Introducing the spotty sprog!


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9 March 2011
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Yet more photos!!

Little man is now out with some bigger boys as fillys and colts have been separated. The other colt has been a little poorly, so Tristan is out with a two year old, and two older horses. He seems to have settled in pretty well now, and it seems like he's growing like a weed!! He's now about 13.1-13.2 at the rump and at only 9 months old! VERY excited to see how much his growth spurt continues!!

Any guesses about final height? :p

And here are those photos (it's great having a photogenic pony, just wish I was in the same league!! :p):






As excited as Kitty about to be a bridesmaid
9 March 2011
Tiny farm some where in UK
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There is a rough thought of yearling height plus 2hh so 15.2 or 16hh? Sort of worked for mine who was 12.2hh as a yearling and 14.2hh at 3 but might squeak higher by the time she is done.

I want to smoosh his little nose :tongue3:


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9 March 2011
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There is a rough thought of yearling height plus 2hh so 15.2 or 16hh? Sort of worked for mine who was 12.2hh as a yearling and 14.2hh at 3 but might squeak higher by the time she is done.

I want to smoosh his little nose :tongue3:

If he let you, you would be more than welcome to! :p

That's a fairly scary thought height-wise! It theory he should make 15hh, and he is a first foal, though I know one of his breeder's other mares (possibly with the same sire as Tristan's dam) often produces foals that make 16hh.


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9 March 2011
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A smooshy squidgey nose for you ESW :) couldn't get much smooshy-er as he wouldn't stay still for long enough!!


Here's the closest that I can get to a confo shot, as you can see, he is extraordinarily bum high right now....



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9 March 2011
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Another gift for you ESW - found it way back on my phone!


And trying to get nice pictures is a bit of a struggle at times.. He'd much rather be saying hi! A huge change from the nervous little man that came off the lorry in January!!


He and his friends got moved into another paddock recently, so as well as the crazy amount that he's grown (1.5-2 inches this past month!) have a look at the evolution of the belly (can still feel ribs easily - I'm watching his weight, don't worry!!)






He's doing so well at the moment. We've been for a couple of walks around the private road around the yard and had our first encounter with a car coming up behind him - all he did was a couple of strides of trot, and then swung his bum round when the driver stopped and got out to pick up the brush that had fallen out of my pocket (although he was reacting better than I had hoped, I didn't want to push my luck too much) - as well as having some very noisy machinery started up in the barn just as we walked past - all he did was look!

We've had some issues with his hinds lately and so went back to square one, but now we can pick them up a little off the ground for short periods. Very pleased with his progress :) he now also moves his quarters over when I apply pressure "behind the girth" which is making manouevering around gates far easier!

Still haven't managed to ditch all of the winter coat, but we're fairly close!!

What are your thoughts of him? Conformation and height.. He's currently fairly bum high (bum is approximately 13.3hh) and I really do think that he's going to reach if not shoot past his expected height...

One last picture of the cutie!!


I'll stop now ;) :p


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9 March 2011
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What an ace little beastie I have! Had a friend out to see him yesterday and he was good as gold with her and picked up all four feet, no hesitation and no pulling away or kicking out! Very very happy with my little man!!

For the next couple of weeks we'll just be focusing on getting rid of the rest of that winter coat and maybe go for a few walks around the yard :) x


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13 November 2010
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He's lovely!
Sorry to bang on, but you still haven't put a safe headcollar on him. At the very least - put a small cable tie round the ring that the throat clip attached to, and clip the throat clip to the cable tie rather than the ring. No matter how slight the chances are of him getting caught up, you'd never forgive yourself he he did, and broke his neck trying to get free.


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9 March 2011
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He's lovely!
Sorry to bang on, but you still haven't put a safe headcollar on him. At the very least - put a small cable tie round the ring that the throat clip attached to, and clip the throat clip to the cable tie rather than the ring. No matter how slight the chances are of him getting caught up, you'd never forgive yourself he he did, and broke his neck trying to get free.

Thank you for saying! I know it sounds really stupid, but he's been so good and I've been so focused on making sure that he's good to handle for the farrier and YO, followed by exams, that when the leather one I had for him was too small I forgot to buy another. It's no excuse, and I should've written it down. Now have a tekna breakaway on order! Should be here by the end of this week/very early next week.


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9 March 2011
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Little man now has a field safe headcollar! It came up a little bigger than expected - but at least it means he has a fair bit of growing room!! And bearing in mind the last time he had a headcollar put on it was incredibly stressful for all involved, this time other than a couple of steps back he was good as gold! He's such a sweetheart :)






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13 November 2010
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Little man now has a field safe headcollar! It came up a little bigger than expected - but at least it means he has a fair bit of growing room!! And bearing in mind the last time he had a headcollar put on it was incredibly stressful for all involved, this time other than a couple of steps back he was good as gold! He's such a sweetheart :)

Well done!!


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9 March 2011
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awww... I like the slightly big headcollar... cute!
It came up far bigger than expected! His red headcollar was pony size but he's almost outgrown that one now, and I expected this one to be similar as it is also supposed to be pony size - just goes to show how much difference you'll find between brands!

He is very cute, you're going to have years of fun ahead
I really hope so :)

The vet came out yesterday to see if any boy bits had made an appearance, and my usually lovely little one decided he was having none of it! She couldn't find anything but pointed out that he could have sucked them back up when he got stressed, and I was left with strict instructions to desensitise him to being checked, which is fair enough considering how he'd behaved! He genuinely had never reacted like that before when I've checked.

