

Well-Known Member
29 October 2010
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i didnt join ^^^^^^ only because i am for slaughter.....

dosent make it a nice thing but its necessary and tbh people in the real world seeing real problems with know this.....

i personally wouldnt send my horse there but each to their own :)

but tbh these "rescues" would probably be better off in dog food than the fate they have just got in the hands of these morons....


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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I bet Turners are not very happy they are being made out to be evil horse murderers. I used them for disposal once, very professional.

You must have caught them on a good day then. Unfortunately two of those 'professional' slaughtermen have had their licences removed permanently.
Still, I guess you found the money useful.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Ive been on the group in question since the lady who runs it started. (sister to the lady in the news recently in wales with the pic story with ponies in her living room)

It is absolute madness on a stick. The driving factor of this woman seems to be ego and a tragic event in her past which has left her with unresolved emotional issues and an obsession with rescuing mares and foals (especially) from the 'meat man' and Turners in particular.

The asking for donations that has gone on in the past few weeks within the group has been so strong if you dont donate money into her personal bank account (there is no charity set up as one of the sisters has CCJ's against her name)- you are told you will be responsible for a horse's death in as much as they will have less money without your donation to buy more.

People have been refused entry in to the group and thrown out, if you're not offering cash they're not interested.

Im in their very bad books as i refuse to donate to this farce myself and have had very ticked off private messages when i simply replied i didnt have the money to donate this week.

anyone who gains entry to this group can i just warn you, you will be deleted if you so much as ask an awkward question.

so you are aware, awkward questions include:

1. are you a registered charity and if so what is your name?

2. are these horses you buy up from Beeston being vet checked?

3. Why are you bidding against private buyers in the ring, bumping the price up 400% then, when you are approached by one outside the ring to buy, do you try to sell it for a £100 profit?

4. will any horses you rehome from your 'charity' have proper rehoming contracts put in place?

5. if you are collecting tenners just to buy them how are you going to afford to feed the latest 8 you bought at Beeston market this week?

anyone asking anything in this vein you will be accused of being all flavours of spies for the 'other side' and even members of Turner's family (the Red Lion slaughter house owner) and immediately deleted.

Just so you know!

Spot on.

Another welfare tragedy in the making. And is unfortunately the result of those with less intelligence than a knat getting involved in something they don't have a clue about.


Well-Known Member
18 October 2012
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You must have caught them on a good day then. Unfortunately two of those 'professional' slaughtermen have had their licences removed permanently.
Still, I guess you found the money useful.

They didnt slaughter my horse she was put to sleep at home by a vet, they just came to collect the empty shell. I had to pay for collection and disposal I didnt receive a penny.
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Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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They didnt slaughter my horse she was put to sleep at home by a vet, they just came to collect the empty shell. I had to pay for collection and disposal I didnt receive a penny.

My apologies.

The problem with slaughter houses failing to provide a humane and professional service is that every fruitloop will be trying to rescue theses horses without the resources to do so.
Their efforts no matter how well meant are a drop in the ocean and I quite agree with others, the future of these rescues is not promising.

Far better to campaign for CCTV in slaughter houses and better regulation.
I also agree with a disposal fee being levied on every horse bred in the UK.


Well-Known Member
18 October 2012
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My apologies.

The problem with slaughter houses failing to provide a humane and professional service is that every fruitloop will be trying to rescue theses horses without the resources to do so.
Their efforts no matter how well meant are a drop in the ocean and I quite agree with others, the future of these rescues is not promising.

Far better to campaign for CCTV in slaughter houses and better regulation.
I also agree with a disposal fee being levied on every horse sold in the UK.

Apology accepted, I really did struggle to keep a lid on it then! LOL I always try to be polite! LOL I would never send any horse of mine to a slaughter house and in fact at the time it was arranged by Rose Cottage vets in Sutton Weaver and I didnt know it was them until they turned up, I couldnt afford a pet cremation at the time so seemed the easiest choice.

I think the whole thing needs an overhaul, breeding/slaughter etc all seems to be out of control.


Well-Known Member
26 November 2007
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The thing that amazes me is that the little people think that they know better than the big horse charities. WHW had been campaigning for years for better slaughter conditions for horses, and are leading the CCTV in slaughterhouses petition. None of the big name charities support the forced closure of abattoirs, in fact I don't know of any of the smaller registered ones who do either. If the big equine charities acknowledge that whilst it may not be palatable, horse slaughterhouses have their place in equine welfare, who the nheck do these individuals think they are that their opinion is better than every single horse charity on NEWC?? :mad: driving up the price of horses who there is no demand for is only encouraging more and more bin end dealers to breed more to meet that false demand. :(


Well-Known Member
26 November 2007
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... i also wouldn't be surprised if some of those who bought at Beeston will have already been on the phone to all these charities, expecting them to take in these 'saved' horses. Again it comes down to lack of research; all the charities are full to bursting and unable to take in cases like these. :(


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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The thing that amazes me is that the little people think that they know better than the big horse charities. WHW had been campaigning for years for better slaughter conditions for horses, and are leading the CCTV in slaughterhouses petition. None of the big name charities support the forced closure of abattoirs, in fact I don't know of any of the smaller registered ones who do either. If the big equine charities acknowledge that whilst it may not be palatable, horse slaughterhouses have their place in equine welfare, who the nheck do these individuals think they are that their opinion is better than every single horse charity on NEWC?? :mad: driving up the price of horses who there is no demand for is only encouraging more and more bin end dealers to breed more to meet that false demand. :(

Oh Natch, you are so spot on.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Crazy. By boosting the price they have created a demand for the product. It's so very sad, but there's no market for these horses.
There is a girl there now wanting a few hundred to rescue a horse that has been living on common ground for 3 years. Now , owners have told her she has a week to get the cash or the horse is off to slaughter. Not only is it an issue if she can't find 200 pounds to buy, but of course the owners could be exaggerating to sell. Also, why should people pay so this girl gets a free horse?
Morons, its like clwyd-gate all over again!


