Disgusted at behaviour of the hunt


Well-Known Member
28 November 2008
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If you weren't there are you sure they actually went through your field ? It is unusual around us for the hunt to go through fields with horses in them. We have more than once had horses jump out to join us.

You have described them as rude, ignorant and yobbish, as well as bl**dy idiots. They apologised profusely, spent more than hour trying to catch your horse, boxed it and took it home for you ? Now who was it you said was rude, ignorant .......... ?

Oh dear you clearly didn't understand, shall I try and reiterate?

1. Hunt not allowed in field
2. Hunt went in field
3. Horse freaked out went through fence, galloped for miles through busy high st, industrial estate, whilst in hot pursuit buy two huntsmen on their horses, on a busy saturday afternoon, anything could have happened, the worst could have happened.
4. they followed/chased him until he found a field
5. I got one sorry and they were mostly acting like it had ruined their day

I can only guess you hunt as you didn't bother to ask if he was okay either.

Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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I don't mind if the OP doesn't reply to me directly, I just know that as Secretary of a pack of hounds, I would be mortified if this had happened with our pack and would be doing all I could to rectify the situation as soon as possible.

The Masters need to know, and if it means you have to ring them to get a response then do so, asap.

VERY well said. Assuming that the OP has been truthful with me, by PM, and I suspect that I've had an honest account, and were I in her shoes, I'd be spitting blood, regardless of who my landlord may be.

Hunting needs all the support which it can muster, and again, if I'm in possession of the true facts, this really isn't the way to achieve it.

OP, if you're certain of your facts, then stick to your guns.



Well-Known Member
30 July 2008
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Oh dear you clearly didn't understand, shall I try and reiterate?

1. Hunt not allowed in field
2. Hunt went in field
3. Horse freaked out went through fence, galloped for miles through busy high st, industrial estate, whilst in hot pursuit buy two huntsmen on their horses, on a busy saturday afternoon, anything could have happened, the worst could have happened.
4. they followed/chased him until he found a field
5. I got one sorry and they were mostly acting like it had ruined their day

I can only guess you hunt as you didn't bother to ask if he was okay either.

Could I suggest you reread your own post !

"the first thing I knew about it was a local farmer calling me and saying my horse had got and was being pusued by two of the hunt in an attempt to catch him????? "
- So you weren't there, I asked whether you knew for sure they had gone in your field, or whether your horse had got out as the hunt went past.

"they were very apologetic"
- This implies more than one sorry !

As I said in my first post, on this thread, if the account of todays events is accurate then they should definitely have an apology and the OP should make a complaint to the masters.

Unfortunately mistakes do happen in all walks of life, in your case if the hunt were genuinely apologetic I am not quite sure what more you expected of them after the fact to avoid being labelled rude, ignorant etc
With regard to whether your horse was ok afterwards, I assumed he must have been otherwise I'm sure you would have mentioned it !

If you knew the hunt were in the vicinity and your horse was recuperating from major surgery it might have been wise to have kept him in, after all better safe than sorry. 15 years ago they wouldn't have been able to give absolute assurances that they wouldn't be on your doorstep as they would have been hunting live quarry.
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Well-Known Member
21 February 2011
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Santa Paws with friends of hunting like you who really needs anti's??

You claim that there are three "hunts" near you that hunt fox because you have been invited to "hunt fox" with all three in the past two years...I suggest that at least one or more of the individuals to whom you have talked know of your opinions and you are have had your leg stetched at least on more than one occasion. You do not claim to have seen this but still put it out as gospel - I am really not surprised that anti's get in such a lather about hunting in the media if those that claim to be involved in hunting claim that it is so because someone has said so ...

From your posts I understand that you prefer drag hunting however I find it hard to believe to believe that you have never experienced hounds that are at fault, you appear not to know that a trail actually uses foxes urine, or more importantly that in the four years you have been hunting you have never experienced anti groups causing trouble (and remember some of these idiots have targeted bloodhounds in their zeal to eliminate illegal hunting!)

In your arguments you would also appear to be happy to redirect insults that are normally the reserve of anti folk including such choice terms as "overpriviledged toffs" and "arrogant upper class prat's sport".

