CDJ withdrawn from paris


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23 December 2010
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That disgraceful exhibition needs to get maximum coverage, in order to have an impact on the future of dressage judging. The way to get maximum coverage is hardly to release it 2 yrs post/pre Olympics. Who do you think would have taken notice at any other time?
If it had been released months or years ago it would just have been another incident with minimal impact. Now it is regarded as jealousy and sour grapes but will get max. play time. If it had been released after CJD won in Paris it would definitely have been sour grapes so no good time.

If you wanted max. impact then now was the right time.

I think however a lot more info. needs to come out about the person/people present and the real reason for the release. To seriously bring dressage to heel or just sour grapes to thwart her Olympic hopes.
I'm sure there will be a lot more to come and possibly more footage/allegations. Early days yet and we shall have to wait and see. Once people realise they are not the only ones they have the courage to come forward.


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14 September 2001
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That disgraceful exhibition needs to get maximum coverage, in order to have an impact on the future of dressage judging. The way to get maximum coverage is hardly to release it 2 yrs post/pre Olympics. Who do you think would have taken notice at any other time?
How will this have an impact on the future of dressage judging do you think? I think all it's done is make normal people think we shouldn't be trusted to ride horses, let alone compete in the Olympics. Dressage as a sport has been going South for quite a while now amongst equestrians, so I don't think opinions have really changed there.


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6 April 2024
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This doesn't sound like someone who "wants to save dressage". It sounds like someone who wants to make sure CDJ is finished in the sport. By releasing the video now, she's made sure it has the maximim impact in the mainstream media. Sadly for non-horsey people, the whole sport will be tarred with the same brush. What a shame she didn't find the courage weeks/months ago.
Agreed. I am wondering just who the client is and who they have affiliation too. I also have absolutely no doubt that the lawyer told them to sit on this until now as from comments made it is pretty clear to me that the client approached them some time ago.

CDJ is guilty, of that there is no doubt. But I still say the timing is highly suspect when other riders and trainers have been being called out months ago for abuse towards the animals in their care. As for the sponsors dropping her ... that happens every time something like this happens. They'll be sponsoring her again in time, no doubt about that.


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18 January 2021
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The bystanders laughed !
However intimidation is real in the horse world and could be why bystanders laughed and took no action at the time.
I have been in that position myself and afterwards regretted that I didn’t speak up !
I have also been in that position as a young WB kept throwing itself to the floor whilst a so called 'expert' whipped it iff the floor and dragged it over poles in a loose jumping demo whilst the owner whipped it from behind.

I didn't speak up because I was with my friend who felt it was okay and agreed with the expert that the horse was just being 'lazy'. But i knew the horse wasn't being lazy. I understood he was incredibly stressed. The event was hosted by the chairwoman of a riding club I wanted to join at the time.

It was this poor horses first introduction to poles, grubby poles, in a grubby, dusty and poorly lit arena on front of 20 people it didn't know. A long line of poles you could barely see.

It was dripping with sweat it was so stressed out and when the 'expert' realised she was getting no where told the owner to put it back on the box. It was put back on the lorry on a night when it was only 2c no doubt to contemplate it's 'naughtiness' whilst it's t**t of an owner watched the others in the demo and it shivered.

I took myself outside and shed tears and apologised to him out loud as he turned and watched me from inside the lorry for the failure of those that should have known better. It broke my heart. I never did join that riding club. And I bet that horse ended up as a non jumping horse too. I've never forgotten him. I never will.


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14 August 2011
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She doesn’t deserve a witch hunt. Although sadly social media is so vile I don’t hold out much hope. But she should be held accountable through the proper channels and investigated accordingly. It’s incredibly sad. And surprising that someone at that level wouldn’t realise the implications of this. Dressage is an odd world where people who have behaved badly still get to carry on but I think CDJ may suffer more than many as I think the Uk reaction will be stronger than eg Mainland.


