How long can a horse survive trapped in thicket


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8 November 2005
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Yes the elderly owner is out of hospital. He called in to thank us next day. Yes one of my horses is in this field because he does not need constant hay whereas my other horses do. He is bought up every day into his stable for me to ride and some hay? yesthe farmer takes money. The people put their horses in the field . If you had read my post you would have known we had rehomed a little filly. Farmer was paid a month the the owner went to India. Filly was just left. Anymore questions. My horse does not like my pony. He has been in this field for many years. My old pony was in their for twenty years and lived to 36. So I have no problem with the field. I have used this farm for 55 years . I moved house to be near by. It is convenient for me. Do you want to know anything else. And re the foal it belonged to a dealer


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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So why did you say not liveries? They are paying ergo they are liveries. What you were saying just didn't make a lot of sense.

It doesn't sound like somewhere I would want mine thought It sounds a huge disease risk with all the coming and going. And a sad situation if something happens to an owner and no one would notice that they hadn't visited or that the horse was missing for several days.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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PTS presumably because the owner cannot provide adequate care and no one else wishes to take responsibility for the animal so what stops it happening and the horse suffering again?


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8 November 2005
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Why would I want answers saying how wonderful I am. I did read your post yes. You said other liveries. Who would they be. The other liveries who don't check their your not my favourite poster another one living in a perfect world with Wonderful, friendly liveries who you see everyday. Don't make me laugh


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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Why would I want answers saying how wonderful I am. I did read your post yes. You said other liveries. Who would they be. The other liveries who don't check their your not my favourite poster another one living in a perfect world with Wonderful, friendly liveries who you see everyday. Don't make me laugh
I'm not sure that is perfect world but it is certainly more normal than your set up. You have said most of the horses don't go out yet they all have owners who don't check them too?? Are you the only person that ever goes to this yard?!

If no one wants to take responsibility for this mans horse including him then pts would not be the worse thing.


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28 March 2011
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This is the issue with type of badly managed livery .
On a well managed yard this simply would not happen the people managing the yard would be on top of stuff .
I am glad the owner is out and about again and hopefully he will make better plans to cover any ill health .
At twenty this mare will struggle to find a good new home unless somebody sensible locally is keeping a horse alone and wants a companion .

It's very sad but if the owner can't make good provision for an old horse PTS might be the best option .


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7 September 2004
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I'm not sure that is perfect world but it is certainly more normal than your set up. You have said most of the horses don't go out yet they all have owners who don't check them too?? Are you the only person that ever goes to this yard?!

If no one wants to take responsibility for this mans horse including him then pts would not be the worse thing.

Come on, there are people all over the place that fail to care for animals in an appropriate manner. Why should the OP be held more accountable than you or I?

I agree the set up does not sound great, but I fail to see why the OP is suddenly taking such a bashing.


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28 March 2011
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Why would I want answers saying how wonderful I am. I did read your post yes. You said other liveries. Who would they be. The other liveries who don't check their your not my favourite poster another one living in a perfect world with Wonderful, friendly liveries who you see everyday. Don't make me laugh

Your sound very bitter but sorry I can not imagine having horses in a field were I did not mentally note who was where every time I went in .
I also can't imagine being unable to check the horses of a sick fellow livery provided I was physically able to get to the yard myself and I am not a person blessed with perfect health .
My experiance of livery yards is people do look out for each other but that's based on friends who run them and friends who keep their horses on them . I don't have my own horses on livery .


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8 November 2005
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What's normal. Horses on the yard . Some don't go out. Some go in individual paddocks near farm buildings. If they don't have horse in big field they don't go there. I go to field, paddock and farm buildings because I have stables as need to be sarcastic. Do you want the names of the people who go to the yard. Let me see Bill, Chris. Mike, Sue, Vicky, Rick Linda, Ray oh and little old me whogoes to my paddock, the big field and my stables. The farm is split into three yards. I only frequent mine. Does that make sense to you or do you want more clarification


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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Come on, there are people all over the place that fail to care for animals in an appropriate manner. Why should the OP be held more accountable than you or I?

I agree the set up does not sound great, but I fail to see why the OP is suddenly taking such a bashing.
I didn't say they should be held more accountable? Just a sad set of affairs, with people wondering how Thor could be on a yard and no one notice I think this sort of set up is the answer


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8 November 2005
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Yes I've got bitter over this post. I go to the gate get my horse in. No need for me to go in the field. We did not know he was in hospital. Someone saw him working a week ago. We did look,out for his horse when his other horse got out and she was not with him and when his other horse came to gate when I called mine. Call me thick but it did not twig for a while. Soon as we realised we searched for her. Mentioned to Y0 and he thought he had taken her.,but he got confused. This set up suits me. My horses live out and I have stables if needed.. It is a large field you cannot see all of from one gate. It is full of mud. I cannot walk in knee deep mud and be responsible for all these horses.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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Normal - liveries you see every day.