You have said to Judgemental that the image of fox hunting does not need other people to damage it, it does extremely well for itself - however I will add that you S_P lead the way very well yourself

The OP appears genuinely upset at what seems to be inappropiate behaviour by their local hunt. They have undertaken to contact the relevant people and hopefully will get redress to what happened. You have not helped this matter by appropriating blame to all and sundry without knowledge of all the facts
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Well-Known Member
2 January 2008
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I have hunted and followed, but I am being constantly flabbergasted! at the arrogance! and ignorance! of not one, but several hunts! Masters and fields thinking they are above the Law and riding roughshod over people's land causeing chaos and mayhem! when Police are involved they are reluctant to take action even when people are assulted and verbally abused. cutting through the bull$hit they are still hunting foxes, but being ultra carefull no evidence is obtained, and even if it is, police don't act! horses that are at grass are being hurt! and as mentioned the field are horse lovers too, but if the boot was on the other foot and their horses and / or property was being damaged would they too not be angry? I am quicly becomeing anti ! and this is due to the hunts themselfs and not due to the antis properganda! but my own informed choice :-(


Well-Known Member
28 November 2011
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The pack I hunt with have jumped into a field of youngstock before - I'm talking two and three year olds in a huge huge field. There would have been 10 of them maybe, in probably 30 acres, of well fenced and hedged field. We had the land owners permission, and the field all jumped in and out at the same place. I presume the thinking of the land owner was it's all good education! Unfortunately a couple of horses after me somebody broke the rails but everybody immediately stopped jumping, and our gateshutters were straight there with twine tieing as best as they good until our fenceman got there. The youngsters were more excited that they'd got a whole bunch of new friends and were trying to introduce themselves - and once we'd left mogged back off across their field.


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4 March 2008
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Santa Paws with friends of hunting like you who really needs anti's??

I am not a friend of fox hunting. It is illegal. It is not for any of us to pick and choose which laws we abide by, that way lies social chaos.

You claim that there are three "hunts" near you that hunt fox because you have been invited to "hunt fox" with all three in the past two years...I suggest that at least one or more of the individuals to whom you have talked know of your opinions and you are have had your leg stetched at least on more than one occasion.

You would so love to believe this, wouldn't you? Prove you are not an anti yourself and I will give you the names of the three hunts in a PM. My leg was not being pulled, my views were not known by the people who issued the invites. The invites were issued on the strength of the fabulous hedge hopper that I ride.

From your posts I understand that you prefer drag hunting however I find it hard to believe to believe that you have never experienced hounds that are at fault, you appear not to know that a trail actually uses foxes urine, or more importantly that in the four years you have been hunting you have never experienced anti groups causing trouble (and remember some of these idiots have targeted bloodhounds in their zeal to eliminate illegal hunting!)

Where on earth do you get all this rubbish. I did not mention the makeup of the scent because it was not relevant. Besides which, a trail is laid with fox piss, the hounds are not following concentrated fox piss when they follow a live fox, so the comparison was in any case nonsense.

No, in four years recently and four years 15 years ago I never once saw a drag Huntsman unable to call his hounds off the wrong scent.

We are regularly insulted by ignorant people, myself only yesterday. That dos not, however, mean that hunts are not hunting illegally. Just because I am paranoid does not mean that they aren't out to get me :)

In your arguments you would also appear to be happy to redirect insults that are normally the reserve of anti folk including such choice terms as "overpriviledged toffs" and "arrogant upper class prat's sport".

You truly cannot distinguish between me pointing out how some of the posts on this thread are portaying hunters and me saying it myself. Figures :rolleyes:

You have not helped this matter by appropriating blame to all and sundry without knowledge of all the facts



Well-Known Member
15 August 2010
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Unfortunately it would appear that there are a couple of hunting people that can't bare any criticism of any hunts and their behaviour and then have accuse people of being trolls or anti hunting.

We have a local hunt and on the whole they put a card up to say they are in the area, however on a few occasions they have ridden through people's yards and caused problems.

We have also had them unload from our yard and they do come come across as ignorant, aggrogant to**ers that leave horse sh*it on the yard, park their trailers and lorries in the way and can barely bring themselves to acknowledge us.

I am not saying that is how all hunts behave but that the impression this one gives so I am not surprised that a hunt rode across someones field with horses in it. As for what's the problem horses gallop around anyway!! That is exactly the attitude I am referring to!


