I'm upset/shocked, saw horse seriously beaten on way home.


Well-Known Member
24 August 2010
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I don't get it... it's wrong for people to judge the OP on her OWN action (or in fact lack of action) which she describes in her own words, but it's absolutely fine to assume the rider in question is an habitual horse-beater who would've attacked the OP had she intervened... ? Why don't you assume that the rider wasn't just having a really rubbish day and made a massive error of judgement and that perhaps she WOULD have appreciated some help? You're so keen to overlook the OP's lack of judgement, but not the rider... and after all we only have the OP's word as to what exactly happened. Not exactly likely to be a balanced view, is it?

Thanks for talking sense!
A fair few years ago, I was riding a horse who was well schooled, been there done that kind of horse. However, he was also a pain in the backside! Every now an then he would nap violently, and one day he did it and threw the two of us into on-coming traffic.
It wasn't fear, or freshness, or lack of education, it was just something he did maybe once a month, and behaved perfectly the rest of the time.
I might get called abusive for this, but after I jumped off him (it was the only way to get him out of the road) and he tried to pull away from he (ended up dragging me along the verge, because there was no way I was letting go!) I shouted at him, growled and gave him maybe 2/3 good hard smacks, tugged on his bridle and forced him to stand.
Maybe it wasn't the 'right' thing to do, but I got on him and he carried on the hack as if nothing had happened, and these incidents became much less frequent.


Well-Known Member
11 June 2010
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i would have shouted at the cow to stop- my objections on here are the way the OP has been roasted for not responding- as others have said, we arent all the same and maybe the OP felt nervous about confrontation--anything could have happened.

Absolutely agree! Like I said before, this OP bashing is out of order. If people all over the country can come to blows over such a subject via their flipping computers, then who can blame anyone for not wanting to confront an obviously livid person alone on a country lane?


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all!
Quite right; saying "Stop beating that horse or I'll call the police" isn't nice. Much better to shut up and drive away.
And yes it's much better not to point out the error of people's ways and let them carry on turning a blind eye in the face of what they claim to be blatant abuse than to risk offending them...


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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Well hasn't this been interesting, I'm off to bed.
By posting this I was interested in people views, how they would have reacted, got involved etc and to show how it made me feel.
Some people are along the same lines as me and no if I saw the same again I wouldn't stop the same as if I saw a street fight. The look on this womans face was evil and I didn't know what she was capable off. A rider has geniune problems with a horse without the physio act and beatings I would feel at easy to help.
Some off you talk quite well in front your computer and get quite bitchy but that's not face to face is it, hiding behind a screen. You lost your temper so easily about something which you didn't witness or see how brutal it was that it makes me wonder, is this your normal life with your horse? Losing your temper? Maybe it's second nature to you behaveing like that so that's why why would stop!!!!! Makes me wonder,
anyway bed time oh and thanks rosiefenfalen ( spelt wrong I think) and many others for seeing it as it was and how you would feel in that situation and not losing your temper which many on here seem to do very easy and would probable get on great with the rider, you can bash away together.
Night night

Night night

No loss of temper here I assure you! :)


Well-Known Member
18 February 2010
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Well hasn't this been interesting, I'm off to bed.
By posting this I was interested in people views, how they would have reacted, got involved etc and to show how it made me feel.
Some people are along the same lines as me and no if I saw the same again I wouldn't stop the same as if I saw a street fight. The look on this womans face was evil and I didn't know what she was capable off. A rider has geniune problems with a horse without the physio act and beatings I would feel at easy to help.
Some off you talk quite well in front your computer and get quite bitchy but that's not face to face is it, hiding behind a screen. You lost your temper so easily about something which you didn't witness or see how brutal it was that it makes me wonder, is this your normal life with your horse? Losing your temper? Maybe it's second nature to you behaveing like that so that's why why would stop!!!!! Makes me wonder,
anyway bed time oh and thanks rosiefenfalen ( spelt wrong I think) and many others for seeing it as it was and how you would feel in that situation and not losing your temper which many on here seem to do very easy and would probable get on great with the rider, you can bash away together.
Night night

So well said monsters! Sleep well. It doesnt take much on here to light the touch paper. lol.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2010
London, UK
Fun watching this thread grow as I was reading it.

