It happened again.


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17 August 2017
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I sent the video to my physio and, based on Nova’s behaviour and what she’s felt in our appointments, she thinks it’s likely to be arthritis of the vertebrae or damage to the supraspinous ligament (not sure if I’ve spelt that correctly). I have no experience of either but they seem pretty drastic and “ridden-life” ending


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17 August 2017
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Not yet - she’s in tomorrow at 3pm, which makes me think it will either be super quick or she will be in all weekend. Does anybody know what they’re likely to do? I guess rescan her suspensories but if they’re all looking okay, then what?

She’s had this week off with just coming in for her tea and some time out of the sun. I’ve also basically cried every day and found working a complete struggle.


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17 August 2017
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So sorry to read your updates, I hope if nothing else you can get a clear answer tomorrow
Thank you. I think the not knowing is what’s driving me most insane. At least if I had a clear answer, I could do something about it.

I am partly dreading tomorrow because I feel quite alone in making any decisions. Obviously the vet will guide me but their job is to fix things. I don’t want to make the wrong decision, either way. I need to remember to not just jump into any treatment they recommend.

I have just read your thread - I am so sorry ❤️


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8 August 2012
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Thank you. I think the not knowing is what’s driving me most insane. At least if I had a clear answer, I could do something about it.

I am partly dreading tomorrow because I feel quite alone in making any decisions. Obviously the vet will guide me but their job is to fix things. I don’t want to make the wrong decision, either way. I need to remember to not just jump into any treatment they recommend.

I have just read your thread - I am so sorry ❤️
Yes the not knowing is horrible. Dont forget that if there is pain somewhere and something isnt functioning as it should she will likely be compensating somewhere/ somehow which can cause knock on problems

Do you have anyone that will go with you and listen to what the vet says? I found I didnt take everything in and it didnt feel real, it was so useful to be able to ring my friend the next day with a lot of questions. Dont feel alone we are all with you in spirit


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17 August 2017
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Yes the not knowing is horrible. Dont forget that if there is pain somewhere and something isnt functioning as it should she will likely be compensating somewhere/ somehow which can cause knock on problems

Do you have anyone that will go with you and listen to what the vet says? I found I didnt take everything in and it didnt feel real, it was so useful to be able to ring my friend the next day with a lot of questions. Dont feel alone we are all with you in spirit
Exactly, which is why I think we are in this mess in the first place with the kissing spine and PSD. And now there’s obviously something else or her current issues can no longer stand up to trotting under saddle. Her body is wrecked and I have no idea how much work she would even stand up to if we found something and treated it - not that I have any expectations anymore.

My physio was going to come but she’s busy. People at my yard I think are all busy too and my instructor is currently unable to really walk due to a back issue. So not really, sadly.


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20 March 2023
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Nothing helpful to add OP but can I just say having followed this thread for a while, what a caring, diligent horse owner you are. I have been disillusioned recently by the number of people ignoring their horses even when they've been shouting out at them, either through ignorance or being too tight to get a vet out. So it's really refreshing to see someone actually listen to what their horse is telling them.

I have been in the same boat as you, feeling very alone having to make huge decisions over the future of my young horse. Having no family to speak to and an un-horsey partner was difficult and I questioned if I was doing the right thing. As you say, the vets want to keep trying to fix the horse but I had to say enough is enough, and made the decision to PTS aged 5. It crippled me at the time, but now he's gone I know it was the right call as he was heavily compromised and never going to get better.

Sending hugs x
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25 February 2016
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You don’t have to rush to make a decision, get the info first
Exactly this.

I bounced around all over the place with my Appy and even now think that vet practice didn't do either of us any favours. When the microcob went in (covid so I couldn't be there) I was a lot firmer with the vets in terms of "thank you, now send her home and I'll have a think about next steps".

They might be able to do something easy tomorrow but if they can't or if you get news that just makes your heart sink then bring her home and give yourself time to process.

And I'm sorry - no matter how hard we try, some horses just aren't able to be ridden and it's incredibly hard if you want more than just a pet.


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17 August 2017
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Exactly this.

I bounced around all over the place with my Appy and even now think that vet practice didn't do either of us any favours. When the microcob went in (covid so I couldn't be there) I was a lot firmer with the vets in terms of "thank you, now send her home and I'll have a think about next steps".

They might be able to do something easy tomorrow but if they can't or if you get news that just makes your heart sink then bring her home and give yourself time to process.

And I'm sorry - no matter how hard we try, some horses just aren't able to be ridden and it's incredibly hard if you want more than just a pet.
Thank you - that’s my plan. If it’s something I have even the slightest bit of concern about, she is coming home and I’m getting advice from people I trust (which also probably includes you guys haha) on the best route. Time off in the field won’t hurt her and if I had my own land/money, I’d happily turn her away for a year anyway.


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17 August 2017
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She was lame on her left hind on the hard but better on the soft. Vet says he thinks its hocks so they were xrayed and he saw some spurring (worse on the left). He has medicated both hocks so two days box rest before I can start riding again. Vet and I are both in agreement that this is the last thing we try.

I feel like a hypocrite for saying I don’t want to be someone who just puts a plaster over things and I feel stupid for trying time and time again. People at the yard said they would’ve given up a while ago. I’m just so, so scared to lose her.

I completely understand that the steroids will last about a year and I’m in no way believing and hoping she will be anything other than a happy hacker for whatever time she does have left.

