CDJ withdrawn from paris


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27 January 2009
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Also there were reports that she was doing it to improve the piaffe but this is canter
Could there be more than one video?
If you watch the video, it looks like she starts out hitting the horse to ‘improve’ the passage then moves onto canter.

Initial reports said ‘slow trot’ rather than piaffe so I suspect they meant the passage.

It’s a shameful piece of coaching, that poor young rider (and horse!!).


Well-Known Member
30 December 2022
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I am not saying any of this is right, I actually feel very angry about the way she has duped everyone in to her cuddly, look how empathetically I train my horses. If I was Carl I would be distancing myself very quickly, from her, I personally think a lot more will come out, bad stuff always does when the door is opened.
However, I do still have to have some empathy for her, her world has just crashed, everything she stood for has been destroyed, she will be remembered now for all the wrong reasons.
The human side of me, just asks if we can please consider how she must be feeling this morning and if you could overcome this mentally. I don't think i would.


Well-Known Member
24 March 2023
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Why not give her a chance to explain and wait to see the video ?

It's strange how suddenly many people seems to know things, going '' i knew she wasn't what she seemed to be..... ''

It's too easy to criticise without knowing what really went on.

The true will come out in good time but in the mean time, give her a chance.


Well-Known Member
27 January 2009
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Why not give her a chance to explain and wait to see the video ?

It's strange how suddenly many people seems to know things, going '' i knew she wasn't what she seemed to be..... ''

It's too easy to criticise without knowing what really went on.

The true will come out in good time but in the mean time, give her a chance.
The video is out - if you read the last two pages of the thread you’ll see it and people’s reactions


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Why not give her a chance to explain and wait to see the video ?

It's strange how suddenly many people seems to know things, going '' i knew she wasn't what she seemed to be..... ''

It's too easy to criticise without knowing what really went on.

The true will come out in good time but in the mean time, give her a chance.
The video is on here.

I highly doubt Team GB are going to withdraw given the horses are due at Versailles on Friday.


Well-Known Member
17 February 2011
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Why not give her a chance to explain and wait to see the video ?

It's strange how suddenly many people seems to know things, going '' i knew she wasn't what she seemed to be..... ''

It's too easy to criticise without knowing what really went on.

The true will come out in good time but in the mean time, give her a chance.
The video is now available and the recent posts on this thread refer specifically to it. It was on Good Morning Britain (ITV), there is a link above somewhere. Video is at about 3 mins in to the programme. I would say that there is little doubt that she was harsh and that the horse was distressed (and heartbreakingly, still trying his best throughout).

I agree though that we should stick to the facts and not suggest that this behaviour is typical of her unless evidence of other examples emerges, nor say that other or all riders at this level are doing the same without any proof.


Well-Known Member
20 November 2006
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I am not saying any of this is right, I actually feel very angry about the way she has duped everyone in to her cuddly, look how empathetically I train my horses. If I was Carl I would be distancing myself very quickly, from her, I personally think a lot more will come out, bad stuff always does when the door is opened.
However, I do still have to have some empathy for her, her world has just crashed, everything she stood for has been destroyed, she will be remembered now for all the wrong reasons.
The human side of me, just asks if we can please consider how she must be feeling this morning and if you could overcome this mentally. I don't think i would.

This. The video is disturbing to watch , but I find it very uncomfortable reading the absolute witch hunt all over social media. Have people forgotten Caroline Flack so quickly ?


Well-Known Member
3 October 2018
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Why not give her a chance to explain and wait to see the video ?

It's strange how suddenly many people seems to know things, going '' i knew she wasn't what she seemed to be..... ''

It's too easy to criticise without knowing what really went on.

The true will come out in good time but in the mean time, give her a chance.
Catch up. We've all seen the video.


Well-Known Member
6 April 2024
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I mean it's not good, not good at all. To use any whip in such a way is deliberate and I am so disappointed and not a little angry.

That said without doubt the timing of the release of the video is deliberate. This should have come out years ago, especially as riders from various disciplines have been subjected to investigation due to their training practices over the passed two to three years.


Well-Known Member
14 January 2012
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Yeah that's bad. Especially as it was 24 times. Once or twice, maybe, but not 24 and she's putting some sheer force into that

I don't think you can pass that off as heat of the moment, as it happens in different places in the school.

Which then raises the question as to her training methods in general....

I think focusing on the timing detracts from the content of the video and the fact there is such a video in the first place

I think if I was a teenager and had a lesson with an olympian I'd struggle to feel the courage to speak out, you'd feel they hold the power and are untouchable


Afraid of exorcism
5 October 2015
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How disappointing, she seemed a great role model for dressage but whipping horses is not an error of judgement it’s deliberate cruelty. I hope they throw the book at her.
I don't want them to throw the book at her. I want to see widescale improvement across the whole sport by rewriting the book and making everyone stick to it.

