Well-Known Member
Glad it's all going in the right direction, hope it continues to do so
Fingers crossed thing's keep improving. As an aside Vincent's damsire Sandalay, who won the Queen Alexandra Stakes at Royal Ascot, was owned by Gordon Sumner aka Sting!
Your boy's great grand dam was the dam of Derby winner Teenoso!Ah sorry, that's just his stable name. He was an appalling race horse! His name is thehoodlum but the only "hoodlum" that mum could think of was Vinnie Jones so that became his stable name when she bought him.
Your boy's great grand dam was the dam of Derby winner Teenoso!
Brilliant! He wasn't the best racehorse ever was he, bless him!That must have been where all the good genes went ?
Ah sorry, that's just his stable name. He was an appalling race horse! His name is thehoodlum but the only "hoodlum" that mum could think of was Vinnie Jones so that became his stable name when she bought him.
Gone a bit backwards this morning. Was reluctant to come out of his stable and was nodding lame. He was walking out better by the time I got him out of the shed and then it was pitch black in the field as we did our laps. He was a bit slower than normal but appeared to be walking on it fine.
Back to the shed to cold hose and he was weight bearing but fidgeting. In the shed to dry leg and he was walking on his toe. Let him mooch about while I sorted drugs and breakfasts. Checked his hoof for stones and cleared it out, I couldnt get it up high enough so see if there was bruising. Didnt react to heel bulbs being palpated (had an abscess burst out unnoticed on Sunday).
So I've given him his bute and antibiotics but not weight bearing in the stable and really reluctant to move. I dont think another half hour will make a difference, and will give the bute a chance to kick in, so will call vets when they open at 9 and get advice.
Thay aside swelling is down a bit more but still very warm around his hock and down the medial aspect of his cannon