I'm upset/shocked, saw horse seriously beaten on way home.


Well-Known Member
30 August 2008
Preston, Lancashire
hindsight is a fantastic thing, but in a situation you never know how you will react. I drove past someone that I saw kicking a dog. Did I stop? No. I thought about it, I was in a rough area, it was a woman with 2 men and the woman yanked the dog up by the collar and kicked it in the stomach. I was on my way back from work and it was late at night and I decided not to stop. Did I feel bad after? Yes, but I couldn't report it as I didn't get a clear enough look at either the dog, or the people


Well-Known Member
4 February 2008
knit your own knickers land
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Don't post much but have been reading this and just wanted to say something. I think the approach by the OP is symptomatic of how people deal with these sort of situations full stop. No one seems to intervene in situations any more, people just seem to judge, walk away, even take pictures and then inform the authorities, rather than find out what has happened offer help or at least try to offer help. TBH I would rather try to offer help, be rebuffed or sworn at, than not intervene at all.

I have intervened when I saw a woman belt her child on a train, you don't have to be confrontational just ask if they are ok and do they need any help. Some people wouldn't have offered the lady was very angry but in reality just very stressed and needed a bit of a break.

It may be because I'm fairly ancient and out of touch (don't get me started on the amount of children's ponies clipped out in winter, overfed etc etc rather than bib clipped and ridden from grass!!) but its sad that we don't feel able to do this and those under pressure don't feel able to ask or take advice.


Well-Known Member
24 November 2008
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i cant believe you have all still badgered on about this since 7:30, you cant just say your opion once or twice, you have to do it a dozen times, making even more digs as you go.


Well-Known Member
11 June 2010
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and stuck records get things done...pm me if you really want to make a diffeence to the welfare of equines in the UK...ta

I'll give it a miss but thanks for the offer. I've contributed more than my fair share to horse welfare as it turns out. Please be very careful not to judge.


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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i cant believe you have all still badgered on about this since 7:30, you cant just say your opion once or twice, you have to do it a dozen times, making even more digs as you go.

Much like yourself then with this latest post!


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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Quite frankly the OP is more in danger of being metaphorically knifed by certain members of this forum - I'd rather take my chances with the horse beating mad woman.

As one who has on more than one occasion got into trouble for not keeping my mouth shut when I see an injustice (and has suffered for it - at least emotionally from verbal abuse and threats) I can say the OP has my sympathy - if she is like most of us she will no doubt have regrets about what she did or didn't do in the heat of the moment. Its a shame so many are so keen to stick the boot in at any opportunity.


Well-Known Member
24 November 2008
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i have said MY opinion once, but have watched on as you have all bleeted on digging away. i thought this forum had gone past the b1tch fest stage. apparantly not.


Well-Known Member
11 June 2010
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i have said MY opinion once, but have watched on as you have all bleeted on digging away. i thought this forum had gone past the b1tch fest stage. apparantly not.

It's a shame isn't it? As I said posts and posts ago, I'd definitely think twice about voicing a contentious opinion in future. Rather than support and sensible suggestions, the daggers come straight out. We are all different individuals, but we all have horses in common. Debate is good - downright rudeness is pathetic.


Well-Known Member
13 July 2010
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Quite frankly the OP is more in danger of being metaphorically knifed by certain members of this forum - I'd rather take my chances with the horse beating mad woman.

That is so right, lol, even if she had a knife in each hand!

Blimey, a few had better delete their accounts...PMSL how melodramatic..all over an OP who couldn't stand up to her OP..assuming it wasn't a Jackanory, bless her.

rosie fronfelen

Well-Known Member
5 February 2009
welsh hills!
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Quite frankly the OP is more in danger of being metaphorically knifed by certain members of this forum - I'd rather take my chances with the horse beating mad woman.

As one who has on more than one occasion got into trouble for not keeping my mouth shut when I see an injustice (and has suffered for it - at least emotionally from verbal abuse and threats) I can say the OP has my sympathy - if she is like most of us she will no doubt have regrets about what she did or didn't do in the heat of the moment. Its a shame so many are so keen to stick the boot in at any opportunity.

i quite agree-and ive been in similar situations on here as you, its not worth the grief!!