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Well it's all gone horribly wrong.

Eviction notices for ponies due to refusal of the 'charity' to provide a vet for one in need.

Police in situ due to assault of landowner. RSPCA on the way.

Really, you couldn't make it up.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Well it's all gone horribly wrong.

Eviction notices for ponies due to refusal of the 'charity' to provide a vet for one in need.

Police in situ due to assault of landowner. RSPCA on the way.

Really, you couldn't make it up.

Was the removal linked to the post where they said two people had upped the price of the rent, and then the frantic scrambling for horseboxes?

There's people on there saying how they can't put anymore on their credit card, how they can't afford to buy anything else until payday- fine, but don't take on lots of horses to rescue!


Well-Known Member
29 October 2010
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jeez you really coulnt make it up!!!!

so where are all these poor flipping rescues going!??!

can someone make them see sense and give them to the hunt?! much kinder fate surely!?


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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Whoever posted this on their group -

Danielle Clay
Hi someone has advertised a 13hh first ridden little pally gelding. I would love to "rescue" this pony but im broke have six kids I cant afford to feed and my rents due. If you lovely lot give me £300 I can "save" this pony from a horrific death, you know like all them cows and sheep we eat that nobody gives a toss about... Anyway said pony could do with some rugs, a bridle, saddle, buckets, feed etc etc. So if you lovely lot want my bank details ill pm you all quite happily. I dont have any money to pay for the upkeep or even have anywhere to put it but im sure you lovely lot will help me and worst comes to worst I can sell it,to the first person that gushes at the pretty barbie pony. In fact what ill do is use my rent money and send the six kids out begging afterall we must save these ponies.... Hopefully from a fate far worse than death. Also ill make sure when im bidding against people that may actually have the knowledge to give said pony a chance that I push price up as much as possible because it makes me look far more heroic that way. Smdh



Well-Known Member
13 January 2011
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Someone I know was involved in the buying of all the horses. They were begging for donations all over facebook and then bought every horse Turners bid on. What they do now with all the horses I don't know.

The idiots also bid on horses that private buyers were trying for. This woman has no money, no knowledge and has 17 horses including a stallion and in foal mares on less than an acre. The horses need to be rescued from here asap. I hope WHW will act soon or there will be injuries at best.


Well-Known Member
5 September 2008
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They need shutting down permanently and soon. This is a really dangerous mess. Apparently the two from tonight have gone back to the less than an acre of ground with the rest of them. Oh and supposedly one of them punched one of the people who wanted a vet out to the pony.

Poor poor ponies, out of the frying pan and into the fire :(


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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Can not believe that people are so blinkered by their own ideas that anyone would try and keep 17 horses together in one small field, there are going to be injuries, poor animals, do hope something is done to stop this.

Last night on Radio 2 as I was stuck in traffic jam, was listening to comments that in trendy London Pubs, Horse burgers are in great demand due to all this publicity about horse meat, and one price quoted was £16 for a double burger one beef, one horse - where will it all end.


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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More well intentioned morons whose poor horses will clog up the welfare charities in the course of time. I really think Wright Manley should have a duty of care to stop people like this buying. The sooner horses are reclassified as livestock and people need permits to keep them the better. You can't keep a sheep without a permit why the hell should you be able to keep a horse without one?

Whilst I agree with the sentiment, and have long said you should have to have a licence to keep a horse, you don't actually need a permit to keep sheep. You need a holding number which is extremely easy to get - you simply apply to Defra. The only reason for it is to track movement, not to assure welfare.
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Well-Known Member
23 January 2012
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The biggest worry is that they are currently trying to work out if I am serious..y dont they just donate to a proper charity or volunteer at one. Im sure they mean well but Ignorance is hard to convince. Im just astounded that anyone in that blinkered group believes any of the animals they bought are in a better position. The main women was talking complete nonsense earlier saying it was going to be,written in the contract that the only way any animal they loan can be pts is with her and her vets approval and by injection.. Ive been sat on my hands all day but ive lost it.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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The idiots also bid on horses that private buyers were trying for. This woman has no money, no knowledge and has 17 horses including a stallion and in foal mares on less than an acre. The horses need to be rescued from here asap. I hope WHW will act soon or there will be injuries at best.

Do you know who owns the acre? As if that was my land, I'd be less than happy.

It's a shame, in a way, because I can see why people want to help- but, this is completely the wrong way. Donate to a registered charity, volunteer at one or whatever, but unless you have the funds, knowledge and time, don't 'rescue' umpteen horses, that you price out of genuine people who may have taken one on and given it a good life. All these people have done is got the sellers more profit than Turners would have, so encouraged them to sell/breed, because there's a market.

DeeDee, of course I will help. I haven't got any credit left on my credit card, but it is ok because I can get post lots of pictures of said pony for you so we can all buy it together. *group hug*