My next equine project horse


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
Lol, Jesus! He came over on the boat with a load of others and when he was being tried over some fair fences the shout of 'Oh Jesus!' would ring out on account of his huge pop and scope, nearly jumping them off each time! The name had to stick after that.

Hope things are going well. Ted looks ultra smart in his coat.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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I finally gave in this morning and allowed Ted and Alice to become an item again. There is much snogging going on, Alice has amazing eyelashes and she is fluttering them madly at Ted. Alice has promised not to try to rehome Ted at the safari park and Ted has promised not to call her big bird or fat arse. Alice is quite svelte at the moment and hopefully with the colder weather in now, she won't pile it all back on sharing the better grazing with Ted.

Radiation went well, the room was like a space ship. Just a case of keep very very still, no coughing, sneezing or farting ! then the machine clunks and whirls for a few minutes. Back in the car and on way home in 30 minutes. The lovely staff granted me the mid morning time slots all next week which means I can do the yard myself and not have to put on my long suffering friends. Roll on the 12th November and the end. Cyber bubbly for everyone.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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So pleased for you that it was not too time consuming and you have good time slots.

Lovely that Ted and Alice can play this winter, hope it keeps Ted out of mischief!

Everything crossed that rest of sessions go as well as Friday.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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So pleased for you that it was not too time consuming and you have good time slots.

Lovely that Ted and Alice can play this winter, hope it keeps Ted out of mischief!

Everything crossed that rest of sessions go as well as Friday.

Ted out of mischief, that will be the day. He has strengthened through his back recently and got much deeper, he was like a pipe cleaner when he first arrived. Trouble is he now seems to have mastered an awesome buck. I watched him this morning and the unbalanced baby bucks, usually ending up with him falling on his face, have gone. We now have massive fly bucks delivered with power and a degree of grace, if you ignore the flying feathers !

I will be needing a fearless crash dummy test rider in the spring.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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Ted out of mischief, that will be the day. He has strengthened through his back recently and got much deeper, he was like a pipe cleaner when he first arrived. Trouble is he now seems to have mastered an awesome buck. I watched him this morning and the unbalanced baby bucks, usually ending up with him falling on his face, have gone. We now have massive fly bucks delivered with power and a degree of grace, if you ignore the flying feathers !

I will be needing a fearless crash dummy test rider in the spring.

I love seeing youngsters play my two year olds fly round the field leaving skid marks everywhere in the soft ground. He may surprise you and be a gent when he goes into training and work, he certainly has the potential of a super horse.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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He has just leant over the fence and picked the neighbours pony up by it's rug and shaken it like a terrier with a rat. Alice is up the corner staying clear of any trouble. There is no hope.

Got to get Eleanor Wigby out of her box and super glue her to my head, find a felt tip pen to draw eyebrows on and hope I can get into a frock. I am being taken to a dinner with A P McCoy as speaker. First time out since February for me as confidence so low. Hope the wig behaves !


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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I have decided the advantage of getting older is that I really do not care how others think I look, just be happy within yourself and enjoy, sounds like a really interesting evening.

Can't help laughing at the thought of Ted shaking a pony!


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26 February 2007
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Is ted part dog as well now?!

Good that Alice has decided not to rehome him!

Fingers x all is going well and your not feeling too poorly, I think you need a tick down timer thingy so that you can focus on the 12th Nov!
Much Love L


Well-Known Member
19 July 2011
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So glad your radiotherapy went well and wasnt to time consuming and is good they gave you the slots which suit you hun :)

Ted is so funny can just picture him shaking a pony, so glad he and Alice are now friends i am sure they will have fun together and look forward to hearing about thier antics ;)


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Thank you so much, all the support certainly helps me focus and cope. Just had the second one and safely home watching the racing from Ireland, sun is out there, peeing down here.

Ted and Alice remain in love and sadly, abandoned again until I finish the radiation. We had a visitor yesterday who was impressed with Ted and who had also met Ted's sire. I know Ted is out of a pure Shire mare but all I know of the sire is traditional cob. Our visitor told me he has several horses by the same sire and they are all peaceful nice tempered types, he then went on and told me that Ted has much more growing to do. The sire is big, really - how big ? - 'very big love'.

I asked how big Ted might be and got another 'very big love' followed by a knowing chuckle. Are parachutes expensive ? I will also need one of those little trampolines to drop off him onto, my knees will never take a big drop.


Well-Known Member
19 July 2011
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lol i find that a picnic table is very useful in the aid of getting me on and off my sisters 17.3 shire x warmblood also good to stand on to put his bridle on, doesnt help that i am 5ft nothing ;) however a trampoline would be much more fun :)

Would love to see Teds face as you bounce up and down beside him on your trampoline ;)


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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I would love to see Ted's reaction to you dropping on him by parachute!

Hope rest of your treatment goes well, you will soon be at the end of it, and there will be lots of adventures to look forward to next spring !


Well-Known Member
13 November 2010
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Thank you so much, all the support certainly helps me focus and cope. Just had the second one and safely home watching the racing from Ireland, sun is out there, peeing down here.

Ted and Alice remain in love and sadly, abandoned again until I finish the radiation. We had a visitor yesterday who was impressed with Ted and who had also met Ted's sire. I know Ted is out of a pure Shire mare but all I know of the sire is traditional cob. Our visitor told me he has several horses by the same sire and they are all peaceful nice tempered types, he then went on and told me that Ted has much more growing to do. The sire is big, really - how big ? - 'very big love'.