Well-Known Member
2 March 2010
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Driving past the horse and rider with your radio on can't have helped matters with the rider.

I can't speak for the rider as I obviously don't know her and wouldn't beat a horse with a whip, but when I'm being a bit naughty/bitchy at work and someone confronts me about my behaviour it usually shocks me into thinking about what I'm doing - perhaps the rider just lost it and if the OP had been brave enough to offer help she'd have calmed down and thought about her actions. We'll never know I suppose.


Well-Known Member
26 October 2009
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Maybe the girl did just need help with calming down or maybe she might of went nuts at the OP and brandished a knife...

Your imagination does you credit:D however really how many people do you know who ride with any form of knife that is likely to be injurious?:)

Ah this really made me laugh :D

I think I would have def stopped and prob the worst that would have happened was being told to F off or something equally as charming!


Well-Known Member
17 May 2010
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my first thought when reading this was how rude of people to say Monster should have stopped said something to the person , but i see now that the criticism is that Monster should have stopped & helped & i agree!

the person with horse was probably shaken & scared & a friendly face would have stopped the immediate beating & probably the next one too!. i smacked my horse once & quite sharply when she tried to spin in the road & canter off & it was because it scared me - i certainly only did it once & as a very quick reaction to her behaviour i did not repeatedly smack her - this lady sounds like she was having an irrational moment & you could have bought some calm to that - just by your very presence! i'm a novice rider & if it wasnt for people like jemima too no one would have horses at all - i also know people that have had horses for years & been doing it wrong for that long too - next time dont make sure they DONT see you
make sure they DO see you!! cos either way she'll think twice in the future! x


Well-Known Member
17 May 2010
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None of us know what you were thinking at the time & none of us know what the bint beating the horse was thinking so..................

make it different all round if...god forbid... there is a next time xx

Sarah Sum1

Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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How on earth do you 'help' someone who is beating and giving their horse a right good rollicking?!

OP I too would have been uspet, I also would not have stopped. Knowing me I may have yelled something out the window, but that wouldn't help the situation one bit.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
i quite agree-and ive been in similar situations on here as you, its not worth the grief!!
Let me just check I've got this right; you're saying it's not worth taking the chance of getting yelled at/insulted to save a horse from what is allegedly a vicious beating? Not even from the safety of a moving vehicle?
I'm astounded.


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
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These people dont want to listen. The people who do want to listen and learn about horsemanship are the ones who love and respect horses and wouldnt do such a thing in the first instance

I can't agree with this enough. My husband calls me "snappy turtle" for a good reason, but I have never once taken out my fast temper on a horse or dog. There is such a thing as gritting your teeth, taking a breath, and moving on.

A few years ago I witnessed a major argument at the dog park, involving two dog owners, one of whom had just thumped his Viszla pup across the head for humping another dog. While the person intervening tried to explain that this style of discipline was only likely to make the dog aggressive, the Viszla owner got the hump, and declared he knew best (of course) before storming off.


Well-Known Member
2 January 2008
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On the way out this afternoon I ran a fluffy bunny over, it was awful, it went bump bump, and it was like the car was going over a speed hump.

Now the weirdest thing was on the way back about an hour later the body had gone, now where do you think it went? I was going to bury it, but I think it may be in somones freezer, do you think I should inform the police?


Well-Known Member
27 July 2006
Dumfries and Galloway
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This thread is ridiculous!
There are some of you on here that I've rarely, if ever, seen post anything nice or supportive, just seem to want to wind people up and be horrible! :mad:

No wonder so many of us stay in SB and are scared to come in here most of the time :(

OP, I'm not sure I would have stopped. I'm with the people who say none of us know unless we are in the situation!
Please don't feel guilty about it, and ignore the people who are being so unnecessarily nasty!


Well-Known Member
11 March 2009
Cookstown, Tyrone
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wow im afraid to reply incase i get jumped on too lol there seems to be a few nasty grumpy/crabby ol men/women on ere!

is ther an issue between the nasty folk and the origional poster??? i rarely be on here but thats the way it seems!
