Boggle- USA bound!


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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I know I sound callous, but I would stop now with the continuous updates from the hospital and ask for one text update a day whilst you are away, unless there is a decision that needs to be made. Sitting by the phone won't help Boggle or you. Schedule it in the day, ask for an update by call or text or email, whichever suits, but one a day at a specified time.

You are away somewhere beautiful. You will have him on your mind, but the waiting for calls is what is keeping you on high alert. A call/text whatever could come at any time, so you are always on high alert. You are ready to swing into action all of the time. Chemical soup in your system. Have vit C, it helps the adrenal glands recover when they are under stress.

I'm not saying that you will suddenly be happy, of course you will cry. Maybe not whilst underwater, as you have other pressing matters, like breathing, to contend with. But crying is normal, healthy even. Being on constant heightened alert for the phone going is not.

No one knows how he will be long term. He is still in the middle of an acute infection. Let the vets work on that, as you are doing. It is awful, but only time will tell.


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20 April 2017
West Midlands
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Ah I'm sorry things have gone a bit backwards again.
One of mine has copd and he's very happy just living life as a horse, mooching around all day with his little herd. Although I appreciate Boggle is used to a more exciting life than my boy ever has. But try not to panic too much, it's still very early days in his recovering from this.
Please try and enjoy your time away, stop and look at the beauty around you and just let yourself forget everything but the moment.


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11 May 2015
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I know everyone has said to try to park the panic and enjoy the break but I am not sure I could do that either - which I realise is not at all helpful but we all cope with "situations" differently.

From an observer's point of view, I would just say I have noticed an increasing tendency across all "medical" fronts to place a lot of emphasis on the worst possible outcomes. I do wonder if this is a facet of personal indemnity insurance they carry to show that they have informed the "patient" of every disaster that may happen. Just think of the consent forms you have to sign before an operation which point out every conceivable complication!!

At this stage you have not got the full picture, there is nothing you can do and, as others have said, lungs can take their time. So at least try to stop catastrophising the worst case scenario and wait to see what you are facing when you return. Bog is in safe hands for the time being.

We are all rooting for him.


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25 August 2010
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I'm sorry to read this about his lungs but I wouldn't panic his been through so much and if his lungs have had stuff in them surely that needs to come out which is what sounds like is happening.

My sister had pneumonia when she was 40 she coughed for months this yellow and green stuff some was blood stained at times when it was bad, its normally a blood vessel going from the constant coughing she was on antibiotics for months, they would stop them and she would get bad again so she would go back on them.

She was wheezy and short of breath for ages had no energy couldn't really do much but in time she slowly got better and she has no lasting effects from it now she is 46 now.

Try and enjoy you holiday his in the best place x


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25 August 2010
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I know it's bloody hard to try and forget we went to italy for a few days to see the Turin shroud years ago and Grace went down with laminitis the first day we were there, I was a complete mess just kept crying even at dinner I remember just sobbing I'm sure people thought I was a beaten abused woman my poor oh, I remember drinking alot as well and I couldn't wait to get home, so it's not as easy as that I know xx


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29 September 2013
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I agree with the comment above about vets having a tendency to focus on worst case scenarios.

I don't doubt at all that their are loads of posters on here that could recount being given a gloomy prognosis, only for the horse to prove everyone wrong.

It's still very early days. And if there is one horse that likes to confound expectations its your beautiful Boggle!

P.s I once had a chest infection so bad that my lungs were covered with scarring. My xrays were nasty. Once they finally got on top of the infection I actually improved very quickly and their have been no lasting effects.


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23 August 2010
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he has got this far, so have you!

he needs to cough, and that in itself is wearing, tiring, damaging while it lasts.

try breathing in through your nose, a good amount then out, slow and long through through your mouth, exhale all the stress and worry you can, do this several times, i do this when i feel driven by outside happenings i cannot do anything about

i agree vets are a bit morbid and cautious, then overjoyed when a good outcome is achieved.

i always understood this an illness that takes a fair time to recover from, he has been through the mill, all you can do is ride the wave, and know everyone is thinking of you and bog day and night. x


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23 August 2010
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the first thing i do when its something i am worried about is talk, to everyone, all the vets i know, who are usually cautious, then i go deep, call universities find the, in this case, specialists in viral and bacterial respiratory disease, with reference to diagnostic treatment, prognosis, long term management.

nothing like talking to someone who sees this on daily basis, referrals specialism, opinion, wide experience

with anything serious its normal to get 2nd, 3rd opinions, well mainly talk to someone, sometimes reassurance can be found.

just an idea, i know we all come at it differently!