Well-Known Member
27 July 2007
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Just looking back on this thread, it seems to me that the only intolerance and quasi-fascism is being displayed by the anti-hunters. 'ooh - you can't ride through a field with horses in it' etc etc.' Sounds as if the hunt which pursued the loose horse which had got out went out of their way to catch it - and received not a single thankyou. I despair of the country which has this degree of intolerance and mean-spiritedness within the anti-hunting community. Live and let live, surely?


Well-Known Member
1 September 2008
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Haven't read all the posts but I'd like to add my two pence worth. I am not a pro or anti hunt person. Our farm land borders two different hunts. One is polite, couteous and we happily let them ride through land which we have identified as ok for hunting. The other hunt don't dare come near us anymore after an almighty row when they rode through a field of pregnant sheep terrifying the hell out them and into a crop field.

Isn't hunting like anything else? Most are nice and couteous but as with everything there are some idiots out there?


Well-Known Member
17 June 2010
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We rent the land but why should that make a difference? We pay our rent on time each month. If the hunt had told us they wanted to ride through that particular field today we would have brought our horses in. In the past they have either phoned or called round but no communication at all for todays hunt. Mot malicious, an oversight I am sure but that wouldn't have compensated us should any of our horses have got injured. And surely on seeing horses loose in a field the mounted followers should have had the sense to go round?

The issue of illegal hunting is separate really - as I said I have turned a blind eye to this but hunts cannot be surprised at neutral people turning against them when they behave like this?

Is it not the OWNER of the land who dictates if hunting is allowed on it??


Well-Known Member
17 December 2007
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I haven't read any of the replies, so this may have already been pointed out...

We knew the meet was happening locally
If I knew a hunt was meeting locally, I would take full responsibility for my horses' safety, and would not take any chances. That way, I may have a leg to stand on if I had to make a claim against anyone.
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Well-Known Member
21 February 2011
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I will take from your return post that you have taken nothing on board.

You are what I believe can be termed 'a mouth'. The OP had a specific complaint and yet you went out of your way to have a general rant at all those who participate in hunting.

You made general and vague accusations against a number if unnamed hunts on the basis of something that was said to you because of your fabulous hedge topper!

You allegedly asked said individuals did they hunt fox and they all said yes! I reiterate you have has your leg pulled on more than one occasion here. By asking you were than clearly stating your opinions.

As for social chaos & the hunting Act I suggest you reread the act to understand what is actually allowed under said act and what is not.

I will take it from your use of derogatory populist nonsense that some of your current opinions are formulated from some of our more popular tabloids!


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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I will take from your return post that you have taken nothing on board.

Oh you are enjoying this fight aren't you Fiagai :p ?

I'm not sure what pearls of wisdom you were expecting me to take on board? There aren't any hunts illegally hunting fox? There are. Hounds chase a trail of fox pee? True. It doesn't matter if a mounted field jump into someone's field with loose horses in it? It does. I can't recall anything else from the thread that I was supposed to understand?

You are what I believe can be termed 'a mouth'.

If you mean that I articulate my opinions clearly and will not back down in the face of aggressive responses like yours, then I accept the label. You are entitled to voice whatever legal opinion of me that you hold, which appears to be a right that you do not consider that I should have in return.

he OP had a specific complaint and yet you went out of your way to have a general rant at all those who participate in hunting.

No, I responded to the people who had responded to the OP in what I considered to be an unwarranted or unacceptable way to the original post. Like the people who were blaming the OP for the problem and accusing her of being a troll because they did not like what she was saying.

You made general and vague accusations against a number if unnamed hunts on the basis of something that was said to you because of your fabulous hedge topper!

I have made specific accusations which I have offered to substantiate offline. I am not in the business of naming and shaming. PM Judgemental if you want to know the names of two, he has them.

You allegedly asked said individuals did they hunt fox and they all said yes! I reiterate you have has your leg pulled on more than one occasion here. By asking you were than clearly stating your opinions.

I did not allegedly ask anyone anything. I asked them. It is not alleged, I was there and it is first hand knowledge, no hearsay. My leg was not being pulled though you so desperately want to believe that it was. None of the people concerned knew my opinions before they asked the question. I did not ask if they hunted fox until after I had been invited to go out with them.

