Cheeky/ridiculous posts you see on Facebook.


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29 July 2014
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Oh and iv seen someone selling a Pony saddle that had been used on a rocking horse, but was actually a living pony saddle...

...BUT it was ACTUALLY a stud girth!


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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Ok so I have finally caught up, some people eh?!

Although I will say, I can understand people looking for second hand stuff- not cheap or free, and not iddy biddy bits like headcollars/buckets lol!!

My biggest pet peeve of facebook, that drives me absolutely bonkers, has to be the wprrp- Welsh ponies re homing project.

So a common in Wales is overpopulated and the council wants to cull, some lady comes forward and takes on 80 or so ponies to rehome rather than have them go for meat, mm okay...

She brings them off the common, gelds the stallions and packs them off to their new home, a few get backed far too young and all hell breaks loose, but they handle it and carry on...

Winter comes, ponies are dropping dead on the common due to worms/starvation and some hit by cars, the woman is now taking donations for/of hay, wormers, salt licks and feed!

Flash forward THREE YEARS the ponies she took on that stayed on the common (she only had room to take 4/5 off at a time) have now bred, she has also taken on another common, last I saw she is trying to rehome 500 odd Welsh ponies!

Cherry on top? They are no longer gelding the stallions that are being rehomed!

I know everyone may not agree, but surely it would have been better to cull to a reasonable number and raised funds to bring in a proper breeding programme? Rather than risk hundreds of horses going to bad homes and hundreds of horses dying long painful deaths due to starvation?!

Just looking at the page makes my blood boil!
Sorry I just couldn't let this pass.
In an ideal world most of the ponies out on the commons would not have been bred, whether its a cultural thing I do not know, but the majority of these ponies were turned out on the common and their owners did not feed them for what ever reason. I for one could not drive past and not wanted to do something. Most of them had owners of sorts and the project tries to get the owners to sign them over to be rehomed, now they could be culled but there are not many animals charities that cull and to be honest its PR suicide to ask for money to feed starving ponies and then say and we will use some of that money to shoot them.
I rehomed a colt from them, I did not expect them to have him gelded, they are a small charity and do not have the funds to geld, they used to but as numbers of ponies they are asked to rehome have increased its just not possible although gelding is stipulated in the terms of adoption. I have also adopted a dog from Wood Green with this as a condition of adoption.
I do not know where you get the figure of 500 ponies, as far as I know they have 128, and try to get as many as possible off the commons so they can be handled and rehomed, because some of them are colts does not mean they to breed or support breeding on the commons. The last time I checked the Donkey sanctuary owned 1500 donkeys but it has far larger resources.
The pony I adopted is three this time, when I got him he was a louse and worm ridden skeleton, he has ben gelded, wormed, feet trimmed and had I hope, the best care I could provide. Whilst he will never be a HOYS pony he is actually well put together and it has has given me an immense amount of pleasure to see him grow and become a normal pony, and that I suppose what all owners want from their animals. He has just as good a chance of one of my ponies with long pedigrees of having a useful life.
You have only to look on FB and on here that often people have the best intentions can come unstuck, they pay large sums of money for animals that they have neither the knowledge or the skill to look after so I do not think the fact that some of the adopters can not handle what is a semi-feral pony is to be unexpected although its not what anyone wants.
So will Owen Tudor ( posh name for what was a very lice ridden pony, he came without a passport as he was in the police pound so I got to choose) be backed this year, no. Hopefully he will start being his education and go to a couple of local shows and then a bigger show in August and if he is mature enough he will be backed at four and I hope he will make a nice PC pony. He is certainly a survivor.


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22 August 2014
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these get me

for loan stay at current yard, unbroken bag a nerves ££ per week you break, feed, everything erm loaners doing everything for you & paying you

ive rescured a horse in a bad way ned RUGS FOR FREE OR CHEAP erm why have you got this horse/pony if you cant afford to rug it??

wanted horse thats bombproof does everything delivered with all tack rugs free or cheap

or the young girls that send tons messages & b***h with everyone because there only 14 but had worked everywhere doing everything with every type horse grrrr!!

