever eat is clotted cream and that is only when Mum brings some up for me.
I despair.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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i would love to lose a stone so i can ride my pony again, she is a great little ride but i`m too heavy for her she is only 13 hands and is 20 this year.


Well-Known Member
12 January 2011
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First weigh in last night 1.5lb off, bit disappointed as I was hoping for a bit more, especially when you hear about people losing half a stone in 1 week!
Oh well, still going to stick with it and see how I get on next week.


Completely Unknown Member
1 March 2015
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First weigh in last night 1.5lb off, bit disappointed as I was hoping for a bit more, especially when you hear about people losing half a stone in 1 week!
Oh well, still going to stick with it and see how I get on next week.

1.5lb is a start, and better than nothing :)


Well-Known Member
20 December 2007
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Start at Slimming World tonight and also going swimming for the first time and I'm terrified!

My main fear, apart from showing my thighs off in public, is that I'm going to get stuck in the pool and they'll have to drain it to get me out, or they will get the hoist and it will be like a scene from "Free Willy". This might seem unlikely but I only have the use of one of my arms to haul my bulk out of the water up those tiny steps....................oh God! The steps could fall off the pool wall.........

There's just too many awful possibilities. Someone tell me it will be alright.......


Well-Known Member
1 December 2012
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Start at Slimming World tonight and also going swimming for the first time and I'm terrified!

My main fear, apart from showing my thighs off in public, is that I'm going to get stuck in the pool and they'll have to drain it to get me out, or they will get the hoist and it will be like a scene from "Free Willy". This might seem unlikely but I only have the use of one of my arms to haul my bulk out of the water up those tiny steps....................oh God! The steps could fall off the pool wall.........

There's just too many awful possibilities. Someone tell me it will be alright.......

You will be fine, but thank you for giving me a smile today picturing that happening, I imagine it is something that would easily happen to me as bad things tend to.
Joining the thread after creeping and feeling inspired by all of you, I've got a stone to lose at least.


Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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Well I only lost 1lb in the last week - though I haven't been very good at all :( ate like an absolute pig on Sunday and Monday, drank a bottle of red wine on Sunday and had 2 G&Ts last night. Sooo not the best week! But today I have been nothing short of angelic so far, and now that I have all my pesky social commitments out of the way I hope to have a much better and more weight-loss-friendly week..!
Next weigh in is next Wednesday so hope for a better result then.
Well done to everyone who has lost! Keep it up.
And don't be disheartened if you haven't - I often find that it takes a week or so to kick in, especially if you're doing a healthy diet and not starving yourself or doing some stupid fad. Slow and steady wins the race!
My mum is doing a CATE diet and has lost half a stone in a week, but there is no way i would stick to it if I tried it. Looks SO boring. And all salad and no vegetables - I couldn't do it, I hate salad and love veggies!