CDJ withdrawn from paris


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1 June 2021
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I’d like to see her volunteer for RDA or an animal sanctuary. Practice what she has preached about horse welfare and do something to prove she is sorry, rather than pick up where she left off.

I think I’d rather see her try a different sport. Badminton perhaps, where it’s not frowned apon to hit a target with a stick, in fact it’s encouraged. And you can hit harder with a racket.


Well-Known Member
20 June 2009
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I think I’d rather see her try a different sport. Badminton perhaps, where it’s not frowned apon to hit a target with a stick, in fact it’s encouraged. And you can hit harder with a racket.
Victoria Pendleton had a go at horse racing after her cycling career. Maybe we should do a swap and CDJ takes up cycling.


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11 January 2010
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Mea culpa. Didn't check date. Very sorry. Just motivated by a wish to help horses. Not very knowledgeable. Just an amateur rider who cares about horses generally and wishes such things didn't happen. Will leave things to you more knowledgeable people in future.
The petition may have started a few years ago, but the wording has been updated to include the latest events :)


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3 September 2012
North East Wales
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I think she will come back from this. She will need a fabulous PR team, and she will need to do a huge amount to restore trust. That will include a deeply felt public mea culpa and some time in the wilderness quietly showing that welfare comes first. It’s the only way back - and it’ll be a long hard road, but everyone loves a true redemption story.

Winning at welfare is vastly more important to equestrians and the public than winning medals. The GB team have built worldwide support on that foundation.

If it isn’t possible to win at elite dressage without this ‘training’, it’s time to change what is asked of horses in the top tests. I much prefer seeing a beautiful extended trot and canter than a piaffe or passage anyway.


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15 December 2019
In My Head
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They lost me a bit on "the events of the last 72 hours prove that these policies do work" - I'm not sure what they mean by this.

I was okay until we were asked to give her understanding
I think they could have been more explicit about it but in asking people to remember their duty of care in interactions with each other I suppose that's a reminder that just because she has done something awful, it does not give people carte blanche to say whatever they like (make threats, wildly speculate about aspects of her personal life etc.)


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30 August 2023
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Way too many people think animals ‘owe them’ a living. No. We - very deliberately - breed them to entertain and enrich us - typically from a social perspective often financially. The animals have no choice in any of it and that is conveniently forgotten.

If they can’t don’t pick their legs up high enough - or whatever the human’s issue is - tough luck, move on. They are not machines and you can’t get your money back if they don’t meet your spec. Adapt or put up with it.
Well said


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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So what would it take to come back? What would you find acceptable? And I aim this at everyone knowing some will say there is absolutely nothing she can do or say.

neddy man

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23 June 2013
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Todays H&H magazine has the full list of competitors and horses names in all the disciplines for the Paris Olympics, there are only 3 names in the British dressage listing, CDJ not listed, strangely no mention of the CDJ video etc. anywhere in the magazine.


Well-Known Member
11 January 2010
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Todays H&H magazine has the full list of competitors and horses names in all the disciplines for the Paris Olympics, there are only 3 names in the British dressage listing, CDJ not listed, strangely no mention of the CDJ video etc.
The print version? Probably not a surprise. The video and ensuing story wouldn't have developed enough to reliably comment by the time it went to print - it was probably a last minute change to remove her name from the list as it was.


Well-Known Member
30 December 2022
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Todays H&H magazine has the full list of competitors and horses names in all the disciplines for the Paris Olympics, there are only 3 names in the British dressage listing, CDJ not listed, strangely no mention of the CDJ video etc. anywhere in the magazine.
I must admit, as this is such an important topic, I am surprised that their is not more in H & H this week


Well-Known Member
11 January 2010
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I must admit, as this is such an important topic, I am surprised that their is not more in H & H this week
It's too new a story. I don't know their logistic schedule, but the magazines must have been printed yesterday at the latest; not much had come out on Tuesday. And with a story like this, anything they had said would have been pitifully out of date by today, so the only thing they could probably really do is ignore it.

Dave's Mam

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23 July 2014
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I haven't commented much, usually because when I am worling & then look back, everything I wanted to say had been said.
However I did want to agree with those who say they feel let down. It's all been a lie. I also hope in my heart that CH has mothing to do with this, although I doubt it, his riding style & general demeanour don't shout in the same way.


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27 August 2020
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I’m not comparing it. You’re missing the point.
I’m trying to understand where the line is drawn with regards the #bekind thing. If it’s #bekind because everyone is a human being at risk of committing suicide if pushed too far, then who makes that decision who is worthy or not.

This is what I'm struggling with too, and where to draw the line with 'cancel culture'. Brooke dropping her could be classed as cancel culture, but I think it would have been entirely inappropriate for her to remain an ambassador for a horse welfare charity in light of her behaviour in the video. I think it would have been more strange if that had said it was just one video and let's give her another chance. This is why I can't get onboard with all of the cancel culture talk, because where do you draw the line?

I honestly doubt that it will be career-ending for her, there have been hundreds if not thousands of equestrians defending her actions online. Something tells me it will all blow over and be forgotten in a year, and the industry will remain as rotten and abusive as ever.


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9 May 2019
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She might be able to resume her career, but she will always be tarnished by this. People like most of us here will not forget what we saw in that video. Rather than focussing on Charlotte’s future, my main hope is that this brings about positive long term changes in equestrian sports (though I fear it will blow over and be swept under the carpet pretty soon). I definitely don’t think she should represent the country again.


Well-Known Member
12 November 2019
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It's too new a story. I don't know their logistic schedule, but the magazines must have been printed yesterday at the latest; not much had come out on Tuesday. And with a story like this, anything they had said would have been pitifully out of date by today, so the only thing they could probably really do is ignore it.
I am not holding my breath, I actually think H and H could be a lot stronger in their calling out on what is wrong in the horse world. Too often sitting on the fence. So many photos of obese show horses being one example, glowing reports of dressage tests when a blue tongue can clearly be seen or rollkur training. I cancelled my subscription after many years because they are just too sycophantic to the top riders of the disciplines. I think they will tiptoe around the CJD issues - let's wait and see


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15 March 2009
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It's bound to blow over. Helgstrand was far worse in terms of the systematic large-scale nature of what was exposed but there seems to be business pretty much as usual there. There are a lot of rich people (let's not use that weaselly synecdoche 'money', because it is *people* that make the decisions and do the damage) in horse sport and their influence, without wishing to be overly political, on anything/any lesser being they come into contact with seems to be pretty malign.


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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Here's what she can do to find some sort of redemption. Go away, stay very quiet for a long time, and train horses without putting them under horrendous pressure or whacking them relentlessly. If she can do that and still produce horses capable of GP competition, that will be proof of how wrong she was. If she can't, it will still prove it, and also expose her as a fraud. She's already apologised, I wonder if she's sorry enough to prove it.