Just curious, what did you think OP could have done if she had of offered to help? What kind of verbal advice is there (would saying 'stop bashing your horse!' actually help?) and what, practically, could she have done? She was on her way home from work and I imagine not in horsey garb and probably not having anywhere to park. Offer to lead the horse back to the yard?

**DISCLAIMER: This isn't an opinion, just a question!


Well-Known Member
11 October 2009
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Of course there was another, safer, option for the OP. She could have driven to within shouting distance and said "If you don't get a hold of your temper and stop hitting that horse I shall take pictures and inform a the authorities. If you would like some help from me calm down and ask nicely". Then she merely had to retreat to a safe distance and wait for the outcome.

or she could have quickly found a phone box and turned into wonder woman, or ooh ooh I know she could have really really quickly got in touch with like Katie Price or something and then a tv crew would have arrived ....

Or OR she could have pretended her dad was an astronaut ... :D


Well-Known Member
13 February 2010
UK Midlands
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maybe we should stop trying to have a huge go at each other and just try and sort out what is the best thing to do now for the horse, and accept that for whatever reason, the OP was too much in shock/ maybe didnt feel it her place to comment- i think that finding out who the rider was and then finding their yard/parents and telling them in fine details what you saw would be a good idea- as by the sounds of things this girl was abusing her horse whilst thinking she was unseen, i'm sure she would be quite embarrased into treating her horse better if her friends/family found out what she'd been doing! or even have the horse taken off her, or maybe they would agree with her methods, (obv i dont know them)- just an idea, hopefully i won't get my head bitten off for it ... =/

ETA- and stop discussing what COULD have happened, and stick to what CAN happen now.. even if it is much more fun to have a good 'ol bitch attack :p
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
22 June 2009
On the boarders
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Im not saying if its right or wrong, but its like having an argument - you can say all these things or act in the heat of the moment but then sit there afterwards and think "I really should have done/said this" Adrenaline/shock in the heat of the moment stops you seeing/thinking clearly.

Personally I think I would have asked if they wanted a hand. But have it been a 6ft + guy screaming with a 17hh horse with all feet flying everywhere my action might have been different, as quite an intimidating/potentially dangerous.

Maby the original post was just wanting to know what you would have done in that situation? No need to be rude though, just firm.

Hopefully next time OP will know what action they think appropriate, know they have thought about it.
Its nice to see some of you on here would would risk anything to help the horse - maby you can come talk to some of the travellers near my grandparents who exercise their horses on roundabouts :mad:


Fun watching this thread grow as I was reading it.

Just curious, what did you think OP could have done if she had of offered to help? What kind of verbal advice is there (would saying 'stop bashing your horse!' actually help?) and what, practically, could she have done? She was on her way home from work and I imagine not in horsey garb and probably not having anywhere to park. Offer to lead the horse back to the yard?

**DISCLAIMER: This isn't an opinion, just a question!

Offered to hold the horse while the rider takes 2 minutes to calm down, and then offer to give the rider a leg up so they could ride back to the yard.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
Well hasn't this been interesting, I'm off to bed.
By posting this I was interested in people views, how they would have reacted, got involved etc and to show how it made me feel.
Some people are along the same lines as me and no if I saw the same again I wouldn't stop the same as if I saw a street fight.
People beating themselves up; I'd call the police. Someone beating a horse; I'd step in.

The look on this womans face was evil and I didn't know what she was capable off. A rider has geniune problems with a horse without the physio act and beatings I would feel at easy to help.
Some off you talk quite well in front your computer and get quite bitchy but that's not face to face is it, hiding behind a screen.
I'd have told you exactly the same in person.

