Well-Known Member
I was at a showjumping competition a few years ago and saw something I thought was out of order.From the judges not a word.I wrote to the BSJA and told them what I had observed and that furthermore it was all on camera (The shows).They did reply saying that they would look into it but I never heard anything else from them.I think that is why people film on their phones and put it on Youtube.At competitions I think anyone witnessing a horse being ridden in anything that is clearly making a horse distressed should make a formal complaint, initially to whoever is doing the tack check with a follow up letter to the organising body asking how the issue was resolved. I am going to the Nationals tomorrow and as a BD member, I am quite prepared to do that. I think people need to put their hands up and be counted. A picture of a horse with no number posted on the internet does not do it for me. As I have said up thread, I would tighten the policing of tack with a threat of a ban of the rider involved. As Linka above has just witnessed a correctly fitted flash does not prevent the horse from opening his mouth and nor should it.