Cheeky/ridiculous posts you see on Facebook.


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7 May 2013
West Yorks
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One popped up yesterday for a companion home for a horse with atrial fibrillation. I am prepared to stand corrected, but believe this to be a heart condition that presumably would make the horse dangerous to be ridden. The advert did say the horse had been a companion for two years due to this, but also that he was a sweetheart to handle AND TO RIDE. Free to good home.

Surely this is just asking for someone unscrupulous to take the horse and sell it on as rideable, or someone stupid to take a chance and start riding it. If it was mine, I'd PTS rather than give him away. Looked a real sweetie so I'm going to assume owners are naive rather than daft.

I saw this, the ex-NH horse? I would also rather PTS I'm afraid.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2007
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"Any one know of any stables ?? My son foul is in a field were there is a river and it fell in he needs it moved asap or and grazing ???"

Would anyone care to translate the above for me.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2014
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"Any one know of any stables ?? My son foul is in a field were there is a river and it fell in he needs it moved asap or and grazing ???"

Would anyone care to translate the above for me.

Does anyone know whether there are any available livery stables spaces? My son's foal is currently in a field which has a river and the foal fell into it. The foal needs to be moved as soon as possible to avoid further risk. Failing that, grass livery?

(I think!)


Well-Known Member
9 May 2007
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Does anyone know whether there are any available livery stables spaces? My son's foal is currently in a field which has a river and the foal fell into it. The foal needs to be moved as soon as possible to avoid further risk. Failing that, grass livery?

(I think!)

Thanks. :)


Well-Known Member
28 December 2011
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Maybe it has been well cleaned?

I've always found it amazing when people try to invite themselves for a ride on your horse when they find you own one (or more), and I've very politely told them they weren't suitable for their darling who's sat on a donkey at the beach once, they get all stroppy on you! Apparently your meant to be gagging to bust a gut to keep your horses for their convenience and pleasure to ride whenever they want to.

A good friend asked me to allow her part loaner to ride my old girl once a week when her horse died. Appreciating the girl had had a tough time, I agreed to it. Started off okay, until I lost my old girl. As she had been okay I said she could ride my youngster once a week if she had a 30 min lesson from a friend (who taught me, so horse got consistant messages) every fortnight to get her riding good enough to cope with hacking her. They started getting later and later for prearranged riding times, expecting me to have her groomed and tacked up ready for her to just hop on, then dad refused to pay for lessons, as his daughter was good enough. I thought enough of my youngster, and his kids life to know she wasn't up to it so the combination of everything I just knocked it on the head. I asked for no money, the lesson cost £15 per fortnight. If he could afford all the gear, he could afford that. She wouldn't have been able to ride at a local school for that. No chores, nothing asked of her, and they would turn up an hour late expecting me to have just stood about waiting for them with the horse ready. Really puts you off trying to help people.

And to top it all off, they are ruining it for the rest of us who would think that what you were offering is a gift from the gods.


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8 June 2008
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Had a girl at work who rode a bit as a child offer to come ride mine at a weekend to help me out for time, oddly when u suggested she come muck out at 6 am weekdays as being actually when I needed help she was surpringly busy


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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There's one girl on a Facebook group I'm on and she's makes me despair. She started off selling a 4yr old very poor example of a Section D stallion for £3k. Apparently he was very quiet and could live with mares(!) and she was only selling him as she had no time due to a new part time college course. He got reduced and reduced, then advertised for loan then free to a good home. Then she advertised him as a gelding to a good home for the price of the gelding, before asking people if they had a stable she could borrow (free) for 6 weeks for him to recover from the gelding as her vet wouldn't do it if he lived out. (I bet if someone had lent her a stable she would have dumped him and they'd never see her again!) I'm not sure what happened to him in the end but in the 6 months since she's put out about 3 wanted ads and another three selling the horses she got though the wanted ads and blaming the people who responded to her wanted ads (who are still on the group) for miss-selling the horses. The latest is her "horse of a lifetime" which she's had six weeks and is selling because the mare has arthritis and can't jump more than a metre. Apparently the seller didn't tell her this when selling her - except seller has responded to say she told her all this and encouraged her to get horse vetted for the purpose the girl said she was buying her for - hacking!