I asked how big Ted might be and got another 'very big love' followed by a knowing chuckle. Are parachutes expensive ? I will also need one of those little trampolines to drop off him onto, my knees will never take a big drop.

I can thoroughly recommend muck heaps with nice tidy steps as perfect dismounting areas


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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I can thoroughly recommend muck heaps with nice tidy steps as perfect dismounting areas

What a clever idea. I have a huge skip so I would sink and never be seen again !

I need to get fitter, shift a few stone and then I would be svelte and elegant on my carthorse and slim enough for Alice to be big enough for me. At least the chemotherapy steroids are fading now and I no longer see food and eat it mindset anymore.

Time to go for the 3rd cooking session. If that lovely radiation nurse tells me to relax once more I will give her a black eye. I am trying hard, but it is not easy to relax on a rock hard board with my arms stretched over my head and twisted to the left, my head tipped back because my neck is too short and my chin is in the way ! Plus the machines have to be kept cool and yesterday it was about 10 degrees in the room, my teeth were chattering. Really must stop moaning - they are saving my life.


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28 March 2013
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Keep going AA, it will all be worth it and you are an inspiration :)

As for mounting/dismounting - maybe you could teach Ted to kneel/lay down for you?


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26 February 2007
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I think that you need those roll up step ladders, you could attach it to the back of the saddle then you can just climb up and down!

Can you not have a blankie in with you during treatment? That would at least keep you warm?!

Can we make Alice into a Maxi Cob? Just seeing as an ID won supreme at HOYS maybe you should aim her that way? :)

Chin up! (or back and twisted- however you need it to be!)

Thought this might help!



Well-Known Member
12 August 2011
Central Herts
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There is a person on HHO who posted a photo of her horse bending down and offereing her a leg to use as a step - anyone rememebr who that is. Ted might be clever enough to learn that...? Maybe? For food?


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Blooming hospital just cancelled. They have a burst pipe and no water. Despite me assuring them I would not want a drink or a pee they still would not fry me.

End date now the 13th November.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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So sorry you have a delay, very frustrating for you.

I am still laughing at the thought of Ted learning to kneel down for you rather like a Camel, I can just picture him him then rising up with you majestically on board..........or not!!!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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So sorry you have a delay, very frustrating for you.

I am still laughing at the thought of Ted learning to kneel down for you rather like a Camel, I can just picture him him then rising up with you majestically on board..........or not!!!

Ted and I do nothing majestically and never will. He is gormless and has the concentration of a goldfish, I am fat, well over fifty and far too fearful to attempt anything remotely unsafe.

My OH has just suggested he builds me a winch so I can be lowered down onto Ted like the knights in armour used to be. I told him to be careful he does not choke on the sausage sandwich he is currently stuffing down his neck whilst moaning about the excessive speed he had done to get back from London to take me to my now cancelled cooking session.

I need to find him a job on the yard before the sausage sandwich sends him to sleep in the chair.

ralph and maverick

Well-Known Member
13 September 2012
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Only just came acrossthis thread yesterday, and have now read the whole lot!
Ted is absolutely brilliant,(and the beautiful Alice!) and the way you write his adventures is also fantastic. It was like reading a book and wanting to get to the next chapter.
I admire your strength and courage whilst going through all your treatment. And thank god it is nearly over for you now, i bet you cant wait!
Very much look forward to reading more Ted and Alice adventures, and equally look forward to reading that all you treatment is completed.
Sorry to hear they cancelled on you today, and best of luck with the rest of your treatment xx


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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I had to smile today, had my fourth radiation at the Queen Elizabeth in Birmingham, the staff are lovely and really try to put me at ease by chatting away to me.

Whilst arranging me on the machine this morning they noticed a large bruise on my arm and asked how that had happened. I told them that a horse had tried exit the stable before me and had pushed me up the door frame. 'A real horse ?' was the reply I got. After my zapping session I was bombarded with questions about my real horse and two of the nurses said they had never touched a horse. Photo tomorrow of the 'real' horse required for them.

It really made me think about how different we all are. I could not imagine life not surrounded by animals, fields, trees etc.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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I had to smile today, had my fourth radiation at the Queen Elizabeth in Birmingham, the staff are lovely and really try to put me at ease by chatting away to me.

Whilst arranging me on the machine this morning they noticed a large bruise on my arm and asked how that had happened. I told them that a horse had tried exit the stable before me and had pushed me up the door frame. 'A real horse ?' was the reply I got. After my zapping session I was bombarded with questions about my real horse and two of the nurses said they had never touched a horse. Photo tomorrow of the 'real' horse required for them.

It really made me think about how different we all are. I could not imagine life not surrounded by animals, fields, trees etc.

There is nothing like our countryside and animals to lift the sprits, so many people do not understand why, but they do help with our moods and emotions.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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It's a shame you can't take Ted with you to meet them :D

Ted fell into a dustbin tonight. I took a steel bin over the field to replace the plastic trugs being used for water. He followed right behind me trying to investigate the bin, tripped up and smacked his nose in the bottom of it.

Somehow I think Ted might be a liability with a few million quids worth of hospital equipment !


Well-Known Member
14 December 2012
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Ted fell into a dustbin tonight. I took a steel bin over the field to replace the plastic trugs being used for water. He followed right behind me trying to investigate the bin, tripped up and smacked his nose in the bottom of it.

Somehow I think Ted might be a liability with a few million quids worth of hospital equipment !

Bless him! Still not grown into his feet has he? :D
Very glad your treatment nearly over...........
I too can't imagine a life without horses.....I mean what do people actually DO with all that time??? :confused: