Boggle- USA bound!


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31 August 2011
Northern Ireland
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This is so exciting - wishing you and Boggle all the very best as you head off on your adventure. He’s a very special boy and I’m excited to hear about how your relocation goes! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Export papers done! And my visa/passport should arrive back in London today so I’ll go in and pick that up tomorrow.

Whilst a different vet was there I had them flex and check him on a hard circle etc as my vet is so used to seeing him I figured it would be interesting. Yep, nothing to see!


Well-Known Member
4 May 2019
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Welcome to this side of the pond and very excited for you. Try to get out for some trail riding in the Rockies it’s an amazing experience! Im sure there will be some experienced people who know the trails!!!

I wouldn’t worry too much about the dirt paddocks and hay feedings, none up here have ever had an issue with it and horses do get used to it. I believe that Colorado is somewhat similar to Calgary and there is not as much nutrition in the grass simply due to how dry it is, up here we joke we’re always one week away from a drought. American style barns do tend to have an indoor arena as it’s simply easier to ride in winters, especially as they can be so long and near the Rockies the weather can be a little unpredictable at times.

Also definitely take in a rodeo if you can, they are a very different experience and the wild pony rides are hilarious. If you get some time next July then head on up to Canada for the Calgary Stampede as it’s a not to be missed experience and you’re “relatively” close - only a 13 hr drive ?). If you end on making it up I’d be happy to give you the tour.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Welcome to this side of the pond and very excited for you. Try to get out for some trail riding in the Rockies it’s an amazing experience! Im sure there will be some experienced people who know the trails!!!

I wouldn’t worry too much about the dirt paddocks and hay feedings, none up here have ever had an issue with it and horses do get used to it. I believe that Colorado is somewhat similar to Calgary and there is not as much nutrition in the grass simply due to how dry it is, up here we joke we’re always one week away from a drought. American style barns do tend to have an indoor arena as it’s simply easier to ride in winters, especially as they can be so long and near the Rockies the weather can be a little unpredictable at times.

Also definitely take in a rodeo if you can, they are a very different experience and the wild pony rides are hilarious. If you get some time next July then head on up to Canada for the Calgary Stampede as it’s a not to be missed experience and you’re “relatively” close - only a 13 hr drive ?). If you end on making it up I’d be happy to give you the tour.

Hi! Thank you so much for all of that. Super helpful. I absolutely want to get to Canada and make the most of being that side of the world so would love to take you up on that!


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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If you want to discover the full Western experience, then the Pikes Peak or Bust rodeo in Colorado Springs is a must. I used to do a Pas de Deux with a reining trainer friend of mine there; I'd be in top hat and tails, he'd be in Stetson and chaps, and we'd swap horses half way through. Don't be tempted to ride the bulls though, like I did.........