Dolly leaves this weekend.


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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The foal will be fine. Most foals are weaned at between 4 and 6 months, many with far less care and kindness than this one.


Well-Known Member
31 May 2007
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I think for a 17 year old this unexpected foal has been totally life changing. ....

Life changing.. LOL a foal was born, she was back riding the mare a couple of months after the foal was born and weaned before 4 months, not exactly life changing. A bit of an inconvenience maybe


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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Life changing.. LOL a foal was born, she was back riding the mare a couple of months after the foal was born and weaned before 4 months, not exactly life changing. A bit of an inconvenience maybe

Quite. Never heard of anything so melodramatic before over such a minor issue in life.

Mileaminute should know all about 'lifechanging'. She was diagnosed with diabetes when she was a child and has struggled greatly with her health ever since. THAT'S lifechanging.


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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LIFECHANGING?!!! Really?!!

I really hope nothing more serious happens in her life if that is 'lifechanging'.

I personally class serious injury or unexpected death/severe illness lifechanging. Not the birth of a foal.

Lots of things can be life changing without having a long term, debilitating impact on your physical health! Anything which changes the way you think or approach things is life changing surely? Having a baby, getting your first 'real' job, passing your driving test, getting a horse or dog (if it is your first ever dependent) and so many other things can be described as life changing.

Honestly I do not understand you apparent dislike for TB who seems like a nice, normal kid to me. Why does she offend you so much?

I have always thought you were a bit unhinged to be honest but now I think you are actually just rather unpleasant.


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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Lots of things can be life changing without having a long term, debilitating impact on your physical health! Anything which changes the way you think or approach things is life changing surely? Having a baby, getting your first 'real' job, passing your driving test, getting a horse or dog (if it is your first ever dependent) and so many other things can be described as life changing.

Honestly I do not understand you apparent dislike for TB who seems like a nice, normal kid to me. Why does she offend you so much?

I have always thought you were a bit unhinged to be honest but now I think you are actually just rather unpleasant.

I haven't made any comment about TB on this thread. I have commented that I do not feel Amymay's description of this being a lifechanging event is just.



Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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I have enjoyed tessybears threads about tessy and dolly and enjoyed watching Dolly grow, I agree that TB seemed to cope well with an unexpected foal and seems to have cared for them both well, However, it is a little bit strange that no one is allowed to have their own opinions and thoughts where she is concerned. Yes shes a young girl and every one makes mistakes, but if any one dares critise her all hell breaks loose! Im sure Dolly will be ok, but as im sure most people know under 4 months is really too young to be weaned without good reason. There does not really seem to a good reason in this case. Just wonder what response there would be if someone else posted about weaning a 4 month old!


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Life changing.. LOL a foal was born, she was back riding the mare a couple of months after the foal was born and weaned before 4 months, not exactly life changing. A bit of an inconvenience maybe

What a miserable pair you and moomin are.

If people don't find the lifechanging joy in thes unexpected events I feel very sorry for you.

What miserable little lives you must lead.


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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I have enjoyed tessybears threads about tessy and dolly and enjoyed watching Dolly grow, I agree that TB seemed to cope well with an unexpected foal and seems to have cared for them both well, However, it is a little bit strange that no one is allowed to have their own opinions and thoughts where she is concerned. Yes shes a young girl and every one makes mistakes, but if any one dares critise her all hell breaks loose! Im sure Dolly will be ok, but as im sure most people know under 4 months is really too young to be weaned without good reason. There does not really seem to a good reason in this case. Just wonder what response there would be if someone else posted about weaning a 4 month old!

I genuinely think that if I had done it hardly anyone would have batted an eyelid to be perfectly honest. I don't think people would even bother to question me over it, especially if I stated repeatedly that the vet had OK'd my decision...


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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What a miserable pair you and moomin are.

If people don't find the lifechanging joy in thes unexpected events I feel very sorry for you.

What miserable little lives you must lead.

Nobody has said they aren't pleased for TB? People have simply said they disagree that a foal should be weaned that early for no good reason. Jeez.


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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I genuinely think that if I had done it hardly anyone would have batted an eyelid to be perfectly honest. I don't think people would even bother to question me over it, especially if I stated repeatedly that the vet had OK'd my decision...

I dont agree, think most people think 4 months is too young unless there is a good reason, remember she is only just 4 months and would have been less than that when weaned, Not saying she will come to any major harm but it would have been kinder to wait another few weeks. Anyway thats just my opinion, to which im entitled.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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Well I suspected it would be a waste of breath asking people to be a little kinder to her..

No I wouldn't do that LiR! Asking people to think about being a bit kinder to others on here has made me really unpopular with quite a few people here. :eek3:


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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I dont agree, think most people think 4 months is too young unless there is a good reason, remember she is only just 4 months and would have been less than that when weaned, Not saying she will come to any major harm but it would have been kinder to wait another few weeks. Anyway thats just my opinion, to which im entitled.

They might think it but I don't think most people would say it to me.

If you are young on here people think that is carte blanche to shove their opinions down your throat. As I am not I find I am left to my own devices most of the time.


Well-Known Member
17 April 2011
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Despite reading the thread and Abbie justifying herself there are still people harping on?
Not that she should have had too, but Abbie and her mum counted the WEEKS since Dolly was born and she infact 5 months, not 4, so chill!


Well-Known Member
31 May 2007
Land of nod
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What a miserable pair you and moomin are.

If people don't find the lifechanging joy in thes unexpected events I feel very sorry for you.

What miserable little lives you must lead.