I've just found out the poor Sec D was put down as nobody wanted it (not awful in itself but to bump him off just get a string of others who never last more than a few weeks with her is repeating the problem at the very least.) She now has a new horse (has had it 4 weeks now) and started off looking for a sharer for him as she was having to miss out on her (part time) college course to deal with him (GET OUT OF BED A BIT EARLIER!). She's now selling him (after just 4 weeks) so she can buy the other horse she has had on loan for a while for her boyfriend to ride as he's her horse of a lifetime. Wonder how long she'll have him before he's for sale again.

This same girl came to see a friend's horse when she advertised him for loan asked if she could take some photos to show her mum. Within hours they were all over Facebook and she was introducing him to everyone as her new horse. My friend had no intention of letting her have him!


Well-Known Member
5 May 2012
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Ach just seen another one which I took to be loan wanted at first. Looking for 15hh bombproof gelding for jumping and hacking and able to move yards. Then last sentence said must be free to good home or could stretch to £200!


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7 May 2011
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The latest in our neck of the woods is some girl wanting a lovely companion type home for her 22 year old gelding she's owned for 17 years...he can't be ridden anymore apparently but wants him to have an easy life close to where she lives so she can check up on him.....I'm sitting in my hands to avoid suggesting she either pays for retirement livery, PTS or just pays for him herself...poor old thing


Well-Known Member
4 October 2013
South Yorkshire
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Have just seen one on the local site wanting a childs hat second hand, doesnt matter about condition or proper fitting!!!

Seriously, do you hate your child that much to not pay a little extra and get it done properly...

The Fuzzy Furry

🦄 🦄
24 November 2010
Pootling around......
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This morning, another 2 mid sized horses MUST go by Saturday.
No reason given as to why to go, but both going 'from field as nowhere to try them'

So, I did my usual & said I would collect today if they gave me £300 cash to take the pair away........
When advertiser replied with the angry ' why should I pay for them to go' (or words to that effect :wink3: ), out came my stock-in-trade answer: Because thats what I will be charged when I take them straight to the knacker-man to save you the inconvenience of disposing of them responsibly :).
Cue lots of abuse <sigh>


Well-Known Member
1 September 2013
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Have just seen one on the local site wanting a childs hat second hand, doesnt matter about condition or proper fitting!!!

Seriously, do you hate your child that much to not pay a little extra and get it done properly...

Think this is bad especially after the article on H&H about the poor girl who was kicked in the face whilst wearing protective gear. It shows you, some people's ignorant to safety as if it can't happen to them. l wouldn't dream of putting my children at risk if they had a tantrum not wanting to wear an important piece of kit they would either have to lump it or not ride or handle the pony simple as horses are unpredictable regardless of how good they are.


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5 January 2008
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A while back I was having a bit of a clear out and was selling a hardly used ragfork for £15, I was amused to say the least when asked how much would it cost to post to Basingstoke bearing in mind I'd bought it brand new from the Robinsons there for £28. I tried to explain it would probably work out cheaper to buy brand new from robinsons but they just got offended that I was refusing to post it to them!


Well-Known Member
21 April 2010
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I posted a PE rug for sale in a few of the local horsey fb groups. I had a few other things to sell at the time also. On the first group, a girl offered to buy the lot from me. Excellent.

On the second group, 2 girls were arguing on my post about who had said they would buy it first. I of course politely replied that it was now sold, and got a barrage of cheeky pm's from the argumentative one claiming it was totally unfair as she saw it first! I was going to go into the whole " I posted it on another group first where it sold before you pm'd me" but thought I'd be wasting my breath with someone with that kind of attitude anyway!

Seems there is a trend that you have "wronged" someone by not selling something to them!


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14 August 2009
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To be fair, it's not just kids. I'm 42 and have met plenty of adults my age who has sense of entitlement that blocks the sun.


Well-Known Member
12 August 2006
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I love looking at Kent Equestrian Grapevine. Hilarious. I honestly don't know how some of those people get themselves out of bed in the morning. They seem barely able to string together a sentence!

