Delusional owners


Well-Known Member
14 April 2020
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Rant at the ready..
There’s a certain person I know that is social media MAD. Barely lives in the real world and horse survives as it’s on full livery.
They have their own Facebook page as a ‘blogger’ plus various Twitter / Instagram pages all full of the same content.
The horse has its own medical issues along with the owners ‘disabilities’. Lots of information on this on their pages and a lot of utter lies.
Often says how they ride the horse (you don’t see them from week to week)
How they compete (they don’t)
They hunt ( went once after not riding horse for approximately 2 months)
Taught by the ‘famous’
(had one lesson)
You get the idea..?
It amazes me how many people get taken in on social media. It’s not the real world. Real world is grafting with these horses to keep them going. I just can’t believe how people get off on the fact that they lie about every day of their life and get away with it.
Maybe im an old cynic? ?


Opinions are like bum holes, everyone has one.
22 July 2005
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Rant at the ready..
There’s a certain person I know that is social media MAD. Barely lives in the real world and horse survives as it’s on full livery.
They have their own Facebook page as a ‘blogger’ plus various Twitter / Instagram pages all full of the same content.
The horse has its own medical issues along with the owners ‘disabilities’. Lots of information on this on their pages and a lot of utter lies.
Often says how they ride the horse (you don’t see them from week to week)
How they compete (they don’t)
They hunt ( went once after not riding horse for approximately 2 months)
Taught by the ‘famous’
(had one lesson)
You get the idea..?
It amazes me how many people get taken in on social media. It’s not the real world. Real world is grafting with these horses to keep them going. I just can’t believe how people get off on the fact that they lie about every day of their life and get away with it.
Maybe im an old cynic? ?

You seem to have missed the point about social media...... it’s just a load of ?? that shouldn’t be taken seriously.


Well-Known Member
29 October 2008
West Mids
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We had someone on our yard like that. He'd done this, that and the other. We used to take great delight in trying to expose him for the liar he was. When he told us that the yard down the road whose stables were held together by twine and nails, whose fields were perimetered by barb wire and whose menage was full of potholes were going to stable the olympic teams horses it was a step too far.

He ended up trying to sell horses he had on loan to pay bills, some chap came to look for him as the car he had on hire from him he'd not returned and the best headline of all appeared on h&h website shouting 'local showjumper slips on ice' when in fact the highest he'd ever jumped was 2ft 3 so was no celebrity SJ and he'd not slipped on ice, he'd allegedly simply got beaten up by a creditor that he owed money too. He ended up setting up a stall down the market proclaiming to be a professional angler selling tackle and bait, another of his tall stories for which he got a slap on the wrist from the Advertising Standards Agency. He was like the Walter Mitty of the horse world. Lively to talk to but a chronic pathalogical liar.
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Well-Known Member
14 April 2020
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We had someone on our yard like that. He'd done this, that and the other. We used to take great delight in trying to expose him for the liar he was. When he told us that the yard down the road whose stables were held together by twine and nails, whose fields were perimetered by barb wire and whose menage was full of potholes were going to stable the olympic teams horses it was a step too far.

He ended up trying to sell horses he had on lian to pay bills, some chap came to look for him as the car he had on hire from him he'd not returned and the best headline of all appeared on h&h website shouting 'local showjumper falls on ice' when in fact the highest he'd ever jumped was 2ft 3 and he'd not slipped on ice, he'd simply got beaten up by a creditor.

oh my goodness! If only people knew eh?
what I don’t agree with are the Just Giving pages set up. It’s conning people out of money and sadly the ‘Followers’ are completely taken in by these ‘stories’


Well-Known Member
14 April 2020
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What k says.
Just unfollow, leave em to it, go and give your horse a hug; it's a well-known fact that That Horsey Smell ™ is the most effective detox from all the social media bullshit.... But anyway, I digress.

Life's too short.
I don’t follow. It’s become a bit of a talking point on the yard. I wouldn’t have a clue how to use the site! But yes you’re right.


Well-Known Member
29 October 2008
West Mids
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oh my goodness! If only people knew eh?
what I don’t agree with are the Just Giving pages set up. It’s conning people out of money and sadly the ‘Followers’ are completely taken in by these ‘stories’
Yes this person also did a 'Go fund me' page to buy horses for the future generation of paralympic riders. Luckily he didn't get a penny. He also advertised for a Swedish groom on this very forum which drew many raised eyebrows. The last we saw of him was a photo in our local paper of him laid dramatically on his sofa with talc applied to his face to make him look pale complaining that he lived on the 3rd fllor of his block of flats and the council had refused his plea for a ground floor flat as he had a slipped disc and that he was an ex showjumper ? he was another one who moved from yard to yard taking advantage of the good nature of YO'S and leaving a trail of debt in his wake.
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1 April 2018
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I do know an individual who moved far away and became a "trainer" and "yard manager" totally based off of false and inflated statements. People fall into the trap. Mostly those with lack of experience themselves. She's good at finding this audience and luring them in.