As for social chaos & the hunting Act I suggest you reread the act to understand what is actually allowed under said act and what is not.

There are hunts hunting fox with a pack of hounds illegally. We cannot pick and choose what laws we choose to abide by. I repeat, if people pick and choose which laws they think are worth abiding by, that way lies social chaos. If the law is wrong use democracy to get it changed, if you can get a majority of MPs to support you.

I will take it from your use of derogatory populist nonsense that some of your current opinions are formulated from some of our more popular tabloids!

I have used no derogatory populist nonsense. I have used only my own first hand experience. But you are enjoying this scrap so much that I have no doubt that you will be back again to throw further insult at me.

The sad thing is that you really have no idea how much the things that have been written by pro-hunting folk on this thread are liable to turn more and more moderate people against you.
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Always Henesy

Well-Known Member
5 December 2011
East Sussex
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OP - I understand totally how you must be feeling. I am pro hunting and am disgusted that you have been treated this way.
For the record, we rented a property and 3 acres and kept our horses at home. The landlord actually had to give us 24 hours notice before coming to the property and any visits had to be made at a time convenient to us. The landlord may agree to the hunt coming over the land, but not without consulting you first. You as the tenant have the right to say no to the hunt on the fields. This is based on the fact that you have a proper tenancy agreement in place.
It is not for everyone else to lock up their horses/livestock/children/pregnant sheep etc just because the hunt feels it's their God given right to ride rough shod wherever they like. They do not have the right to ride wherever they like.
It takes a great deal of friendship/respect and hard work from the hunt to be allowed to ride on any land. And any land that they do ride on has to be treated with respect - fences mended/crops avoided - that kind of thing.
I hope that you get the apology you quite rightly deserve.


Well-Known Member
7 October 2010
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i read the original post and a couple of pages beginning and end. The op sounds quite reasonable in her complaint and then the chaos started. You don t have to be anti hunt to agree with her complaint.. I have experienced the hunt passing by without warning and that is bad enough when you have a nob of a horse like mine. I like the way henesay replied.. its that kind of wisdom and respect that enables folk to live and let live. I was angry that the hunt hadnt told me they were coming this way... the master apologised and sends me a text when they come by now. Sorted.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Is it not the OWNER of the land who dictates if hunting is allowed on it??

It depends on the terms of the rental agreement.

Are you saying that if the landlord agreed to allow hunting on that land that you think it was OK for a mounted field to follow hounds into a field with loose horses in it?


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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OP - I understand totally how you must be feeling. I am pro hunting and am disgusted that you have been treated this way.
For the record, we rented a property and 3 acres and kept our horses at home. The landlord actually had to give us 24 hours notice before coming to the property and any visits had to be made at a time convenient to us. The landlord may agree to the hunt coming over the land, but not without consulting you first. You as the tenant have the right to say no to the hunt on the fields. This is based on the fact that you have a proper tenancy agreement in place.
It is not for everyone else to lock up their horses/livestock/children/pregnant sheep etc just because the hunt feels it's their God given right to ride rough shod wherever they like. They do not have the right to ride wherever they like.
It takes a great deal of friendship/respect and hard work from the hunt to be allowed to ride on any land. And any land that they do ride on has to be treated with respect - fences mended/crops avoided - that kind of thing.
I hope that you get the apology you quite rightly deserve.

Where's the "like" button when you need it?


Active Member
23 August 2010
North Wales
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I have also experienced a problem with the hunt recently. A few members (4) decided to take a gate off its hinges and pop a few post and rail fences in an out of the paddocks at the yard I work at. Luckily being winter we had non of the horses out (They are dressage darlings and dont do mud :p) They have never had permission to hunt/cross the land. The hounds also ran unchecked for around half and hour around the property causing havoc! I have always had greatest respect for the hunt and loved my few days out that I have had with several packs around my area, but I cannot help but feel disappointed with these antics!
To be fair to the hunt, a complaint was made and the next time the hunt was in the area and the hounds ran on to the property, the whip came running down the drive unmounted straight away to remove them apologising profusely, which was much appreciated by the landowner. Manners cost nothing and are very well received!


