Well-Known Member
At least he can swish his tail.Many of them have had the nerves to the Dock cut.I will admit this ride was considerably better than what I've seen with her in the faster, where horse seemed unhappy throughout. Nice also to see minimal tail-swishing, and no violent tail swishes. (All tail swishes did, however, coincide with the spurs being used as the aid - which I've seen with even who I consider the better modern dressage riders around. But I'll put aside my grumbles about spurs for now.)
What I did notice however was that Glamourdale was BTV throughout the majority of the test, not hugely BTV but enough to mean watching this certainly didn't inspire any spine-tingling in me. The extension was impressive, yes, but he's a horse that's bred for it. The grump in me says that this test was the bare minimum.