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28 June 2012
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Another to say please don’t panic - it is very easy and understandable to go to worst case but he’s not there yet. Take one day at a time and deal with what’s in front of you - I often think animals are lucky as they just deal with the issue in hand and get on with it. With an illness like his I think that’s what you have to do - break it down into simple issues and move to the next. Vets will feel they have to give you everything - sometimes it’s too much.


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22 January 2014
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Thank you! I am wired weirdly and have this need to find solutions before a problem has even arisen.

So I spent most of the early hours of the morning working out which state would be most comfortable for Boggle to retire in. I think I landed in Kentucky with other racehorses 🤣 Then my next thought is ok how can I facilitate and transfer with work to be near him. Lol.

I know I know, I’m an oddball.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Thank you! I am wired weirdly and have this need to find solutions before a problem has even arisen.

So I spent most of the early hours of the morning working out which state would be most comfortable for Boggle to retire in. I think I landed in Kentucky with other racehorses 🤣 Then my next thought is ok how can I facilitate and transfer with work to be near him. Lol.

I know I know, I’m an oddball.
Michen, I’m exactly the same , I have the problem sorted before it’s even happened… I don’t think it’s sensible but I think if you are wired like that you can’t change

I'm the same. I have to stop myself sometimes because I can get a bit ridiculous!

Well that makes 4 of us.

People wonder how I am so quick to come up with a solution when things go wrong. It's because I've already worked out all the ways it could go wrong and planned what I will do if that particular one happens.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2016
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Thank you! I am wired weirdly and have this need to find solutions before a problem has even arisen.

So I spent most of the early hours of the morning working out which state would be most comfortable for Boggle to retire in. I think I landed in Kentucky with other racehorses 🤣 Then my next thought is ok how can I facilitate and transfer with work to be near him. Lol.

I know I know, I’m an oddball.
I do that - and actually when I read your update first thing (our time) I thought to myself that I'd now be planning which US state would be the best retirement area for a horse with damaged lungs.

Its how I end up surprising vets with my knowledge. Between me phoning them with a concern and the actual visit I have worn out my keyboard with googling all the options and can discuss at length. Don't spend anywhere near as much energy on the actual work stuff I'm paid to do obviously!!

I seriously hope though that we all look back on this HUGE thread in a year and think *that was the time Boggle was really ill but look at him now*

Or alternatively *that was the time Boggle was seriously ill and turned his human to drink, he's fine but she's still drowning in bloody mary* ;)


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12 June 2020
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Definitely try & enjoy your holiday. Bog needs a few days to work out which way this is going to go. The medical staff are doing everything they can & you are powerless ( other than providing the cash).
That makes you vulnerable, you can't do anything to help him medically, can't spend much time with him, all you can do is catastrophise. Things may work out, they may not, you cannot change that at the moment.
Step back recharge your batteries. If he comes through this he will need you strong & refreshed for the rehab. I'd second asking them to limit contact, maybe only update if things get worse & a decision is needed.


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28 May 2013
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Well that makes 4 of us.

People wonder how I am so quick to come up with a solution when things go wrong. It's because I've already worked out all the ways it could go wrong and planned what I will do if that particular one happens.


Every possible option, over and over in my head. Every way I could react to it. Every way the situation could react to my reaction. And then how I could reaction to the situation’s reaction, to my reaction of the situation.

@Michen you have this, and you’ve navigated so many difficult situations before. Sadly, you’re an old pro here when it comes to horse complications. Whatever you choose to do, and however you choose to handle the situation, you will be able to handle it - even if, in the moment, it doesn’t feel like it. Whether it’s back to eventing, a wonderful life hacking, retirement in Kentucky or even a worst case scenario, you are one of the strongest of us, and I have no doubt that you’ll get through it, and get through it with grace.

To echo others, we are all rooting for Bog and for you.
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Well-Known Member
21 June 2016
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YAY, great news, c'mon Boggle you've got this. So pleased for you Minchen, hopefully the little light at the end of the tunnel is starting to shine brighter.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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That’s great news, well done Bog!
Hope you’re enjoying your trip Michen!

Thank you! I’m trying! The diving is cold water (not used to that) and tons of current (very used to that). I am an experienced competent diver but I am definitely having to work a little harder to be so, I guess a lot of it is mindset especially when the conditions are tricky.


Well-Known Member
28 June 2016
Canberra, Australia
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Everything crossed that Bog can go home with oral antibiotics very soon. Judging by the latest picture, he may be not too far off leaving the hospital.
I'm so glad you went on your trip. I imagine your quality of life is not great wherever you are, these situations are utterly devastating.
I don't even know why I think it's good you went, but I do. Take care xxx


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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Poor boy, hes really been through the mill. Hes still got a good shine on his coat. I hope you can get him home soon and that he does recover enough to get back to being able to do what you both enjoy.