Well-Known Member
9 September 2011
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i hope you have heard something from the hunt by now?

i worked for the masters of my local hunt for over 10 years, and did some hunting myself, whenever we entered a field with loose horses in that were getting stressed, (esp a small field) we were yelled at by the field master to slow right down, where ever possible going through fields with loose horses in was avoided.

im glad that your horses were not hurt though :)
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Well-Known Member
17 December 2007
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Op, I have read all the posts now, and wonder about this...you said at one point that your horses went down into the bottom corner of your field. Is it possible that the first couple of riders into your field did not see your horses, until it was too late, and that the others followed in ignorance of there being horses in the field? Once in, they had to get out.


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18 June 2010
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Got back to the box and flipped up the laptop, thought I would give it straight from the horse's mouth, as Kamikaze - stable name for my horse snorted, "must be important for you to open the communicator".

I said, "oh Kami it's the time of year, everybody having a 'crack' (or should I say the throng - madding crowd) at hunting, friend or foe alike".

So I explained the situation. "Whilst snatching a tug of hay out of the hay-net with a degree of irritable impatience", Kami said, "bet they all enjoyed hooling about, any excuse. It gets fairly boring and hounds, did you say 'hounds', oh how wonderful for them, I would have been prancing about, cutting the turf up fantastically, probably ping a cirsingle as well and maybe lost a shoe just for fun".

I know Kami and I would have smiled and thought let the old boy have a frolic.

"Where there any young fillies there too"? Kami said, "aren’t you a little past that sort of game", I said, "never to old for young fillies or two" said Kami. (Two at a time - there is no stopping him).

Nothing like a good squeal and front hooves up in the air. "I'll see all those young thrusters off any day".

"Was it mature mares or boring old geldings?” said Kami, "info is a bit sparse,” I said.

Knowing were the old rascal was coming from.

"Well you don't bother about these things". "I know and that's why we never ever have any bother".

Kami went back to snatching his hay net with a very superior knowing air.....of how it all really works.
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Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
The Internet makes one's location irrelevant
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I wonder of Kami gave any thought to the public perception of those who hunt.

No? Thought not, his mind was on baser matters. ;)


Alec it really is very embarrising at times, Kmai is an out and out opportunist:)

Gets very excited and it is much remarked upon. Unknown and unexpected visitors to his paddock are subjected to much flirtatious behaviour.

However they all go away feeling happy and confident that they will be more than welcome again, indeed they may even be asked.......


Well-Known Member
3 July 2010
Haven't read all the posts but I'd like to add my two pence worth. I am not a pro or anti hunt person. Our farm land borders two different hunts. One is polite, couteous and we happily let them ride through land which we have identified as ok for hunting. The other hunt don't dare come near us anymore after an almighty row when they rode through a field of pregnant sheep terrifying the hell out them and into a crop field.

Isn't hunting like anything else? Most are nice and couteous but as with everything there are some idiots out there?

Worth re-iterating.


Well-Known Member
15 September 2009
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'If you knew the hunt were in the vicinity and your horse was recuperating from major surgery it might have been wise to have kept him in, after all better safe than sorry.'

Those who hunt and have no respect for others may not realise it but by riding with the hunt that does not mean all other people should give up their lives/make special arrangments to suit you.. Have respect and you will get respect and probably more land opened up to you..
26 December 2011
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Hey folks

Sorry - been out working all day.

So the news is good :D I wasn't here but my housemates/yardmates were. The Master came round with lots of apologies, promises that it would never happen again and a bottle of vodka. He couldn't have been more apologetic and said it should never have happened.

I can't say fairer than that, no grudges held, the matter is over and done with as far as I'm concerned.

Thanks for all the support in this thread from the majority of posters - its nice to know that the majority of hunt folk are decent and considerate.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all :D:D


Well-Known Member
21 February 2011
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Hey folks

Sorry - been out working all day.

So the news is good :D I wasn't here but my housemates/yardmates were. The Master came round with lots of apologies, promises that it would never happen again and a bottle of vodka. He couldn't have been more apologetic and said it should never have happened.

I can't say fairer than that, no grudges held, the matter is over and done with as far as I'm concerned.

Thanks for all the support in this thread from the majority of posters - its nice to know that the majority of hunt folk are decent and considerate.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all :D:D

Delighted with your result ... Its good to know there is some decency out there :)