I'm not being sarcastic I am trying to understand your posts which seem ambit contradictory at times. At one point they aren't liveries but are paying, then no one visits and now lots of them do.
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Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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I didn't say they should be held more accountable? Just a sad set of affairs, with people wondering how Thor could be on a yard and no one notice I think this sort of set up is the answer

Of course it's a sad set of affairs.
But that doesn't mean the OP should take a bashing which is what AM and to some extent you have done?


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8 November 2005
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Ok so you have got an hour to get your horse in groom tack up and ride. So you spend half of that time going round field checking horses. It is a large field with lots of mud. Is that what you would do


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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Of course it's a sad set of affairs.
But that doesn't mean the OP should take a bashing which is what AM and to some extent you have done?

Can you show me where I have bashed the OP? I honestly neithe intended to or aware where I have just trying to unpick and understand how it could get to this point as it is very much outside of my diy livery experience. Even the bottom end yard on a farm down the road from mums where minimal attention is paid I cannot see this situation happening


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3 May 2014
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Yes I've got bitter over this post. I go to the gate get my horse in. No need for me to go in the field. We did not know he was in hospital. Someone saw him working a week ago. We did look,out for his horse when his other horse got out and she was not with him and when his other horse came to gate when I called mine. Call me thick but it did not twig for a while. Soon as we realised we searched for her. Mentioned to Y0 and he thought he had taken her.,but he got confused. This set up suits me. My horses live out and I have stables if needed.. It is a large field you cannot see all of from one gate. It is full of mud. I cannot walk in knee deep mud and be responsible for all these horses.

I don't disagree with any of this at all and don't think you're responsible for what happened at all. Can you sell the Welsh C on behalf of the owner?


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8 November 2005
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What do you want to know. Ok they are grass liveries. I have a stable the others bar one do not have stables so they are not bought up to the yard. People who have horses with stables on my yard come up most days or everyday. If not someone does them. I want to get home before it us dark so I do not see everyone. At weekends we have tea together and a chat. People who have horses in the field do not come to yard unless passing through. I cannot e xplain it anymore


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28 March 2011
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What is your issue OP no one has said you were the best person to check the horses in fact it's very clear you are not .
But someone taking money for a providing somewhere for horses to live ,graze whatever should have decent systems in place horses should not be falling under the radar ,it's not acceptable ,yards like this make the case for strict licensing and closure of those that don't comply .


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8 November 2005
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He did want to sell her at one point but he has acquired a field for them now so they should be going soon. I'm not concerned about her because he has all his faculties. The owner of the Hackney horse has dementia with no n horsey family so will try and do the best for her


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7 September 2004
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Can you show me where I have bashed the OP? I honestly neithe intended to or aware where I have just trying to unpick and understand how it could get to this point as it is very much outside of my diy livery experience. Even the bottom end yard on a farm down the road from mums where minimal attention is paid I cannot see this situation happening

Of course it could reach this point. When liveries come and go to their own time schedule. Shorter days, doing horses in the dark. Having larger acreage away from the main yard. Having field topography that means horses aren't in sight.
It would be perfectly possible to go a whole week and not see a particular Livery if you kept different schedules. If you weren't aware a livery was in hospital you would have no reason to make extra effort to check their horses. If a horse is not in sight you wouldn't automatically think 'god it's dead in a ditch', you would probably not give it a second thought, but if you did you might think it was in the woods/grazing behind the mound/being ridden/whatever. It could be a few days down the line that you thought 'hmmm haven't seen such and such for a while'

ETA obviously only on a yard with substandard central management
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8 November 2005
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Goldenstar so what would you do then . Walk round field looking at horses or see to your own horses. Defeats the object of me having my own horses. Would not have time for them. Yes I am not best person to check horses but was at that time. No one else bothered


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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See coming from big ditch country I think I might think that!

I guess because even the yard I mention has a couple of people who would make it their business to know everyone else's business. A horse could easily be in a ditch there but I can't see it going unnoticed.


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7 March 2011
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What do you want to know. Ok they are grass liveries. I have a stable the others bar one do not have stables so they are not bought up to the yard. People who have horses with stables on my yard come up most days or everyday. If not someone does them. I want to get home before it us dark so I do not see everyone. At weekends we have tea together and a chat. People who have horses in the field do not come to yard unless passing through. I cannot e xplain it anymore

I don't think you need to OP. A yard I was on previously was similar, I think a missing mare would have been noticed as their field was square and all visible from the gate but the geldings' field included a corner and lots of hawthorne scrub which they often hid in. My own pony was bullied out and became trapped between the fence and thorns, some dog walkers found him but he'd been there for some hours.