So I toddle over today, give him a groom, pick up his feet - the usual - and check how he reacts to me having a hand between his legs. No reaction, could not care less. So I apply more pressure in case that was what had set him off, and still get no reaction! Think I'll have to get a friend to visit and see how much she can do with him, as it will be a problem if I'm the only one that he'll allow to do things.

I also did the string test today, and I know that it won't be 100% accurate but I haven't seen anyone say that it was wildly out. 16hh if it's correct! :eek3:



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9 March 2011
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He's adorable. If 16hh is too big for you, send him my way!

It's not that he'd be too big for me (16hh is a great height!) but 15hh was the expected max height :p I know it's only four inches more, but it still feels a lot further if you hit the deck haha! Will just have to wait and see.. At least he'll be wide enough that I should be stuck on once I'm on :')

Only just noticed the second lot of smooshy nose pics so heres a belated *smoosh* :biggrin3:

I knew you'd see it eventually ;)


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9 March 2011
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So it's been a while since I've posted an update about Tristan. A friend and her boyfriend came to see him a couple of days in a row a few days ago, and Tristan had a bit of a crash course in doing as he's asked when he's asked..

It's really interesting watching other people handle your horse. My friend's boyfriend is far more confident than I am and is very no nonsense. It turns out that I have unintentionally taught Tristan to plant.. Although he's "little" he's a heck of a lot bigger and stronger than I am, once he plants himself I can't do a lot about it, plus I still remember him as the nervy tiny weanling that arrived in January and that definitely affects how I react to situations. My friend's boyfriend managed to cut through the nonsense and messing about and I now have a pony that is much better behaved, plus it's proven to me that I really shouldn't treat him like he's made of glass :p

Had a very lovely time with the pone today, and am just so thankful to have him in my life!






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5 April 2010
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A little over a week ago, the breeder that I visited last Monday emailed me. She wanted to check if I had a shortlist even though I was going to see one specific yearling and had attached a picture of their newest surprise foal which she later asked me to name. This was the photo I was sent:


He looked beautiful but I didn't think I wanted him - didn't think I liked his face, plus I had wanted the yearling since last October and didn't want to deviate from that.

On Monday, I met the yearling and really liked him though I didn't feel as strongly as I thought I would. I got to meet three of her stallions and a few mares as well as more foals than I could count! Then we went to see the newbie. Again, I thought he was cute, but I was determined not to like him because I didn't want to be swayed by fluffy cuteness. But the more I looked, the more I liked him (hadn't felt at all like this when seeing the other foals). And then mum decided she didn't want him to be seen anymore and cantered off. As soon as he moved off after her, it hit me that I had to have him though it took a few days for me to come to terms with it as I had been so determined to get the yearling.

So, introducing Penpont Tristan :D




I know what you mean - i went Wednesday to see a mare who was not the breed or height I wanted - I have been to see a mare who was not my chosen type but when I saw her and spent time with her i liked her more. Some say you should stick to your guns and what it is you want, but sometimes nature plays apart in your choice and there is a good reason for making that different choice.

I think her is cute and I like his face - he looks cheeky and a butter would not melt.


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9 March 2011
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I know what you mean - i went Wednesday to see a mare who was not the breed or height I wanted - I have been to see a mare who was not my chosen type but when I saw her and spent time with her i liked her more. Some say you should stick to your guns and what it is you want, but sometimes nature plays apart in your choice and there is a good reason for making that different choice.

I think her is cute and I like his face - he looks cheeky and a butter would not melt.

Turned out I made a very good decision to not buy the yearling and get Tristan instead! Mostly because Tristan is epic despite the fact that he's now confident enough to take the mickey, but also the yearling had a retained testicle and possibly had complications - I have a feeling he had to be pts.

Sometimes you do have to go with your gut feeling :)


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9 March 2011
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So, it's only been a couple of months since I last updated, but it feels so much longer! And I can't believe how much more grown up the pony looks compared to the last few photos!

So. A fair few things have happened. He's met a few more new people and reacts well most times though is still nervy around blokes (though he fell in love with the not-boyfriend really quickly, even decided he was safe enough to mug for treats!), the farrier is an ongoing issue. He now loads like a pro, though he had a huge temper tantrum in the process, dragged me over and I had a total meltdown. I reached the point of wanting a gun, swiftly followed by "oh my god, I can't do this". But with some help from my YOs, we got him on the lorry (no scare tactics, just persistence) and I know that we can get over any hurdles that come our way. However I am now VERY conscious that he knows he's stronger than me, and I will not physically be able to manage if he get stuck with a "screw you" attitude - I don't think that that is likely to happen, but I'm going to do everything I can to make sure it doesn't.

He is also a gelding :p he went to the vets and was castrated under GA as one testicle hadn't dropped, and though more time could have changed that, I do think it was the right decision as another year of testosterone would not have been easy! All went well, but he is now on two weeks of box rest. He's being so good though, and has become incredibly cuddly.

He's grown so much! We put a stick on him about a month or so ago and he was a solid 12.3hh at the withers, but I'm sure he's grown an inch in front and he's definitely bum high. He's awesome and I love him and I'm glad I'm finally updating my crazy long pony appreciation post :p Apologies for the photo spam!! (they range from July to now, oldest first)






His first bridle! It's rather big but will hopefully fit for any showing we do next year!

Meeting and cuddles with the A-level BFF


Making another new friend:

We need to do more work on having other people catch him - I have no problems, but he isn't as happy with others putting a headcollar on. This session went really well though :)


And finally, box rest


Hope you've enjoyed the update!!