Well-Known Member
One of the many reasons why I no longer judge, especially in the UK, is the pure effort of having to bite my tongue as so many (soooo many.....) overweight riders wobble and bounce around on their long-suffering horses, which are almost universally massively fat too. To continue to ride when you are obese is outright animal abuse, and I have no problem telling people. And they should be ashamed.
ETA: you cannot "ride light", the term is accursed. I think the idea people are trying to convey is that of being balanced; a balanced load is always easier to bear than an unbalanced one, but it is still precisely the same weight.
E yet A: The vast, vast majority of overweight riders I have seen are anything but balanced.
It is almost inevitable that if you are overweight and/or overweight for your horse that you will be unbalanced. Balance is, in part, a function of an athletically sound body and whilst some heavier people do have good balance it is much, much harder to achieve. For one thing, it is very difficult for your body's proprioception to 'control' fat/put it where it needs to be.