

Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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You can always tell when a pro has run out of reason and argument. They resort to insult and invective. Thanks for letting me know you've got nothing more to say.


I am only just getting started. As for the insults and invectives,(its always good to do both don't you think.) the truth often hurts.


What a crock!


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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Oh, and by the way, I notice that you find it easy to make insults about others appearance while hiding your own. Post your photo and you might earn a little respect.


I would if I could . But you know how this are ,! Us country (killing is fun) types don't always have the most modern digital technology to hand . Unless I manage to bag one off some pasty faced anti this coming hunting season. If they actually turn out of course, we had to wait until January before one showed up I managed to find a good mobile phone last season that one of them dropped. They never seem to work again after being in a muddy puddle for 20 minutes or so :)

I can do with the respect of your lot thanks very much. You see I don't put much store behind your views or opinions. In fact I don't put any at all. :)

Have fun



Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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No, he hasn't. Its against his morals.

I therefore feel his view to be a tad unvalid.

Unvalid!! If they were written on paper they wouldn't be worth using as loo roll.


Well-Known Member
23 July 2006
I'm an omnivore, I don't wear fur but have worn leather (shoes usually), I buy "cruelty free" shampoo and stuff like that, and never wear make-up. I use prescribed medicines when needed, I am pro-contraception and anti abortion-on-demand.

I've never hunted, I've never felt the urge to do so... if I was going to gallop across country on horseback in a crowd following a pack of baying dogs then I'd go draghunting.

I live in a very rural area, and have never seen a fox - well aside from one at the vet's that had been hit by a car and had a broken jaw, I know full well what a fox will do when it gets into a chicken coop. but I don't blame the fox for obeying it's instincts, I 'blame' people who anthropomorphise animals (ie credit them with human intelligence, instincts and morals) and I can't understand why people who keep chickens, ducks etc don't either get a dog that will scare off foxes, or keep them in a pen that is fox-proof. And before anyone flames me- I used to work at an animal sanctuary when injured birds were looked after, they were kept in pens that were basically huge cubes/cuboids/cylinders of sturdy wire mesh to keep foxes out. The only fowls who fell prey to a fox [I said I'd not *seen* one!] were the one who was found on the nearby marsh (dodgy leg) who we couldn't catch and one who sneaked out of the pen when someone went in, and was missed during the head count.

I get the idea that hunters insist that pests/vermin need to be controlled - but don't get why they need to dress up, and gallop after said pest/vermin for hours to have hounds rip it to shreds...

With regards to the 'control' issue, I wonder how much of a problem foxes, stags etc are actually causing to the general public? So a fox knocked a dustbin over, and someone hit a deer on the road, is it therefore necessary to cull a large percentage of the population of foxes. stags etc? You don't see hoards of foxes, stags etc marching down the road getting ready to rumble with a rival gang of foxes, stage etc. They don't steal cars and 'joyride', they don't leave drug paraphernalia laying around public footpaths, they don't drive cars when drunk and kill people.

*and relax*

I often think that if the Pro and Antis could re-direct their efforts at things that actually cause problems for society then things might be a bit better... use the hounds to sniff out and scare off drug dealers, paedophiles, etc


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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I'm an omnivore, I don't wear fur but have worn leather (shoes usually), I buy "cruelty free" shampoo and stuff like that, and never wear make-up. I use prescribed medicines when needed, I am pro-contraception and anti abortion-on-demand.

GG What a vision to be hold.

I've never hunted, I've never felt the urge to do so... if I was going to gallop across country on horseback in a crowd following a pack of baying dogs then I'd go draghunting.

So you admit that you have no knowledge or experience of the subject matter. Yet you expect people that do, to take your views seriously.

I live in a very rural area, and have never seen a fox - well aside from one at the vet's that had been hit by a car and had a broken jaw,

Are you absolutely sure.

I know full well what a fox will do when it gets into a chicken coop. but I don't blame the fox for obeying it's instincts, I 'blame' people who anthropomorphise animals (ie credit them with human intelligence, instincts and morals) and I can't understand why people who keep chickens, ducks etc don't either get a dog that will scare off foxes, or keep them in a pen that is fox-proof.

Have you ever heard of free range chickens? I'll come back to that later when you have answered.

I used to work at an animal sanctuary when injured birds were looked after, they were kept in pens that were basically huge cubes/cuboids/cylinders of sturdy wire mesh to keep foxes out. The only fowls who fell prey to a fox [I said I'd not *seen* one!] were the one who was found on the nearby marsh (dodgy leg) who we couldn't catch and one who sneaked out of the pen when someone went in, and was missed during the head count.

Good for you. Not exactly the norm though is it.

I get the idea that hunters insist that pests/vermin need to be controlled - but don't get why they need to dress up, and gallop after said pest/vermin for hours to have hounds rip it to shreds...

So if the hunt servants didn't wear pink, and there was no galloping you would understand the need for hunting. I am starting to wonder what you imagine hunting entails.