Not facebook related but dont you hate it when parents from school, nieghbours, friends children etc realise you have a horse they all think they can have a free ride that really pees me off a while ago my daughter rode home from a show on her pony & 2 neighbours came out asking if there kids can have ago i dont even no them my answer was no grrr!! that really pees me off badly
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27 May 2012
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Totally agree one colleague rang another who I regularly invite to sit on pony, she had a friends kid coming over and wasn't it a good idea if she came with invited colleague to ride the ponies... Luckily last week of hols friend had been twice and I was away... Cheek to invite yourself worst to Bruno another kid belonging. Someone else.


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7 September 2010
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I agree that the free/cheap stuff is ridiculous BUT if my headcollar/leadrope etc break on a Monday I can't replace with new until the weekend as I work full time in a city with no tack shops. So being able to nip to a random house & grab something to tide me over is a lifesaver! :)


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8 May 2005
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A couple of years ago I was looking for a for my son's horse. He is good to hack alone & in company, ridden xc'd by teenager & hacked by mature lady, good all rounder. Was looking for £15 for 2 days or £20 for 3 days, no chores - more to sort the committed from the fantasists than anything. Location was in the ad. I wanted a confidant rider as it was a small yard & would likely have to ride on their own at least sometimes. Yard rules at the time were no under 15s. All in the ad (which was Preloved, not Facebook). I had a Dad persistently call me about his 12 yo daughter. I had people who had a dozen lessons years ago. I had people who had not worked out the location was an hour or more drive. But the prize went to the person who, after asking a couple of questions - really important stuff like colour - said she was happy to share him but he would need to move to the yard her friend was at 30 miles away!
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8 May 2005
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TrickiVicki - surely for critical things like that you have spares, even if they are ones you picked up for pennies at a tack sale etc. I can't imagine not having more lead ropes than horses.


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28 July 2014
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I saw a post the other day on a certain Kent page (you all know the one! I'm sure some of you have seen this) but a young (13) boy was posting asking for a horse on full loan but with a budget of £40 a week!! Yes fine I understand he is young and has never ridden outside of a riding school but he was so adamant despite advice that this could be done.

On a certain thoroughbred's advert for loan he took a long time to persuade the girl that he should have him, and when asked how he would be able to afford this horse on £40 a week (ignoring the fact that it was a 16.2hh TB for a novice 13 yr old!) his reply was that it would live out all year round, he would feed it Barley in winter, shoes would come off, he would worm it once a year and get tack that already fitted. (No mention of hay, vets, emergency bedding, replacement items, insurance etc etc etc) The real scary thing was he has two unhorsey parents that have apparently agreed to pay this if he can find someone crazy enough to allow him to have their horse, which probably means he will end up with a 3 yr old almost backed colt!

Right, that's my day made before it has even begun really! There is no limit to the cheek or stupidity of some people! Do his parents not care that he is advertising in this way, he is asking for trouble, serious injury and a sick horse if he thinks he is capable enough to look after a horse after only riding at a riding school on £40 a week - especially if he is looking a a TB!


Well-Known Member
7 September 2010
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TrickiVicki - surely for critical things like that you have spares, even if they are ones you picked up for pennies at a tack sale etc. I can't imagine not having more lead ropes than horses.

Headcollar/leadrope was maybe a poor example, but still, sometimes stuff breaks & needs a speedy replacement :)


Well-Known Member
4 November 2012
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A couple of years ago I was looking for a for my son's horse. He is good to hack alone & in company, ridden xc'd by teenager & hacked by mature lady, good all rounder. Was looking for £15 for 2 days or £20 for 3 days, no chores - more to sort the committed from the fantasists than anything. Location was in the ad. I wanted a confidant rider as it was a small yard & would likely have to ride on their own at least sometimes. Yard rules at the time were no under 15s. All in the ad (which was Preloved, not Facebook). I had a Dad persistently call me about his 12 yo daughter. I had people who had a dozen lessons years ago. I had people who had not worked out the location was an hour or more drive. But the prize went to the person who, after asking a couple of questions - really important stuff like colour - said she was happy to share him but he would need to move to the yard her friend was at 30 miles away!

This reminds me of when I was looking for a share for my mare, I had:
- two teenagers asking if they could share her together, I may have been wrong but it sounded like they both wanted to come down on the same days and play pass the pony. I was not impressed to say the least.
- a young girl asking if she could learn to jump on her, politely declined and suggested the local riding school.
- numerous people asking for full loan - the add clearly stated no full loans/can't move yards.
- numerous people wanting her to move yards.
- one lady who sounded perfect, until she came and nearly fell off in canter. Pony didn't put a hoof wrong...


