CDJ withdrawn from paris


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4 November 2010
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Ive read people wishing death on her, that's hardly a bit of backlash! I think losing her career and reputation is probably enough of a punishment.
Well death threats are illegal and a contravention of T&Cs on most platforms, so yea, I don’t disagree. But they’re usually easily dealt with - threats can be reported.

Nobody on here has been threatening anything, and yet we still have people who wanted the thread shut down, or the conversation silenced.


Well-Known Member
20 August 2008
Wester Ross, the beautiful NW coast of Scotland
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Out of interest, if you were a YO and had a livery that was very outwardly posting on social media in support of CDJ along the lines of ‘she’s still the queen of dressage and I support her’ ‘do any of you condemning her consider yourself riders truly when you couldn’t even get round an intro’ - would that be enough of a reason to be given notice to leave the yard, in your opinion?

If it was an 'ideal' yard (turnout, great hacking, good facilities, lovely people) and I could minimise contact with the YO, I'd be inclined to stay if at all possible.
If it wasn't too great and there was a good/better alternative nearby, it might be an easier decision.
The comment about riding expertise is the one that gets to me. I did some dressage at riding club level and I was absolute rubbish.
But I never whipped or abused my horses and that's more important to me. Being a gold medalist doesn't make it OK to abuse an animal.


Well-Known Member
19 June 2010
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Out of interest, if you were a YO and had a livery that was very outwardly posting on social media in support of CDJ along the lines of ‘she’s still the queen of dressage and I support her’ ‘do any of you condemning her consider yourself riders truly when you couldn’t even get round an intro’ - would that be enough of a reason to be given notice to leave the yard, in your opinion?
If you chucked people off for being idiots you would never have any customers… there has been no investigation yet in this case and people are entitled to their opinion… so no I wouldn’t chuck them off … for beating their horse yes and maybe more but for saying something then no.

Dave's Mam

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23 July 2014
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Out of interest, if you were a YO and had a livery that was very outwardly posting on social media in support of CDJ along the lines of ‘she’s still the queen of dressage and I support her’ ‘do any of you condemning her consider yourself riders truly when you couldn’t even get round an intro’ - would that be enough of a reason to be given notice to leave the yard, in your opinion?

That sounds a bit like the original Shouty V post. You're not that good, so you're not entitled to coment.


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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Out of interest, if you were a YO and had a livery that was very outwardly posting on social media in support of CDJ along the lines of ‘she’s still the queen of dressage and I support her’ ‘do any of you condemning her consider yourself riders truly when you couldn’t even get round an intro’ - would that be enough of a reason to be given notice to leave the yard, in your opinion?
As a YO, I wouldn't expect to be supervising/monitoring my liveries' social media. If someone was on the yard, insulting other liveries while supporting CJD's actions, I would tell them the insults had to stop but I am not the thought police, so people would be entitled to hold their own views, even if I think they are misguided/wrong.
We had a livery here once - never again!

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18 September 2008
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Well-Known Member
8 August 2007
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There are some interesting articles on CDJ topic in the Telegraph today, including one from former H&H editor Lucy Higginson and one from a 'rival' dutch lawyer to the one that originated the complaint.

Both interesting reading if you can.