With regards to the 'control' issue, I wonder how much of a problem foxes, stags etc are actually causing to the general public? So a fox knocked a dustbin over, and someone hit a deer on the road, is it therefore necessary to cull a large percentage of the population of foxes. stags etc? You don't see hoards of foxes, stags etc marching down the road getting ready to rumble with a rival gang of foxes, stage etc. They don't steal cars and 'joyride', they don't leave drug paraphernalia laying around public footpaths, they don't drive cars when drunk and kill people.

I don't think you get much hunting in urban locations, which seem to suffer from the various forms of malaise that you have described above to a far greater degree than rural communities.

*and relax*

I am relaxed. Are you?

I often think that if the Pro and Antis could re-direct their efforts at things that actually cause problems for society then things might be a bit better... use the hounds to sniff out and scare off drug dealers, paedophiles, etc

Your limited knowledge has really started to let you own now.
Are you saying that drug dealers, and paedophiles all have a similar smell. I have absolutely no experience of these two groups in society. Perhaps you could enlighten us as to how this happens. Is it genetic?

Have fun


Well-Known Member
7 January 2004
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Lobelia: May I use your posting as a typical insight into anti mindsets? We seem to have it all: you don't like people riding whilst smartly dressed; don't like foxes being controlled (hunting is not responsible for that - agriculture and urban ciouncils all seem to be at one on their determination to kill as many foxes as possible: surely hunting is just doing what we can to contribute to the cull?)

You want us to do something else, something charitable, - for christs sake go and tell a football crowd that, why don't you?

An unbelievable stereo type of the old anti propaganda being swallowed whole and undigested! AND you live in a hunting country! Inexcusable!


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
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No, he hasn't. Its against his morals.

I therefore feel his view to be a tad unvalid.

Unvalid!! If they were written on paper they wouldn't be worth using as loo roll.

No, RSuggit hasn't been hunting, but I have taken him to meet all of our local hounds.

His views are valid because he does actually take in what pros say, and he does realise that when it comes down to it, it's simply the "fun+killing=Cruel" equation that distinguishes many pros from antis. He does also understand that it's possible for pros to be against killing for fun cos thats not how they view hunting.

Now, how can someone who understands so much about the pro mindset not be worth listening to?


Well-Known Member
27 December 2001
"Your limited knowledge has really started to let you own now.
Are you saying that drug dealers, and paedophiles all have a similar smell. I have absolutely no experience of these two groups in society. Perhaps you could enlighten us as to how this happens. Is it genetic?"

Hmmm, you dont know that dogs (spaniels, often) are used at airports and such places to sniff out drugs and also explosives ?


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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You know full well that I could. But I choose not to. Its called showing a little discrestion.

Have fun



Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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You know full well that I could. But I choose not to. Its called showing a little discretion.

Have fun



Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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Hmmm, you dont know that dogs (spaniels, often) are used at airports and such places to sniff out drugs and also explosives ?


Your limited knowledge has really started to let you own now.
Can you tell me what a paedophile smells like?
I am well acquainted with the role that canines fulfill at airports and other locations.
Unlike you I am also well aware of which types are preferred for their particular working attributes.
Beagles are sometime used but that is the limit on the use of traditional hunting breeds I'm afraid.

Have fun



She who knows best
28 March 2006
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Can you tell me what a paedophile smells like?

LMAO Soggy! Exactly what I was about to ask. Why stop there? Why not have sniffer dogs sniffing out rapists, poll tax avoiders, shoplifters, oh, the list is endless.


Well-Known Member
27 December 2001
"Unlike you I am also well aware of which types are preferred for their particular working attributes.
Beagles are sometime used but that is the limit on the use of traditional hunting breeds I'm afraid."

Well, tell us more then.


Well-Known Member
3 September 2005
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This post is about contradictions. One thing pros can't say is RS has ever contradicted himself on the "sport" arguement.

It's an entirely self-consistent that whatever benefits society as a whole may gain from hunting that doing it for sport is immoral. That's my understanding. Pro's and anti's can disagree on that viewpoint but is is most certainly valid.

On a personal note i've met RS briefly and he is a jolly hospitable chap....nothing small minded about him at all.

Argue the points guys and keep the personal assaults out of it.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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It's a large and complex subject, what is it that you would like to know.
I guess the best place to start is what do you know of the subject? Judging by your previous comments I would have to say very little.

To save the board the boredom of such a debate perhaps you would care to conduct our discusson via PM's

I know I get bored with certin posters.



Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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It's an entirely self-consistent that whatever benefits society as a whole may gain from hunting that doing it for sport is immoral. That's my understanding. Pro's and anti's can disagree on that viewpoint but is is most certainly valid.

Having managed to decode you above comment. All I can say is you are as deluded as Suggitt. No wonder you found him so hospitable, your both as deluded as one another.

Morality has nothing to do with whether someone enjoys hunting. To claim so is to admit that you have no comprehension of what motivates people to go hunting.


What a crock.



Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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It usually tell me that they are dealing with a complete dickhead.
With about as much knowledge and experience of the subject matter as a worm.