I'm perfectly happy thank you. And if you look back at the Dolly/being born thread, I was very happy for TB, but obviously am not allowed to state that the foal was weaned too early ( I also wouldn't have ridden the mare while the foal was at foot, but that would be opening up a whole different can of worms :p)

So Amymay, if you had a mare that had an unexpected foal, would you ride the mare while foal was at foot, and wean before 4 months?


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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Despite reading the thread and Abbie justifying herself there are still people harping on?
Not that she should have had too, but Abbie and her mum counted the WEEKS since Dolly was born and she infact 5 months, not 4, so chill!

Yes, Im aware of the fact that they counted weeks, but I do honestly think it was still too young, I dont think any harm has been done just that it would have been kinder to wait a few more weeks, However whats done is done, but everyone should remember that people are fully intitled to their own opinions.


Well-Known Member
12 March 2012
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A lot of people ride mares with a foal at foot. As regards the term life-changing though, why have people leapt upon it as instantly having to mean a negative? For anyone of Abbie's age to go through this worrying, joyful and satisfying time it should be life-changing. To see for yourself s baby come into the world, their learning experiences, development of relationships. .all very life-changing for Abbie. It doesn't mean it negates everyone else's more negative experiences. After all, none of us can go around constantly comparing our lives to others just so we can see if we are ok to enjoy something, or call it relevant to us.


Well-Known Member
1 December 2011
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I have to say that I don't think there would be all this fuss if a stud had said they had weaned one of their foals at 4 months or if a vet said they had advised a client to.
I think part of the problem is we've all followed TB and Dollys story from being discovered to be in foal, through birth and now weaning and some people feel a bit proprietary of Dolly and because they are more experienced than TB they feel their opinion is therefore correct. TB has stated that Dolly was weaned on the advice of the stud, who may or may not be more experienced than people on here, and of the vet, who certainly has more medical training than most on here, but TB, the stud and the vet all have something that people on here do not and that is experience with Dolly and Tessy!
Just because you wouldn't wean at 4 months it doesn't make you right in every case and without knowing the reason behind the stud and vet advising that Dolly should be weaned now you can't say that TB was wrong.


Well-Known Member
24 November 2007
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No I wouldn't do that LiR! Asking people to think about being a bit kinder to others on here has made me really unpopular with quite a few people here. :eek3:

Yeah well.. I have this misguided faith in human nature which is so often proved wrong.

I don't think you are unpopular FionaM12, just you prick a few consciences. It's so darn EASY to be unkind on a forum, I bet half these people wouldn't say boo to a goose in real life.


Well-Known Member
26 July 2013
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Not sure where the original poster asked for advice on when to wean her foal! What a load of rubbish this thread has turned into, as per usual.

I think the recent thread on here about 'knowing when to keep one's mouth shut' applies.

I feel sorry for the original poster who just wanted to share her news for those who have followed with interest.


Well-Known Member
12 March 2012
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Having seen Dolly's last photo and the size of her, I would say weaning was absolutely the right thing for her bones and joints. By weaning, her food intake can be well monitored and gives her every chance of growing on without health issues.


3 May 2007
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jeez, this forum is nasty atm. Good luck with school Abbie, I am sure Dolly will be a credit to you and her mum.

I also left home at 16-am 43 now and still don't know that it was a good idea. However, even my cynical 17yo self would have been blown away by a foal and then having to rehome it. Lets hope the not-so-good life events don't happen to other people, just because they may of happened to us eh?

Spring Feather

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30 December 2010
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Despite reading the thread and Abbie justifying herself there are still people harping on?
Not that she should have had too, but Abbie and her mum counted the WEEKS since Dolly was born and she infact 5 months, not 4, so chill!
How does that work then :confused3: ? If the foal is around 120 days old at time of weaning that works out to around 17 weeks which is just a little over 4 months if you use an average of 4 weeks per month. But of course it isn't just over 4 months, it's actually 3 months and a couple of weeks, because when weaning foals, breeders work in full months, not weeks or days.


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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Having seen Dolly's last photo and the size of her, I would say weaning was absolutely the right thing for her bones and joints. By weaning, her food intake can be well monitored and gives her every chance of growing on without health issues.

Which would, of course, concur with the advice of the stud and the vet who have all seen Dolly IRL:D


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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From what I have read I dont think the vet or stud advised it, just oked it which is a differant thing. yes Im sure it will all be fine, but it would have been kinder to wait a few more weeks surely, Whats a few weeks really? Hopefully Dolly will have a long life, but she will never get the time spent with mum back.

Just wonder what you would all say if you saw a ad on dragon driving or somehing for a 4 month old? would you all be saying it should still be with mum? I would and so would most of you I think!
Anyway I hope all goes well on sat and Dolly has a safe journey and settles in to her new home with no problems.

Caol Ila

Well-Known Member
23 January 2012
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Good luck, Abbie.

Once again, this forum shows it's nasty side. It's like HHO version of Monty Python's "Four Yorkshiremen." Except not nearly as funny.


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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Good luck, Abbie.

Once again, this forum shows it's nasty side. It's like HHO version of Monty Python's "Four Yorkshiremen." Except not nearly as funny.

I am still really trying to figure out what is nasty about someone saying that they feel it's very early for a foal to be weaned?!! Nobody has been personally insulting to TB, or even remotely negative about her as a person.


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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Good luck, Abbie.

Once again, this forum shows it's nasty side. It's like HHO version of Monty Python's "Four Yorkshiremen." Except not nearly as funny.

I am still really trying to figure out what is nasty about someone saying that they feel it's very early for a foal to be weaned?!! Nobody has been personally insulting to TB, or even remotely negative about her as a person.