The thing that really gets to me is that no matter how ridiculous the post, other people of a similar IQ seem to actually reply like it's serious!

Oh and posts that are for something like a shaving fork covered in poo for sale for £3 or something - and people will actually buy it! Or funnier still say something like "I'll give you £2 hun".

Ugh and the use of the word "hun" makes me want to gouge out my own eyes!

This! And the regular fights that come out from it. I ask a friend to get the popcorn out!

Dizzy socks

Well-Known Member
18 March 2012
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Kids seem to be growing up now with a massive sense of entitlement, and the cry of "not fair!" is heard loud and clear if things don't go their way.

I don't agree with this at all. I'd like to think I don't possess a 'massive sense of entitlement', and equally, I don't know any people my age who would behave like this. It's where you look, not an issue with most, or even many children. Believe it or not, some of us still possess manners and sense.

Paint Me Proud

Well-Known Member
13 October 2010
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I don't agree with this at all. I'd like to think I don't possess a 'massive sense of entitlement', and equally, I don't know any people my age who would behave like this. It's where you look, not an issue with most, or even many children. Believe it or not, some of us still possess manners and sense.

I would like to invite you my the inner city very challeneging intake school i work at and you can take your pick of the kids who think they are owed everything but should give nothing, oh and NOTHING is ever THEIR fault, ever!

Dizzy socks

Well-Known Member
18 March 2012
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I would like to invite you my the inner city very challeneging intake school i work at and you can take your pick of the kids who think they are owed everything but should give nothing, oh and NOTHING is ever THEIR fault, ever!

Well obviously, depends on a variety of factors. My point is, it's not all of us, and as such there shouldn't be a generalisation. This happens in all walks of society, and I would bet their parents are much the same.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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Have just seen one on the local site wanting a childs hat second hand, doesnt matter about condition or proper fitting!!!

Seriously, do you hate your child that much to not pay a little extra and get it done properly...

to be fair we used to use my mothers very old cardboard ones when playing with our rocking horse ;) :D


Well-Known Member
30 November 2008
Cheshire, UK.
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For part loan to stay on yard here at ***** rideing center.
H is 18.2hh 18yr old im looking for someone to do a bit of everything with him. No novice as want a highyer leve rider as hes a compatishan horse . Hes got 3grate paces and a v goid jump will go off your leg nicely never nasty .He has 3day evented in the past he jumps hacks xc dressarge he dose it all . He has no vices orther then needs sdating to be clipted . Fir more info pm me . We are in ******. Looking for 15 a day to help towards feed beding hay shoeing ect . For right person id concder leting them take him out and about .

Please, someone, any ideas?! (My Google spell check has covered this post in angry red underscores....)


Well-Known Member
31 March 2013
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For part loan to stay on yard here at ***** rideing center.
H is 18.2hh 18yr old im looking for someone to do a bit of everything with him. No novice as want a highyer leve rider as hes a compatishan horse . Hes got 3grate paces and a v goid jump will go off your leg nicely never nasty .He has 3day evented in the past he jumps hacks xc dressarge he dose it all . He has no vices orther then needs sdating to be clipted . Fir more info pm me . We are in ******. Looking for 15 a day to help towards feed beding hay shoeing ect . For right person id concder leting them take him out and about .

Please, someone, any ideas?! (My Google spell check has covered this post in angry red underscores....)

In short...

I have an ex-eventer and i want you to pay for the privilege of being my/his groom.


Well-Known Member
28 January 2015
Exeter, Devon
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For part loan to stay on yard here at ***** rideing center.
H is 18.2hh 18yr old im looking for someone to do a bit of everything with him. No novice as want a highyer leve rider as hes a compatishan horse . Hes got 3grate paces and a v goid jump will go off your leg nicely never nasty .He has 3day evented in the past he jumps hacks xc dressarge he dose it all . He has no vices orther then needs sdating to be clipted . Fir more info pm me . We are in ******. Looking for 15 a day to help towards feed beding hay shoeing ect . For right person id concder leting them take him out and about .

Please, someone, any ideas?! (My Google spell check has covered this post in angry red underscores....)

Ow... my IQ hurts :(