Anyone seen swelling like this?


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8 August 2014
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Sending thoughts over to you...I’ve no constructive comments just wishing Vinnie would get better and relieve the strain on you and your parents...
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20 November 2008
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Thank you ?

He's much better today, well relatively speaking but all progress is welcomed!

My vet is back out tomorrow for another check up. As he put it he doesnt want to "take his eye off the ball" given how bad things have been so far. We arent taking any progress for granted or letting our guard down.

Vet okayed V being in the paddocks in between walks too so that's a big help. Dad has taken over most of the walking while I work and I'm left in charge of drug administration. V is definitely feeling better because he was an absolute twit tonight.

He gets bute mixed with apple juice syringed into his mouth and then doxycycline that the vet assured me was molasses flavoured. Sounds ok to me! So tonight it was the end of the world and the stupid eejit was running backwards and trying to rear while acting like an abused horse ? I threw the leadrope over his neck while I went to get the next syringe and you'd have thought I'd been whipping him with it. So yeah, pluses and minuses to him returning to his normal self ??

Dad had announced that he is enjoying walking Vinnie and is taking the night walks. I didnt put up too much resistance! Ha ha

So hopefully my vet is pleased with Vinnies progress tomorrow. I just need to figure out a way to sneak away from my work laptop for the appointment ?


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15 April 2013
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FWIW I didn't cold hose my horse and he had a lot more pain relief than Vinnie. I also didn't stable although he was used to being in at night in the winter but although it was foul weather my paddock was pretty mud free. Hopefully he's going the right way now and will continue to improve but I am still wondering if he's on the best antibiotic. Moving is key to him recovering but if he's in a lot of pain, he won't want to move and my vet gave paracetamol because you can give it with bute. We bought the paracetamol from chemist shops as it's cheaper but I think my OH was put on suicide watch as he was buying so much. I hope V is a lot better tomorrow.


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31 August 2010
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Just seen this TPO, so glad to hear he is improving. It is a long haul,I had similar in hot muggy weather and ended up wrapping old and not so old sheets in water with calendula tincture, around this whole limb as the flies were sticking to the serum when we walked out. I could only use them once and the whole limb was affected. But, we got there, although the vet nearly gave up 5 days in. Hope Vinnie continues to make good progress. X


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24 February 2010
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Glad he is looking better.

My mr H thinks I’m trying to poison him with a syringe wormer and when I tried the tapeworm saliva sample he thought I was trying to murder him
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20 November 2008
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Thanks again for the messages. The vet was back out today but I was stuck in a work call so the olds were there instead.

So hes improving but is still pretty awful. Vet has demoted him from "worst he's seen" to just a top 5 place now. Too scared to ask what happened with the other 4 ?

There is a filled rim above his corner band and it looks like he could step out of his hoof if (when) that bursts. That hopefully isnt the case but it looks horrid.

Vet is getting a special steroid cream that's antibacterial made for him. Until then I've to use sudocream.

I've got 10 days of bute and antibiotics left so another 10days has been ordered for him.

Hes to be walked at least 6x a day. Apparently 3 is the norm but hes not the norm and that's nowhere near enough for him. Basically lymphatic system in that leg is now goosed. I dont know if that's long term damage yet.

Emm what else. Hes only to get a max of half hour turnout now that its wet. His hoof and leg are to be very thoroughly dried then cream on.

His hair has now started to fall out in clumps. The inside of his hock is practically bald and it doesnt look like the rest of the leg will be far behind.

His leg smells like a dirty poultice ? it did take me a minute to place the smell but that's it.

He appears to have dropped weight all of a sudden. Tonight he was just wither then shelf of ribs and really tucked up.

Hea to get "soup" and keep hydrated but fussy rat doesnt eat sloppy feeds at the best of times. Hes still getting normal breakfast and dinner but just damper than normal. Then hes getting soaked grass nuts with ease and Excel mixed through after every walk. Hes supposed to get soaked hay but it's been so cold I've had to stop so now it's just lightly dampened. Hes still toileting as normal so no concerns <touching wood frantically> about his digestive system for now.

Vet reckons another 2wks at least until hes approaching normal and then he wants another 10-14 days of the same routine to be sure so yeah, looking like another month of this ?

I've got a cheek as since I've been back at work dad has done just about all of the walks in his waterproof hi viz gear. The weather has turned especially feral and it's just horrible being outside never mind trying to drag a reluctant 500kg along too.

So yeah, obviously glad that Vinnie is going in the right direction but also just ???? at the regime. Needs must and all that. Just a shame that I havent won the euromillions yet because I could really do with jacking in this job thing. Then I'd have plenty of time to walk!


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8 July 2009
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Crumbs, it doesn't sound like you're out of the woods yet then, I really feel for you.
If there's another month to go, I know you said you didn't want a freelancer, but for that length of time is it worth re-visiting?As you have time to 'train' them up as it were and could keep an eye on them to start because you would have been doing it anyway, but it might mean you get a break towards the end at least?
Either which way, I hope he continues to improve


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28 June 2016
Canberra, Australia
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Hang in there TPO and TPO Dad, sounds like you have kept Vinnie alive with this regime, incredible effort. Fingers crossed he continues in the right direction. One thing you can comfort yourself with at the end of all this is you have really done your best. I hope your boy makes a full recovery, if he doesn't it won't be for lack of trying on your part xxx


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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Fingers crossed, as he is at least fighting it. As I said upthread, the one I knew had ups and downs. As for the lymphatic system in the leg being shot, he did have problems for a few years with that leg being predisposed to filling if stood in, or a bit of mud fever, but it was all manageable and never went back to the way it was or needed special treatment.

Some years later, you never would have known.

One thing ours had that your vet didn't prescribe is antihistamines. We think allergy had a hand in the lymphatic system being overloaded.


Afraid of exorcism
5 October 2015
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Hilton herbs have a marigold product you can add to feed for lymphatic support. I was shocked at the difference it made to filled legs from dermatitis. It takes a few weeks to start working.

I'm so pleased to hear your hardwork is paying off and helping him get better.


20 November 2008
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I did call Trinity regarding a supplement for his lymphatic system but the consultant wasn't there. I think he tried to call me back but I was in a other work call for the rest of the day so I'll try him again today.

Anything that will help os worth a shot.

Vet thinks it's been caused by a "typical" wee nick and V has had a rubbish lymphatic system (his legs fill when he stands in for example) and then the thin TB skin on top makes things worse.

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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Hilton herbs have a marigold product you can add to feed for lymphatic support. I was shocked at the difference it made to filled legs from dermatitis. It takes a few weeks to start working.

I'm so pleased to hear your hardwork is paying off and helping him get better.

Also pleased to hear he is improving, I have used the HH with great success for one or two and found it worked fairly quickly to get things moving.


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1 June 2007
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Re feed. Robin has been on sooth and gain which is a high calorie ulcer feed. It was mainly to get him eating his meds. It’s a mash so you can add lots of water. He can’t get enough of it! Even with horrible tasting meds in. He was loosing weight and now he is actually getting too tubby on it!


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8 February 2018
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I had one with lymphangitis in a bad winter and after walking out I left him out on the yard with small piles of hay dotted around to encourage movement. It was a bit messy and wasteful but I think it helped to keep him moving for another half hour. I'm lucky I could keep an eye on him from the house.
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20 November 2008
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His leg smells so awful. It's like a dirty poultice (had way too much experience of them with last TB ?) which I guess is to be expected given all the gunk oozing out but still ?

People who've dealt with bad cases of cellulitis before - is that normal?