CDJ withdrawn from paris

cauda equina

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2 February 2014
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It seems in the video the rider did say something as charlotte was hitting the horse but i cant make out what she said.

It really doesn’t appear to be a lapse in judgment moment, i am sad to see the video.

I had a lesson once with a top instructor once, my horse was napping at the gate which is naughty yes but is a very rare occurrence for her, instructor asked if he could get a lunge whip and use it on her to force her past the gate, i said no you can not, luckily he didn’t try and do it anyway and did respect me saying no.
If he had even touched the whip handle i wouldve immediately got off and left, but i am an adult and not scared of telling someone to f off. At 15 i would have been scared to say something for sure!

Which raises another ethical question - if a child rider is unable to advocate for the welfare of their horse, surely they should be accompanied by an adult who can


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17 February 2011
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It’s not just a catastrophic day for dressage. This is catastrophic for all horse sports and all horse owners.

A headline in the Telegraph reads ‘Olympic ban is a crushing blow to equestrianism’s fight for existence’. You’re right - it’s not just dressage, not just equestrian sport, but all equestrianism. The full article is quite supportive, of her achievements and of the sport within the Olympics (perhaps wrongly). But headlines like this do influence opinion.


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3 January 2023
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I have seen so many comments online directed at horse riders in general. "They don't care about their horses" "it's all abuse". The equestrian world needs a wake up call. We ask so much of these beautiful animals and they mostly comply without complaint. There is still so much that needs to be dealt with across ALL equestrian sports, from the use of whips in racing, the gadgets and bits used to get the horse in an outline in dressage, tapping the legs to elevate the motion, the risk to the animals at xc jumps, the morbidly obese creates that are being paraded around the show ring...... the list is endless.
We all need to take a good hard look at what we expect of our horses and the way we treat them. The world is watching.


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16 July 2010
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Guys, be careful out there....

I've just got back from taking baby pony out for 30 mins and got screamed at, yes, screamed at!

"You effing horse riders should just stop, it's effing cruel, seen it on the TV this morning and you are all disgusting!"

Many more expletives as baby pony carefully plodded on, it was quite sickening 😱🤐🤐😪😪🤮
I am afraid I am not surprised.

Mrs. Jingle

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17 September 2009
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And the zealots like Peta weigh in - this is a gift to them

Yes they will of course and they will make sure their gift is spread far and wide and will encompass all equestrianism, not just this one section. We will all pay the price for allowing horse training, in particular the upper echelons, to become abusive and unacceptable.:(


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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The timing is strange.
Reports say it happened 2.5 years ago.
Reports also say the child was 15 at the time.
The same reports also say the child is now 19 which would make it 4 years ago not 2.5
charlotte says it was 4 years ago.

whilst the video is bad and I absolutely do not condone CDJ's actions I do thing the timing is suspect and that the other adults in the situation should be hauled over the coals as well.
none of them spoke up at the time or any time since, they all allowed the abuse to continue and they allowed a 15 yearold child to be put in significant unnessecary danger as well, also if you believe reports they returned several times. They also clearly did not support the child through what she had seen/experienced and have left her to deal with it.

the only one here who is not culpable is the child on the horse and the horse itself.
I also thought why would you allow someone to do that while a kid is riding its bad.


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19 June 2010
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To me the risk of what she did is much more far reaching than the horse … what if the horse had lost the plot (rightly so) and gone a bit nuts around the arena - cue exit of the child rider with potentially life changing injuries… it’s a stupid thing to have done on so many levels.

The really worrisome bit is of course that she doesn’t look angry or like she has lost it - she looks ordered and in control and her timing is fairly good and that , my dear friends , takes practice…


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30 October 2023
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Non of our horses ever breath like that when working in the school, I should think that horses is terrified, I just went outside to see the horses and for some strange reason I felt lighter as if the sun is about come out and big changes are on the way, I could just feel the future of horses welfare opening up big time e, it's just been announced there was other times thr horse was abused but no footage is available


Well-Known Member
12 January 2015
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I feel so sad today about all of this. Before I saw the video, I'd really, really hoped it would be nothing too bad - probably like many of us. How wrong we were :(.

I'm not a huge CDJ fan or non-fan, but I saw a commment on FB earlier today that I felt really hit the nail on the head. I think what's really making me feel this, almost grief-like feeling is that she's shattered the dream that the level of success she achieved could be done so without the cruel training methods we'd seen from others at the top level of the sport. I really thought she was one of the good guys.


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8 August 2007
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All over Sky news just now. About 5 minutes of run time devoted to it including the Dutch lawyer stating the the complainant had noted the previous dressage issues this year (Helgstrand) and when she saw CDJ being promoted for the Olympics she felt she 'had to do something' and made the complaint to the FEI. Claimed that the timing was otherwise not deliberate.....

PETA of course quoted as well - requesting horse sports out of the Olympics.

Early part of the video shown and very emotive language by the SKY reporter throughout.

I'm not surprised at the backlash after the video was released to the media. CDJ shouldn't have done that as the horse patently wasn't understanding the answers he was being asked to produce. It was time to take a step back and take another approach to achieving the required result of apparently improving the canter.

It is becoming more and more apparent that time and cost pressures to produce quick results are meaning that the wrong methods are being chosen to produce 'results'. GP dressage horses at 9 when it used to be 13/14 and similar 5* horses at 8/9 in SJumping.

As we've discussed many times on here it's not just the younger age that these horses are being 'made' to produce the goods but the fact that there is so much physical wastage in veterinary problems resulting from the push for quick results.


