Is there a breed of horse you really hate?!


Well-Known Member
12 August 2008
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I have never really liked TB's (friend had one that needed to be wrapped in Cotton Wool), Warmbloods (rode a very dense one for a while) or Appy's (far too much chrome on them for me I like a nice dark Bay normally!).

So can someone please explain how this happened?

Martini - TB Ex Racer - Fantastic Horse of a lifetime
I was nagged into trying him out for my very novice friend even though I kept telling her he was a straight off track TB so not really ideal.....sat on him fell in love and bought him there and then for me!

Nevada - Dutch Warmblood X Appy - a Really cool dude of a horse and so much fun to ride and work with.
I went to view some ex Trotter horses that were being sold for bringing on saw the Spotty Arsed Circus Horse (as we lovingly call him) standing in the field 3 years old and all legs and gangle and just fell in love.



Well-Known Member
1 September 2008
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I have met one too many warmbloods (esp dutch) that have had nasty temperaments, wouldn't say I hate them but I would avoid buying one.


Well-Known Member
22 August 2010
The Netherlands
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I have met one too many warmbloods (esp dutch) that have had nasty temperaments, wouldn't say I hate them but I would avoid buying one.

Dutch warmbloods that have nasty temperaments? In Holland they are all sweet natured and wouldn't hurt a fly, it's just if you don't have a click. But otherwise they will put 110% into their work.

I like chunky, but too chunky is not really my cup of tea. I think they look too heavy and most of them are prone to becoming fat, which carries many overweight problems (hoofproblems, boneproblems, muscleproblems).
Just give me a warmblood that is well built.


Well-Known Member
10 October 2006
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I dont hate any horse, however I like something abit unusual, so I probaly wouldnt go for a bay or chestnut 15.3 - 16.2 TB x that you see a dozen of at every show or the classic grey sec A.

I like stocky little shitlands, cobs, ugly kids ponies who are superstars, heavies, unusual breeds such as Fjords icelandics, fresians etc.

That said if I was looking for a new horse the main issue would be temperament so I would look at anything.


Well-Known Member
29 June 2010
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I don't really hate any particular breed, but i'm not keen on cobby sorts, heavy horses, or coloureds/appaloosas/cremellos/anything with feathers! etc. The only cob type I would consider would be maybe a welsh section D, when they're all clipped out and very fit they can be quite attractive.
Personally I love Irish Sport horses, warmbloods and TB crosses, nice athletic horses with a good amount of bone but not chunky. Haven't yet met a sane full TB though. And I haven't got anything against arabs, I think they're quite pretty tbh :) I love ponies too, espec. welsh sec As and dartmoor ponies, very sweet :)


Well-Known Member
4 March 2010
Den Haag, Netherlands
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LOL, where do I start? I'm a bit picky. I like my TBs and TBxs but don't HATE any breeds, however there are a few I dislike:

Poncy arabs... urgh!! However the older style egyptian ones I quite like (my friend has a really nice one that you'd think was an anglo rather that full egyptian lines). And I also LOVE anglo arabs, just can't stand the piggy faces of the show arabs
Anything with a wall eye - just creepy
Cobs - too boring
KWPN - I 'did' quite like them, till I owned one. Who tried to kill me on numerous occassions!! At least with a TB they tend to go loony in a straight line and have some sense of self preservation... WBs are just crackers! I will not be buying another one
Welsh ponies - think they are quite cute but couldn't be bothered with that level of stubbornness
Haflingers - bargy meat ponies, nuff said
Shetlands - or *****lands as we call them, evil little buggers
Fresians - they are just barge horses, when will people realise this!
Gelderlanders - what's with the stupidly straigh bum! Again... barge horses, not riding horses.

Wow, that's quite a list. I've probably just managed to insult 75% of the readers on here... oops :)

Give me a good heinz 57 anyday. I've only ever had 1 horse I've known the full breeding of (the KWPN - lunatic!) and all my crosses have been awesome horses.


Well-Known Member
18 August 2010
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Harley's Sire was a Dutch Warmblood, and he is one of the calmest, sweetest Stallions i've ever met :) And also a beautiful mover ;)


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6 February 2010
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Hmmm - not 'hate', but Highlands are the most bl00dy-minded, pig-headed sods ever! Perhaps I'm just bitter that it was one of them that put me on the floor for the first time, many moons ago But once they've got a mind to do something, the blinkers go on, and off they go. We had one at our yard whose owner moved him 5 miles away, to be closer to where she lived. He didn't fancy that, so came back 'home' to the yard, in a straight line you could trace all the way, owing to all the fences he broke on his way back.

I know a few folk who breed them, and they *are* pretty. I just would never have one.

Sarah Sum1

Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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I don't 'hate' any breed. I love horses.


P.s Arabs have such beautiful shped heads! You only have to look at CM's Ari!!! gorgeous.


Well-Known Member
3 June 2009
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Well, I love Shetlands :) It is the whole 'I may be small but I am still here!' attitude that endears them to me, I love the fact they have an opinion when they choose to, they are full of character and personality and are strong in more ways than one, mentally and physically. In saying that though they are certainly not all the same, I have known many who are quiet sweethearts and others who are very 'loud' in their personalities. If I could have a dozen or so I would, fantastic little ponies!