Those who knew her at her previous location in real life know a much different person than what is portrayed on social media.


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29 October 2008
West Mids
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I tend to just nod along as I think if they are not harming anyone then why bother trying to call them out on it.
I feel almost compelled though because i can see it as wrong. I can understand why people might change details on the forum if they've been bullied or targeted by trolls and i can understand the odd white lie if it saves face in a particular situation but to proclaim that you've just come back from Scope Festival with your horse that's just gone really well in a 1.20 and leave out the small detail that you weren't actually the one riding it is just really weird in my eyes.

I used to compete unaff elementary on my horse. Quite often the prelim and Novice classes would be fairly full but I'd often struggle with finding another horse in my Elementary class, much less two or three. Most often we'd win (I'm not being big headed when i say that) so I'd go back to the yard and get asked how I'd got on. But i would always say "I won, but there was only two of us in the class". Never did i make out i was the next Charlotte De Jardin :D i guess I'm not a very good liar. Nor would i want to lie. And i would always worry about getting found out as i know someone who said they'd won a class, when i looked at the results they'd actually got eliminated lol
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22 January 2021
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Seriously you’re not any better since you’re bitching about her on a forum. As someone who has a disability. A accusing someone of lying about something like that is wrong and highly insulting to people like me. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it not real.
We don't know what disability she's claiming to have tbf if she's claiming to be an amputee and has all four limbs she's very obviously lying (for example)


HHOSS Wonder Woman
21 May 2002
West Sussex
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I don’t follow. It’s become a bit of a talking point on the yard. I wouldn’t have a clue how to use the site! But yes you’re right.
Sounds like a lovely yard then if you're all bitching about someone else.
Glad I don't have to deal with people like this (you and your friends, or the person you're bitching about).


Well-Known Member
25 April 2020
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I believe people lie and try to make their lives something its not because they have deep insecurities and sometimes, rarely, a medical condition may be the cause of tall tales.

So many people live their lives through social media as that's the way of the world and there is a lot of pressure to conform to the norm, whatever that is.

In my opinion, as long as they're not cruel to animals or people and don't steal or cause misery for others, I think it's always best to pass on by without comment.


Well-Known Member
14 April 2020
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I believe people lie and try to make their lives something its not because they have deep insecurities and sometimes, rarely, a medical condition may be the cause of tall tales.

So many people live their lives through social media as that's the way of the world and there is a lot of pressure to conform to the norm, whatever that is.

In my opinion, as long as they're not cruel to animals or people and don't steal or cause misery for others, I think it's always best to pass on by without comment.

I don’t think that taking your horse hunting when it’s barely ridden is beneficial to your horse (and it’s now lame btw)
As I said maybe I’m an old cynic.


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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Well, on the subject of social media-lites I was down some random rabbit-hole and came across a celeb that actually CAN ride! Never heard of them before and was not so much pleasantly surprised as floored when they got on and rode some stylish work at Jonjo's. Coiffed and primped and all designered-up too, so I was ready to watch and stare.

Stare I did, too!


Well-Known Member
29 October 2008
West Mids
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Seriously you’re not any better since you’re bitching about her on a forum. As someone who has a disability. A accusing someone of lying about something like that is wrong and highly insulting to people like me. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it not real.
Sorry was that aimed at me? He wanted to keep them in a two acre field behind the block of flats in Birmingham and buy mares to breed the next generation of horses for paralympic riders to ride. Does he sound genuine to you. Really?? I wasn't insulting you, how strange you should think that.


Well-Known Member
25 April 2020
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I don’t think that taking your horse hunting when it’s barely ridden is beneficial to your horse (and it’s now lame btw)

As I said maybe I’m an old cynic.

You're absolutely right, I don't agree that's in the best interest of the horse either.

Did they really go hunting or just went for the photo opportunity?

If I were to have concerns, genuine concerns about welfare, I'd broach in person and leave them to live whatever life they want to on social media.

You're not an old cynic, the world and how we live it has changed so much, for the worse!


Well-Known Member
14 April 2020
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Sorry was that aimed at me? He wanted to keep them in a two acre field behind the block of flats in Birmingham and buy mares to breed the next generation of horses for paralympic riders to ride. Does he sound genuine to you. Really?? I wasn't insulting you, how strange you should think that.
I think it was aimed at me ?


Well-Known Member
1 February 2021
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Sorry was that aimed at me? He wanted to keep them in a two acre field behind the block of flats in Birmingham and buy mares to breed the next generation of horses for paralympic riders to ride. Does he sound genuine to you. Really?? I wasn't insulting you, how strange you should think that.
Nope I was replying to op . I actually didn’t read any of the replies