Random inspections of top yards
Paid stewards in all warm ups who can eliminate competitors.
Get rid of the requirement to wear a noseband (it's often used to hide other problems)
Throw out the rule about no voice aids (surely a click is better than a spur)
Ban rollkur

And I'm sure you could think of more...


Well-Known Member
8 May 2023
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Why not give her a chance to explain and wait to see the video ?

It's strange how suddenly many people seems to know things, going '' i knew she wasn't what she seemed to be..... ''

It's too easy to criticise without knowing what really went on.

The true will come out in good time but in the mean time, give her a chance.
The video is in the public domain. She has explained herself in that she is "deeply ashamed" of her own actions and considers them unacceptable.


Well-Known Member
24 February 2011
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Why not give her a chance to explain and wait to see the video ?

It's strange how suddenly many people seems to know things, going '' i knew she wasn't what she seemed to be..... ''

It's too easy to criticise without knowing what really went on.

The true will come out in good time but in the mean time, give her a chance.

Having seen the video, I'm just so disappointed!

It doesn't look like a rash, lost temper moment as it was consistent use in a training method.

I'm so disappointed for how this is going to represent the whole of equestrian sport going on to our largest public platform, when equestrianism on a whole is under such scrutiny. I fear this will be the last time Equestrian sport is at the Olympics.

Whilst I 100% don't condone what she did I feel for Charlotte as I'm sure her world will have been crushed by this, and there has been horrendous footage in the past of other trainers that have not had this level of legal action that I am aware. I feel the timing is very deliberate, but I think this will have very big impacts on the sport.


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
north west
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I expect they’ll keep our dressage team well away from media, if at all possible, and not have Carl involved in any interviews until afterwards. I hope he can be distracted by helping Ms Moody step up.

Charlotte has surely ruined her career. You’d have to have skin like rubber to ride the negativity she’s going to experience. Only someone completely narcissistic like Lance Armstrong could ignore it, and I don’t think she’d be able to.

To be honest, I’ve grown up (sadly) seeing a lot worse on some yards, and when young I thought it was normal. It was only when I grew up that I realised it wasn’t right. Perhaps that’s why the young rider’s team took so long? Although I am also certain that there was an ulterior motive in releasing this right now.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2012
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This. The video is disturbing to watch , but I find it very uncomfortable reading the absolute witch hunt all over social media. Have people forgotten Caroline Flack so quickly ?
I don’t find it uncomfortable at all. All she needed to do to not be in this situation was to not hit a horse repeatedly. She’s brought it on herself and quite frankly, deserves to be utterly uncomfortable.

I dare say (I hope) she will lose most of her rides from this. I don’t particularly care if it breaks her. Abusers don’t actually need sympathy.


Well-Known Member
8 May 2023
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This. The video is disturbing to watch , but I find it very uncomfortable reading the absolute witch hunt all over social media. Have people forgotten Caroline Flack so quickly ?
Absolutely haven't forgotten her, however, we can't compare all situations or use what happened to CF as a reason to never publicly criticise someone who has done wrong. The actions in the video can absolutely be discussed and spoken negatively about, so can the suggestion that elements of her statement are not entirely truthful.

What is unacceptable is being cruel to CDJ and escalating the situation beyond what it is. There is a line, and I haven't seen anyone on HHO cross it (thankfully).


Well-Known Member
3 January 2023
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I can't, of course, speak for her but I can imagine that she will feel deeply embarrassed and ashamed. Within the space of a few hours, she's gone from the darling of British dressage to being thrust into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. I can't imagine that she'll want to compete again now.

Quite. And whilst I absolutely do not condone her actions, I hope she has support around her through this. She is still human after all.


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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Seems everyone on my yard doesn’t see a problem with it. I’m astonished and a bit sickened, but not entirely surprised, as harsh methods seem to reign in a lot more places than elite sport.
This is my point, we all know it goes on and a lot of " Horse People" will see nothing wrong. Horrendous, do people think that these wonderful creatures have no feelings? Sadly in a lot of cases with professional horse people, they treat horses with no more respect than they would a car for instance. I am not saying we are all like it by any means but go to any big yard and watch some schooling sessions. I doubt it would take you long to see something like this.


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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Absolutely haven't forgotten her, however, we can't compare all situations or use what happened to CF as a reason to never publicly criticise someone who has done wrong. The actions in the video can absolutely be discussed and spoken negatively about, so can the suggestion that elements of her statement are not entirely truthful.

What is unacceptable is being cruel to CDJ and escalating the situation beyond what it is. There is a line, and I haven't seen anyone on HHO cross it (thankfully).
Its bad enough not to need escalating sadly.


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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Why not give her a chance to explain and wait to see the video ?

It's strange how suddenly many people seems to know things, going '' i knew she wasn't what she seemed to be..... ''

It's too easy to criticise without knowing what really went on.

The true will come out in good time but in the mean time, give her a chance.
The video is here....