I don't think there is a breed I dislike at all really!

the watcher

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4 November 2004
in a happy place
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Hmmm - not 'hate', but Highlands are the most bl00dy-minded, pig-headed sods ever! Perhaps I'm just bitter that it was one of them that put me on the floor for the first time, many moons ago But once they've got a mind to do something, the blinkers go on, and off they go. We had one at our yard whose owner moved him 5 miles away, to be closer to where she lived. He didn't fancy that, so came back 'home' to the yard, in a straight line you could trace all the way, owing to all the fences he broke on his way back.

I know a few folk who breed them, and they *are* pretty. I just would never have one.

I've always found that determination to be one of their most endearing features;):D The good news is they they might be as hard as a supertanker to stop, but they generally move at a similar speed


Well-Known Member
22 September 2004
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Well I dont hate any breed, thats far to strong a word, but I wouldnt buy some types/breeds out of personal preference

I like old fashioned arabs that have a bit of bone and have attractive dish faces, but dont like modern over accentuated ones which look inbred to me :eek:

I wouldnt go to look at any cleveland bay, but that's because the only one I have known was such an ignorant ***** of a horse

I dont like big clumpy heads with big roman noses

I quite like cobs (as long as they dont have the above clumpy head :D ) but cant stand those fat tanks on steroids that are typical of show cobs


Well-Known Member
2 September 2009
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I don't hate any breed as every horse is individual, they don't all the same.

But I never used to like Arabs but I've seen some really stunning looking arabs and that changed my mind completely, they are elegant.

TB never liked the long body and the slender frame but after being on forms for a few years I have found a few real nice TB's.

One thing I do not like is big roman heads.


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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LOL, where do I start? I'm a bit picky. I like my TBs and TBxs but don't HATE any breeds, however there are a few I dislike:

Poncy arabs... urgh!! However the older style egyptian ones I quite like (my friend has a really nice one that you'd think was an anglo rather that full egyptian lines). And I also LOVE anglo arabs, just can't stand the piggy faces of the show arabs
Anything with a wall eye - just creepy
Cobs - too boring
KWPN - I 'did' quite like them, till I owned one. Who tried to kill me on numerous occassions!! At least with a TB they tend to go loony in a straight line and have some sense of self preservation... WBs are just crackers! I will not be buying another one
Welsh ponies - think they are quite cute but couldn't be bothered with that level of stubbornness
Haflingers - bargy meat ponies, nuff said
Shetlands - or *****lands as we call them, evil little buggers
Fresians - they are just barge horses, when will people realise this!
Gelderlanders - what's with the stupidly straigh bum! Again... barge horses, not riding horses.

Wow, that's quite a list. I've probably just managed to insult 75% of the readers on here... oops :)

Give me a good heinz 57 anyday. I've only ever had 1 horse I've known the full breeding of (the KWPN - lunatic!) and all my crosses have been awesome horses.

:D Nothing wrong with personal opinions at all.

If I was the offendable type I'd be cut to the quick that you didn't like my blue eyed pair - or my arab:(;) but I'm not.

No one has mentioned Quarter horses yet.


Well-Known Member
8 February 2009
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Wow, I didn't realise people stereotyped breeds so much. Me, I'm a horse lover and I think that means that if it's a horse, I love it. There may be some I wouldn't have on the ground that they wouldn't be suitable but hey, if it does the job who cares? I would never say no to a horse based on its breed. Temperment and abilty are what counts surely?


Well-Known Member
2 September 2009
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LOL what do you mean by Bargy - Do you mean pushy?

Gotta say though, alot of people class Welsh as boshy, naughty, highly strung horses, not good for a first horse but I've been around them for donkeys and never found any of that.


Well-Known Member
23 July 2009
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I am really not keen on coloured cobs, really sorry but they just remind me of cows.
I have to say I am quite shallow and do like a pretty horse, my previous mare was tb & my current gelding is holstein so both quite fine but one day I would like a heavy horse like a shire. :)


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
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I am really not keen on coloured cobs, really sorry but they just remind me of cows.
I have to say I am quite shallow and do like a pretty horse, my previous mare was tb & my current gelding is holstein so both quite fine but one day I would like a heavy horse like a shire. :)

Nobody needs to say they're sorry on this post! Its just your own opinion!


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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I like all types of horses. I love showing and showing anything, arabs, coloureds, M&M, cobs and especially ROR. However, I do tend to dislike the temperament on a welsh, but wouldnt stop me from considering owning one.


Well-Known Member
15 August 2010
cowbridge - wariwck-nottingham
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for me shetlands are like Marmite, you either get one you love to bits, of you get an absolute Little S**T which u want to put back into the mine lol im not a huge fan or fine boned horses i wouldnt own one only coz i need a HW.

the two heavy horses i haven't yet owned which i would love .... Suffolk Punch, or the Belgian Draught horse Ugh i just want to take on of those and go tanking across the countryside LOL - any pics of people with these get them posted i love looking at them lol