Well-Known Member
12 January 2015
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Also waking up with a heavy heart this morning.

We just can’t be trusted with these beautiful, generous animals. Hugging mine extra tight.
Exactly this - they give us so much and we rely and take advantage of their forgiving nature. Today, and every day, I'm super proud to be a 'pony patter' and not a elite competitor!


As excited as Kitty about to be a bridesmaid
9 March 2011
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They were discussing it on Loose Women today.

They thought it was mad that she was all over the news and pulled from the Olympics, yet the Dutch Olympian who raped a 12yo child is allowed to compete like nothing ever happened and is barely mentioned by anyone.

Sadly this will be as it will be deemed he's 'served his sentence and paid his debt' whereas CJD is still being investigated 😡


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19 June 2010
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According to the Telegraph she's now had her UKSport funding suspended and been dropped as an ambassador by the charity Brooke.

UK Gov sources also stating that plans to award her a damehood have been shelved.
Should’ve been Carl anyway … but that’s another story - I hope he knows nothing about this — I have had lessons from Carl in the dim and distant past and never had anything even approaching this I don’t think he ever had a whip in his hand tbh


Well-Known Member
11 February 2010
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I feel so sad today about all of this. Before I saw the video, I'd really, really hoped it would be nothing too bad - probably like many of us. How wrong we were :(.

I'm not a huge CDJ fan or non-fan, but I saw a commment on FB earlier today that I felt really hit the nail on the head. I think what's really making me feel this, almost grief-like feeling is that she's shattered the dream that the level of success she achieved could be done so without the cruel training methods we'd seen from others at the top level of the sport. I really thought she was one of the good guys.
I couldn't quite explain why I felt so sad about it, but this has explained it so well


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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For those asking what the purpose of using the whip in this instance is, it's to encourage more engagement, roundness, throughness, and "jump" in the paces. Used judiciously, as a tap at exactly the right moment, it is effective. Used like this, with this amount of force and repeatedly it absolutely is not acceptable and is abusive.

I've never particularly been a fan of her riding, having trained at Carl's yard years ago when Valegro was in his early ascendency I can confirm that she is very firm, shall we say, and extremely driven. That is what it takes to get to where she is. I smile when people tell me how gentle British dressage training is; it takes more than a bit of turnout and some hacking to make training kind. However this sort of extreme pressure and use of the whip is not a usual occurrence, and certainly not when Carl is in charge, but I'm not sure how much influence over her he has nowadays; she wasn't all that inclined to listen to him even back then.


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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I have just watched it again. There are people laughing off camera as the horse is hit. The rider is using her spurs heavily. Yes I know shes only 15 but still. CD seems to say" Im just so shit at hitting them hard" I feel that this was not a one off I am afraid. The rider does say something that can not be heard. My questions are who was laughing? It was a woman, who was videoing? Were they parents, grooms, or friends of the rider? If they were involved in reporting this why did they find it funny at the time?
I am honestly disgusted by this, this was not a one off smack out of temper. We all know that stuff goes on behind the scenes but to see someone as high profile as CD doing what very much looks to me a routine way of working for her is just awful.


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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For those asking what the purpose of using the whip in this instance is, it's to encourage more engagement, roundness, throughness, and "jump" in the paces. Used judiciously, as a tap at exactly the right moment, it is effective. Used like this, with this amount of force and repeatedly it absolutely is not acceptable and is abusive.

I've never particularly been a fan of her riding, having trained at Carl's yard years ago when Valegro was in his early ascendency I can confirm that she is very firm, shall we say, and extremely driven. That is what it takes to get to where she is. I smile when people tell me how gentle British dressage training is; it takes more than a bit of turnout and some hacking to make training kind. However this sort of extreme pressure and use of the whip is not a usual occurrence, and certainly not when Carl is in charge, but I'm not sure how much influence over her he has nowadays; she wasn't all that inclined to listen to him even back then.
I have always admired CH for the way he keeps his horses and he seems to care about them. I am very disappointed in CD and really hope that nothing comes out about him being involved in all this.


Well-Known Member
29 September 2013
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I can’t shake this sad feeling today. It’s not shame because it’s not me doing this, but it’s a sadness for all equestrians. This is what they think we are like. Boo.

Same. I was feeling so low I had to go for a walk to shake it off.

Came back to an FB comment from a friend saying that none of this should have been released and it should all have dealt with behind closed doors.

Keeping things behind closed doors is why abuse happens in the first place.

If it were a video of Joe Bloggs rather than CDJ I daresay they'd be quite happy to see them publicly flogged.


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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I have always admired CH for the way he keeps his horses and he seems to care about them. I am very disappointed in CD and really hope that nothing comes out about him being involved in all this.
I left competitive dressage many years ago precisely because I wasn't prepared to do the things to horses that others were in order to win. I gravitated to Carl because he doesn't, and he doesn't because A. he's a supremely talented and kind person, and B. he doesn't have that killer win-at-all-costs instinct. Charlotte does, and in spades.


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3 January 2008
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Very disappointing to see the video but not surprised.
I used to be on a yard with an ex olympic dressage rider, she used a similar method to teach piaffe.
In general though, she was a hard, hard rider. Her horses were not given an easy ride.
What did surprise me is the amount of people who were happy to pay her over inflated charges to have their horses beasted by her.
She insisted on riding the horse, so if you had lessons from her, it was guaranteed your horse was going to have a rough ride.

Thankfully, I wasn't the least but interested in competing and gave her a wide berth. She was eventually asked to leave the yard as the owner didn't like her training methods.