CDJ withdrawn from paris


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16 December 2005
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The timing is everything.

The GB poster girl for dressage as literal front page news on at least four UK newspapers, two days before the Paris Olympics starts, where as I’ve already mentioned, she had a decent chance of becoming the most decorated female GB Olympian.

Coincidence? Make your own mind up on that…

ETS - home page content on the NYT too, and no doubt others. The equestrian events will now be under even more scrutiny. Let’s hope there are no blood sightings, blue tongues, or nasty falls.
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29 January 2008
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It might be more complicated if there was a teenager involved and the owner of the horse was the parents. Maybe they both had to agree to be able to raise the issue. Young person perhaps now of age to be able to act independently.

I imagine if you are a teenager and someone has sponsored you to enable you to have a lesson with an Olympic medalist who has then used a training method which you think is cruel you might not have confidence to complain or even know who to complain to. You might feel that you would not be believed or taken seriously. Recent events have shown that authorities have taken video evidence seriously and people have received bans.

The video was apparently taken by the sponsor of the horse and rider being taught. So there was clearly more than one person present.

It’s all just so strange.
9 October 2023
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This has actually really upset me. Not that I’m a huge CDJ fan but it’s just… again?! Another one? Seriously? And HER? She’s so high profile, it taints the sport for everyone else. It’s been discussed many times on this forum, that the general public will one day want to ban horse sports/riding. This is just another nail in the coffin, as far as I’m concerned.

It’s sending me into a spiral thinking of all the horses - at all levels - that have to endure abuse and harshness. We don’t deserve these beautiful creatures 🥺
Labour did say they would introduce a comprehensive welfare package for animals if they came to power. They already want to ban trail hunting. This news story will give a reason for the government to impose new rules on equestrian activities.


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14 May 2019
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11 October 2014
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I don't know if this will come across how it is in my head.... Someone smacking a horse a few times in a blind rage, not acceptable either, I could maybe, maybe see them saying it had never happened before as I am sure there are many people who have done something once out of character and never again, but in the situation described I highly doubt with all her experience she thought "okay let's give this new method a try".

Disappointing to say the least but I do hope she is receiving support as well, this is huge.


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12 February 2009
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The lawyer appears to be a dressage rider.

Roasted Chestnuts

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7 July 2008
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So we should blame the teenager for not reporting the abuse sooner?

I vividly remember decades ago being in a group lesson (we were all under 16 years old), and watching our 40 something year old instructor tell a girl to dismount, got on her pony and beat the living daylights out of it for 'misbehaving'.

We were all horrified, I don't think any of us spoke a word to each other after the incident, let alone told our parents.

Teachers/instructors are in an unbalanced power dynamic with their students, especially when the students are children. We look up to them as people to learn from and respect. Imagine how amplified that would be if you were being taught by an Olympic gold medallist?

I actually find it baffling that despite the fact CDJ has admitted she abused the horse and said she was ashamed of her behaviour, everyone is going after the person who reported the abuse as if they're some sort of villain. And people wonder why they wanted to remain anonymous!

I find it baffling that yet again people are speculating on a video nobody has actually seen and going after another human being when we all have probably engaged in questionable behaviour in our lives.

Has she admitted wrong doing yes she has, is she a perfect robot, no she isn’t. I’m personally going to wait until I’ve heard the FEIs verdict before I slam the woman.

Sick of people ripping and tearing at each other and taking joy in it whilst another persons life falls down round about them, seems to be the reason to be human


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20 June 2009
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I don't think the video will be released until after the full investigation has been carried out - if nobody saw it beforehand the 'whistleblower' surely sent it directly to the correct channels to be investigated and did not spread it around social media. If the rider in the video was also 15 at the time (17 now, so still legally a child) it's quite likely the parents are also involved and there's a certain element of protection in place. It's quite likely the rider would be accused and slandered online for engaging with the behaviour and continuing with the lesson if that is what the video shows.

I'm not an expert on these things but that's my two cents.
I do wonder though, if anyone else has had a similar experience with CDJ but has kept quiet up to now, they might be more willing to share any videos they have now that this complaint has come to light.
I’m not saying there ARE other instances, but this sort of thing is seen with other offences, one complaint gives others the confidence to come forward.
I’m wondering if that might happen here.

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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I can believe the German athlete who hit a Saint Boy was behaving out of character. She was in a situation of extreme pressure and frustration (in gold medal position on a horse napping into the ring and refusing to start the SJ round). Who knows how they would react in that unprecedented situation. Many years ago I lost my temper with a horse once. He scared me and it came out as anger. I burst into tears afterwards and that day put him up for sale as I realised I was out of my depth and not coping. That was out of character.

But teaching a kid? While being filmed by parents/sponsor. Low pressure, high visibility. Not the sort of situation where you suddenly lose your mind. So no I don’t believe for a second this was a one off.

I remember loving the Tour de France and was a huge Armstrong fan. It was such a great story of triumph over adversity. And he did so much for charity, always came across so well. When he was done for doping I was so disillusioned that I stopped watching for years.

I’ve disliked and distrusted high level dressage for a couple of years now but I think this will have the same sort of impact as the doping scandal in cycling and countless thousands of fans will turn away.

Dressage needs to have a long hard look at itself re breeding/judging/training. As far as I can tell it’s about as far removed from the principles of relationship and harmony as it gets.


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20 June 2009
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I can't really see what she's trying to achieve in the clip. I'm not a dressage rider, but I do wonder how else professionals get a 5 year old horse to the level they do if they aren't harsh?
I’m wondering more and more whether we amateur riders are being sold a lie.
Being told by the top riders that you can train with rainbows and stardust and achieve top marks if you just try hard enough.
When in reality top marks are achieved with hands of steel and lots of spur.