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30 October 2023
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It's the right time, maximum exposure, blow the whole thing out of the water no under the carpet, move on and make life a joy for horses instead of misery,the FEI is an utter disgrace ,and includes people who have known forever exactly what goes on and done nothing conclusive to end the torture, because that's what a lot of it is, nothing to do with real training which is based on the development of horse, but mainly exploitation by riders who seem to have no clue how to show a horse the way without brutality


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15 July 2024
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17 August 2005
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The whole behind the vertical and blue tongue issues were bad enough in showing modern dressage in a bad light without this added to it, and closer to home.
I think non horsey people didn’t get much coverage of blue tongue and rollkur practices, it was a bit niche and not easy to see if you knew nothing about horses.
CDJ has bought dressage popularity to the masses and beating a horse with a lunge whip is very visible and easy to understand.


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6 August 2023
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[Deleted quoted content removed]
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I’ve only just watched the CDJ video, I had hoped there might be an element of blowing out of proportion but clearly not. I actually stopped it half way through, had seen enough.

On the positive, I’m delighted Becky and Jagerbomb are getting a chance. At not- Olympia last year I enjoyed her test far more than CDJ and Lottie Fry.
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15 June 2015
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Same. I was feeling so low I had to go for a walk to shake it off.

Came back to an FB comment from a friend saying that none of this should have been released and it should all have dealt with behind closed doors.

Keeping things behind closed doors is why abuse happens in the first place.

If it were a video of Joe Bloggs rather than CDJ I daresay they'd be quite happy to see them publicly flogged.
If it were a traveler then people would be getting ropes handy.

I disagree
If this were Joe Bloggs ( or some guy at Appleby) whacking a horse round the back end with a lunge whip people would shrug and move on
I think because CDJ was held in such high regard by so many people, she has much further to fall when it turned out she doesn't match up to our idea of her

I totally agree cauda equine. There have been many deaths at Appleby over the years, from drownings to horse worked so exhaustion and death. Nothing has changed and I wonder how many people even remember there was at least one this year, certainly not the general public.
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16 July 2010
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The video shows a complete disregard and disrespect for the horse. I hope this forces CDJ to take a hard look at herself. However, I think her statement speaks for itself. Whoever said she was holding her hands up and apologising, I disagree. This is CDJ trying to minimise, the statement does not match what we have seen in the video. She should be ashamed, both for her actions and then for trying to pretend it was a one off, lose of control situation.
To be honest, I think shes sorry shes been found out, It certainly does not look like the first time shes used a whip like that. Yes we have to be careful its not a witch hunt and I do hope she has help and support around her at this time. I seem to remember from reading one of her books she has suffered with mental health problems in the past so I do hope that she has the help and support she needs to cope with this. That does not change what shes done though. Lets hope this is the wake up call that horse sports need.


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15 December 2019
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Mrs. Jingle

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17 September 2009
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. As for the sponsors dropping her ... that happens every time something like this happens. They'll be sponsoring her again in time, no doubt about that.

What a damned depressing thought that is. So basically you are saying nothing changes? Can you clarify why you think this is the case, do you have insider knowledge that may not be in the public domain?


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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She doesn’t deserve a witch hunt. Although sadly social media is so vile I don’t hold out much hope. But she should be held accountable through the proper channels and investigated accordingly. It’s incredibly sad. And surprising that someone at that level wouldn’t realise the implications of this. Dressage is an odd world where people who have behaved badly still get to carry on but I think CDJ may suffer more than many as I think the Uk reaction will be stronger than eg Mainland.
Is it a witch hunt?


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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Is it a witch hunt?
Only if you believe that those accused and punished for witchcraft had also actually performed witchcraft…

I really hate this mentality. She accepted the adulation of social media and the press in 2012, and since then, when everyone seemed to think the sun shone out of her seat.

She damn well deserves to see and hear how angry and appalled people are now that her dreadful behaviour has been exposed.