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9 August 2013
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I have joined a few bitless and barefoot sites, but usually end up unjoining them. Find it all a bit fluffy when someone posts how they rode Neddy around the paddock in a halter today and everyone goes ohh ahh, aren't you so clever. I just want to say "so what". And don't get me started on the BF crowd - you would think that would be a celebration of success, but not if you don't do it their way.

Have asked to join the ERG .... might be fun or I might end up unjoining that one too!


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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17 February 2011
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Post on KEG at the mo asking what is wrong with their horse and a few replies saying 'wingles' or 'wingalls'...I think you'll find it's WINDGALLS.



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30 November 2008
Cheshire, UK.
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Post on KEG at the mo asking what is wrong with their horse and a few replies saying 'wingles' or 'wingalls'...I think you'll find it's WINDGALLS.


The best one is Cushions disease.

Just seen this on my news feed 'I'm lookin for a wintec saddle wide fit BUT I'm very poor anyone got one for sale?'


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19 October 2009
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I had people who had a dozen lessons years ago. I had people who had not worked out the location was an hour or more drive.

That drives me crazy to such an extent that on my last advert for selling sheep I put 'no timewasters, people without the necessary facilities or people that haven't checked where X town is on a map'


Well-Known Member
11 December 2012
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One I've seen today is from someone who has a 'yard of young horses' asking what makes of close contact saddles are 'quite general fitting, if any'?

The most staggering thing is the amount of responses that suggest various brands that 'fit anything' and one advertising her saddle for sale that apparently 'fits everything with a decent numnah' oh and another that suggests a brand that she uses on '50 a year'...

The mind really boggles... I had no idea there were so many brands of magical all-fitting saddles. Makes you wonder why we need saddlers in the first place?!

On a serious note, it's actually very concerning that out of 42 replies not ONE suggests there is no such thing as a saddle that is 'general fitting'.


Well-Known Member
13 August 2013
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On a serious note, it's actually very concerning that out of 42 replies not ONE suggests there is no such thing as a saddle that is 'general fitting'.

And that is scary because it probably shows that sensible or knowledgeable people have given up replying, knowing that they would only be answered with a hail of 'u hater' type comments.

So knowledge isn't shared, and the uneducated carry on being ignorant, whilst the horse suffers.


Well-Known Member
25 January 2015
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I have actually just seen an advert for a rising 3 year old cob colt. Very cute but the main selling points were that he 'stood very well and quietly in the pub' and that 'he is happy standing in the kitchen with the hoover on and will happily drink from the sink.' I wasn't sure if they were selling a horse or a dog, but to be fair to them there was photographic proof! I wonder if he gets drunk and rowdy in the pub and starts fighting, or if he poos on my kitchen floor can I return him on the grounds he isn't as described?!


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12 March 2010
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I also recently saw someone advertising 30 cob foals and yearlings, all top quality (of course), for sale. Clearly a backyard breeder, it made me quite sad :(
28 February 2011
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One I've seen today is from someone who has a 'yard of young horses' asking what makes of close contact saddles are 'quite general fitting, if any'?

The most staggering thing is the amount of responses that suggest various brands that 'fit anything' and one advertising her saddle for sale that apparently 'fits everything with a decent numnah' oh and another that suggests a brand that she uses on '50 a year'...

The mind really boggles... I had no idea there were so many brands of magical all-fitting saddles. Makes you wonder why we need saddlers in the first place?!

On a serious note, it's actually very concerning that out of 42 replies not ONE suggests there is no such thing as a saddle that is 'general fitting'.

I have a saddle that fits everything - it's a race exercise saddle that has no tree! It has a metal bar over the whithers for the stirrups and the rest is soft leather.

Maybe they think General Purpose means just to generally use it on anything!


Well-Known Member
10 November 2013
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Just saw a cracker....

Very honest advert for a lovely Welsh x for full loan or LWVTB.

Reply: "Would you pay for livery at my local yard if i paid for food etc...?"

The answer, unsuprisingly, was "no..."