Incoming CC!


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24 October 2014
lost in the wilderness of France
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She's gorgeous Ratface!
Reminds me of our family cat called Tibs. A stray who turned up one day in the garden . Almost identical markings , tho I expect CC has a much nicer character . Tibs used sit on the mat by the frontdoor and attack most peoples feet if they tried to pass. The postman was terrified of him poor man, and my Gramps had to use the back door to get in. He was a horror but we adored him.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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She's gorgeous Ratface!
Reminds me of our family cat called Tibs. A stray who turned up one day in the garden . Almost identical markings , tho I expect CC has a much nicer character . Tibs used sit on the mat by the frontdoor and attack most peoples feet if they tried to pass. The postman was terrified of him poor man, and my Gramps had to use the back door to get in. He was a horror but we adored him.
My paternal grandfather had a cat very similar to this. He lay on the huge family bible in the hall waiting for victims to go past. He would lunge with a muscular front paw and use the momentary human's half halt to sink his dragon's teeth into whatever bit of flesh he could grab. Grandfather made every excuse under the sun for him, including "Oh, he didn't mean it - just give him a nice stroke". At which point, the cat would sink his fangs into the fleshy bit between thumb and forefinger.
He lived to his early 20's and grandfather was heartbroken when he died. He refused to get another one, saying "There could never be another one like him".
When grandfather came to live with us, due to his increasing frailty, our kitchen cat used to sit on his lap for hours, purring. He used to say "She's a good little cat, but nothing like my Sid!"
We were very grateful that she wasn't!


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17 January 2009
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She’s very beautiful Ratface. I don’t really ‘do’ cats apart from the two very demanding feral ones that turned up a while ago and are very fussy about the food they’re offered. They do a good line in mice but seem forever hungry and they won’t ever be allowed in the house although have tried the lorry when the backs been open.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2014
lost in the wilderness of France
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My paternal grandfather had a cat very similar to this. He lay on the huge family bible in the hall waiting for victims to go past. He would lunge with a muscular front paw and use the momentary human's half halt to sink his dragon's teeth into whatever bit of flesh he could grab. Grandfather made every excuse under the sun for him, including "Oh, he didn't mean it - just give him a nice stroke". At which point, the cat would sink his fangs into the fleshy bit between thumb and forefinger.
He lived to his early 20's and grandfather was heartbroken when he died. He refused to get another one, saying "There could never be another one like him".
When grandfather came to live with us, due to his increasing frailty, our kitchen cat used to sit on his lap for hours, purring. He used to say "She's a good little cat, but nothing like my Sid!"
We were very grateful that she wasn't!
Lol Ratface. It's funny isn't it how the most downright cantankerous ones stick in your memory and heart the most.
Tibs had 'his' chair, which was infact mums chair, and no way would he move from it willingly. We'd stand there in a pathetic little huddle looking at him and him at us with his tail thrashing up and down and his claws already clenching the 70's tweedy fabric :D. My brother and I would always do the equivalent of rock, paper, sissors and then make mum move him anyway as we were both intimidated by him and bore the scars from past skirmishes and ambushings. She'd always try and talk him out of the chair first, or clap her hands, and it never worked, he'd just dig in harder and start puffing at you. She would then have to carefully go behind the chair and start tipping it up and the cat would hang on until the bitter end, until him and the cushions all fell off and then he'd emerge spitting and furious whilst we all retreated to the far side of the room🤣. Bless him, he was about 18 when he died and mum was absolutely heart broken. xx


Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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Her Feline Highness Cuddly Carrie Cat, has commanded me to thank all her subjects for their kind comments.
She's ordered a few fresh prawns for her apres supper . ..
Yes, Ma'am. Of course, Ma'am. Three bags full, Ma'am.
Old Horse has his 30th birthday tomorrow. Carrots. ☆. Birthday cake with one candle. Can't risk burning the yard down. ☆
Gift to YO for breeding him and fulfilling his every wish and shrieked complaint. ☆
Gifts to staff for putting up with above entitled darling's every whim and flounce. ☆
Me! For perpetually skinting myself due to above LD's permanent extravagant needs and demands! ☆


Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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Ratface you really should write a book of animal tales , you have a brilliant way with words , it would be a fitting tribute to those who have left you and those you still have , I’m sure a few of us would buy a copy
Thank you. How kind. I don't really have the motivation to write any more books. Too many text books/Court Reports/journalist's copy/ copywriter's last minute fudges as demanded by irritable newspaper/magazine editors/ advertising managers/ lawyers/social work managers etc. I'm sure that you get the idea.
As I've said before, I enjoy drawing pictures with words.


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13 April 2019
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She's lovely! And love the slightly open eye that seems to say 'I see you- why are you messing around with taking photos and not providing food?'