You lost your temper so easily about something which you didn't witness or see how brutal it was that it makes me wonder, is this your normal life with your horse? Losing your temper? Maybe it's second nature to you behaveing like that so that's why why would stop!!!!! Makes me wonder,
No loss of temper here. However, it's not just those who are AGAINST your actions that didn't witness the incident... the people defending you didn't either but you're not telling them not to lose their temper, are you?
And isn't it an easy way to get out of a losing argument to hint that people who disagree with you abuse their horses as well...? You don't have any evidence of that either, but it's just soooo convenient and handily distracts the attention from YOU.
You don't get it; it's not that we APPROVE of the rider's actions but that we DISapprove of you ignoring the situation and driving on.
Anyway bed time oh and thanks rosiefenfalen ( spelt wrong I think) and many others for seeing it as it was and how you would feel in that situation and not losing your temper which many on here seem to do very easy and would probable get on great with the rider, you can bash away together.
Night night
Cosy cosy cosy. That's my point; they DIDN'T see it how it was, did they? They just took YOUR word for it, just as you are hoping now that they'll latch onto your thinly-veiled and TOTALLY unfounded suggestions that WE abuse our horses.
What does THAT say about you???


Well-Known Member
18 February 2010
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i wondered when the alter ego would appear...:rolleyes:

Dont roll eyes, you seem to have had a good 2 nights of being unpleasant. I have just come onto this thread, just knew that you had to be on her case. Why dont you be brave and start a post, you never know you might find yourself in a position of being bullied. It is not a very nice experience.


Well-Known Member
11 June 2010
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indeed it does...because the OP was gutless...and to come on here and winge about the bad behaviour of the rider...seems to me it has backfired TBH..

assuming its not a Jackanory?

You're probably a lovely person who I'd get on with like a house on fire in real life. But you're also a stuck record .............


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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Fun watching this thread grow as I was reading it.

Just curious, what did you think OP could have done if she had of offered to help? What kind of verbal advice is there (would saying 'stop bashing your horse!' actually help?) and what, practically, could she have done? She was on her way home from work and I imagine not in horsey garb and probably not having anywhere to park. Offer to lead the horse back to the yard?

**DISCLAIMER: This isn't an opinion, just a question!

How about, from a safe distance, "Woah, hang on a minute, I assume you want to get back on the thing and that doesn't seem to be achieving very much. Do you want to take a couple of minutes to calm down and then I'll hang on to him or give you a leg up so you can get back on?" Wait for rider to calm down sufficiently to answer, if it's a brisk eff off, then "OK but if you carry on like that I shall film you and report you to WHW / RSPCA or whoever, are you sure you don't want a hand?" if it's a calm answer or along the lines of "please can you help" then follow your instincts as to the best way to reunite horse and rider. Sure you need to say "OK so we achieved this result by calming down and not beating him up and don't you feel that it was out of order" but best to get horse and rider calm and reunited before delivering any lecture - or you wind the rider up again and the whole thing gets worse.

IMHO of course.


Well-Known Member
3 December 2008
Lovely thread, I wish I wasn't always late for all the interesting goings on :eek::)
I think a simple action would be good: wind your window down and say 'Are you OK there? Do you need a hand?'
No matter what one thinks of the abusive rider, probably a non-confrontational approach like that would at least discharge the situation... the person would have a chance to snap out of their 'fury' or whatever and take stock, chances are, the horse would have calmed down as well.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
Dont roll eyes, you seem to have had a good 2 nights of being unpleasant. I have just come onto this thread, just knew that you had to be on her case. Why dont you be brave and start a post, you never know you might find yourself in a position of being bullied. It is not a very nice experience.
Nativeponies has been bullied plenty on this forum :mad: However, unlike other people you don't get her whining about how everybody is unfair and must be horse abusers because they don't agree with her...


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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I am amazed that the OP stated that the rider must have been screaming at the horse as she could hear her over the radio. Surely anyone with any horse sense would have turned that off immediately! The rider had 'obviously' fallen off, was she injured? Head injuries frequently lead to out of charcter aggression, let us hope that is not the case here and that the rider did get home safely with the horse.


Well-Known Member
13 July 2010
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Dont roll eyes, you seem to have had a good 2 nights of being unpleasant. I have just come onto this thread, just knew that you had to be on her case. Why dont you be brave and start a post, you never know you might find yourself in a position of being bullied. It is not a very nice experience.

start a thread about what?

i've never walked away from abuse...i never condone abuse..so...c'mon...what post should "i" make pastie2?...

bullying?...get a grip love.