Beware... My Plants...
Poor Boggle and poor you! Sending healing vibes and hugs to you both.
I doubt you did anything wrong - colic is nasty like that, can turn up without reason
Very much hoping he's on the mend and this was just a nasty one-off
I don't think you did anything wrong, sometimes they just have an illness, like us. You are such a thorough owner, he obviously has a great team on his side. It is also to your credit that he is so fit and well generally, a great place to start from.
Sending hugs for you both. X
I would have let him eat too. It rehydrates, any sugars would be offset by the work he'd just done. He is already used to grazing in-hand. He was not exhausted. You did nothing wrong.L
I don’t know, maybe I let him eat too much grass at the event on Sunday. There were 3 senior vets and 3 juniors in the exam room this evening and the senior vets inc surgeon said he was an awesome example of a fit, well horse. Expect he’s obviously not.
The only thing I can feel ok about is that I caught it very early and got him in there.
Thank you. X
I would have let him eat too. It rehydrates, any sugars would be offset by the work he'd just done. He is already used to grazing in-hand. He was not exhausted. You did nothing wrong.
If it's a fever then perhaps he's picked up a virus of some sort? Even the fittest, healthiest horses can pick up a bug.
I know you'll be in pieces, but he's in the right place for the best care xx
Me too. C’mon Bog xxxThinking of you. I hope Boggle is ok x