I feel tired and lost. I just cried my entire way home because it feels never ending and I know exactly how it’s going to end. It breaks my heart that I’ll never jump her again and that I never got to take her cross country.

Why on earth do we put ourselves through this heartache?


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8 August 2012
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Oh you poor thing I just want to give you a hug. I'm so sorry it wasn't more positive. At least you know though, you have a timescale and you can let it sink in a little, painful as that will be. Enjoy the things you are able to do whilst you can. Always here if you need to talk/rant/cry


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25 August 2010
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She was lame on her left hind on the hard but better on the soft. Vet says he thinks its hocks so they were xrayed and he saw some spurring (worse on the left). He has medicated both hocks so two days box rest before I can start riding again. Vet and I are both in agreement that this is the last thing we try.

I feel like a hypocrite for saying I don’t want to be someone who just puts a plaster over things and I feel stupid for trying time and time again. People at the yard said they would’ve given up a while ago. I’m just so, so scared to lose her.

I completely understand that the steroids will last about a year and I’m in no way believing and hoping she will be anything other than a happy hacker for whatever time she does have left.

I feel tired and lost. I just cried my entire way home because it feels never ending and I know exactly how it’s going to end. It breaks my heart that I’ll never jump her again and that I never got to take her cross country.

Why on earth do we put ourselves through this heartache?
You have tried so hard and sometimes a bit of medication can make all the difference with some things.

I'm so sorry though but all you can do is wait and see how she goes.

Hugs to you both🤗

If it's any consolation a vet told me to have Arabi pts when he was 5 because he had elbow arthritis, I had a second opinion and they said it really didn't look that bad, he had it medicated and his still here his 20 now still hacking and loving life.


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17 August 2017
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Thank you both. I’m going to try and just focus on the next two weeks and enjoy her as much as I can. I think I’ll be able to tell quite quickly if it’s helped or not.

I think it’s only just properly hit me that she is a hacking horse now and, rather selfishly, I’m really sad about that. I know there are people who would still try and jump her if the steroids work - I’ve seen it so much on social media. But as much as I’d do anything to take her for a little cross country school, that doesn’t sit right with me.


Go away, I'm reading
18 December 2010
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My current lad was diagnosed with navicular and had his fronts injected 8 years ago....not had a problem since.

But going from my own experience of steriods for my sisters tb and having them in my ankle joints, each time you have them they wear off quicker.

You dont have to keep going, no one will say anything if you wake up after the weekend and go 'nope, not doing it to either of us'


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14 September 2011
I can't remember if I've already said this but someone like Encompass Equine Solutions can be really useful to use for a consult initially. She fully believes in the power of postural rehab but is also very pragmatic. She may be a good sounding board and, if you both decide it's worth trying further, to help you with the right groundwork including the very subtle "how" rather than "what".

So sorry you're facing all this.


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17 August 2017
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horses are heartbreaking. You are a loving, dedicated owner. Nova is lucky she found you. Everything crossed for you both.

Thank you. I’m trying to keep reminding myself that I’ve put Nova first entirely. I feel so guilty but I also know, as others have said, it’s not my fault. I would do anything for this mare


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17 August 2017
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Feeling extremely sorry for myself at the moment. I lunged Nova on Saturday as I don’t feel right getting back on if she’s still unsound. And yup, still lame. Well, I think she is. It’s very subtle and I don’t know if I’m just overthinking it and tricking my brain into seeing lameness. I’ve sent the video to my physio. But right now, I just feel so disheartened. I’m probably not going to get back on her until she’s back in the vets but then I feel like I need to be able to say if I’ve felt a difference in her ridden work?


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8 August 2012
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Feeling extremely sorry for myself at the moment. I lunged Nova on Saturday as I don’t feel right getting back on if she’s still unsound. And yup, still lame. Well, I think she is. It’s very subtle and I don’t know if I’m just overthinking it and tricking my brain into seeing lameness. I’ve sent the video to my physio. But right now, I just feel so disheartened. I’m probably not going to get back on her until she’s back in the vets but then I feel like I need to be able to say if I’ve felt a difference in her ridden work?
why not do a very short ride and have someone video it (make sure its in focus!) then you have something to show as well as tell and take the pressure off yourself of having to get on

I hated riding kiki for the vet but it showed how bad he was much more so than being lunged and gave us an answer

Hugs, here if you need to rant


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17 August 2017
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My physio has seen the video now and agrees she isn’t comfortable on her left hind still. She has asked what the vet has said regarding where else to investigate (SI and stifles) and whether it’s worth a second opinion. To be honest, at this point, I’m ready to give up horses. I think it’s hard when it’s not a clear cut answer as to whether to carry on investigating or not as I think I’ll always wonder what more could’ve been done and you hear these stories of horses that have been written off and then go on to be incredible a few years later.


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17 August 2017
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Will be worth checking, Arthramid can take 4-6 weeks to notice a difference where as steriods is usually a lot quicker. Arthramid is a lot more expensive.

Really feel for you. You're such a great owner.
Just checked our discharge notes and it was steroids. She’s back a week today for a check so she needs to get sound pretty quickly 🥲

Hormonal Filly

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24 April 2013
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Just checked our discharge notes and it was steroids. She’s back a week today for a check so she needs to get sound pretty quickly 🥲

Has she done any other work asides the lunging Saturday since the steriods? Lunging isn't the best for hocks/joint problems but understand it needs to be done for vet purposes. Is she sound in a straight line? Could she do some walking in hand (if she is happy enough) rather than circles and ridden work. Just thinking - to keep her using her muscles.