Cats #1 and #2 here have now caught wind of the concept of an apres supper and are glaring at me for being a less than satisfactory slave- they thank CC for her excellent training of you to highlight my shortcomings.

And many happy returns to Old Horse for tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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Thank you! I'll have a look in Waterstone's next time I visit civilization.
Sadly, three months ago, King Kevin Kat was pts due to an inoperable stomach tumour. The procedure was horribly botched by a newly-qualified vet and was traumatic for both me and King Kevin Kat.
By the next post, the vets sent me a condolence card and a ink print of his paw. And the £600 bill. I sent a very sharply-worded response and said that in the 40-year relationship I had with them, including the euthanasia of beloved horses, dogs and cats, I had never had such a botched, inappropriately managed procedure.
I received no answer. I paid the bill over two months.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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Hmmm, only 3?
Yes, and she's lucky to get those, after her daily groom! She's not called Fatty Carrie Catty for nothing!
I've instigated some Cat Ballet classes for her, as well as Cat Mouse Killing practice. Cat Ballet is very well received. It's instigated by playing with a catnip-infused furry mouse on a mini fishing rod, which she loves chasing and then lifting it up so that she's dancing after it on her back legs. Only for a few seconds, though. Don't want any expensive musculo-skeletal damage, do we? Mouse Killing is done by pulling SuperMouse (complete with red cape!) being pulled along by me by his string whilst Carrie Cat grabs madly at his catnip-filled tail! YO bought her this when CC moved in.
On Monday, I bought Madam a bulk-buy of Sheba Chicken from Pets@Home. Previously, her favourite. Now Madam has decided that she Definitely Doesn't Like It. Take it away. NOW. Alas.
A foray down to the local garage for £1 per miniscule pot of Purina Gold Salmon. Or Chicken. But I prefer Salmon. Quick. NOW!
King Kevin Kat is smirking in Cat Heaven. She's a quick study!
At the pm suggestion of a HHO contibutor, I've written a Google review of the Veterinary Hospital where Kevin Kat was so disastrously pts.
I've done so. Facts. Nothing but the facts and my subsequent feelings of abject daily grief and floods of tears. I'm now wondering if I will be barred or threatened with Court action. After posting it, I read the Veterinary Hospital's terms and conditions for posting.
Oh well. Bring it on. I'm and old and very effective hand at Court proceedings. I was cross-examined in The Old Bailey by hostile Counsel for the parents under the eagle eyes and ears of Her Honour Dame Elizabeth Butler-Sloss. She must have found my primary evidence and responses to cross-examination responses acceptable as she agreed with all the Applications and Court Reports and I never lost a case that was heard by her.
Thinking about it, I never lost any Care or Adoption Hearing.
I worked diligently with parents/birth family members to find any way that their children could be safe living with them. I supported time-limited supervised visits and letter contact after the making of Care Orders, in line with the best interests of the individual children. I did my best.
As mother used to say "Just do your best, dear. That's all that you can do".


Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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Hmmm, only 3?
Yes, and she's lucky to get those, after her daily groom! She's not called Fatty Carrie Catty for nothing!
I've instigated some Cat Ballet classes for her, as well as Cat Mouse Killing practice. Cat Ballet is very well received. It's instigated by playing with a catnip-infused furry mouse on a mini fishing rod, which she loves chasing and then lifting it up so that she's dancing after it on her back legs. Only for a few seconds, though. Don't want any expensive musculo-skeletal damage, do we? Mouse Killing is done by pulling SuperMouse (complete with red cape!) being pulled along by me by his string whilst Carrie Cat grabs madly at his catnip-filled tail! YO bought her this when CC moved in.
On Monday, I bought Madam a bulk-buy of Sheba Chicken from Pets@Home. Previously, her favourite. Now Madam has decided that she Definitely Doesn't Like It. Take it away. NOW. Alas.
A foray down to the local garage for £1 per miniscule pot of Purina Gold Salmon. Or Chicken. But I prefer Salmon. Quick. NOW!
King Kevin Kat is smirking in Cat Heaven. She's a quick study!
At the pm suggestion of a HHO contibutor, I've written a Google review of the Veterinary Hospital where Kevin Kat was so disastrously pts.
I've done so. Facts. Nothing but the facts and my subsequent feelings of abject daily grief and floods of tears. I'm now wondering if I will be barred or threatened with Court action. After posting it, I read the Veterinary Hospital's terms and conditions for posting.
Oh well. Bring it on. I'm and old and very effective hand at Court proceedings. I was cross-examined in The Old Bailey by hostile Counsel for the parents under the Eagle eyes and ears of Her Honour Dame Elizabeth Butler-