Following a strict mediterranean diet...
Thought she summed up the worlds feelings rather well don't you?
Thought she summed up the worlds feelings rather well don't you?
I'm sure someone will be along shortly to tell you all that SL is actually an idiot don't worry![]()
Its sickening and I would just love to see someone tie them into an un-natural position to make them more flexible. How would they like their legs tied behind their heads to make them able to flex and do the splits and better yoga etc? Im sure they wouldnt like it one little bit![]()
I too am very keen for people to not to be hysterical and to be able to differentiate between what is and isnt rollkur, LDR is a neccessary training method (actually that MOST horses would benefit from if done correctly day in day out) it makes the horse soft and supple over the back, I would rather see overbent horses working LDR properly through from behind any day of the week than a horse with its head stuck in the air doing as it wishes, its how I have trained my horses for years and always will do, it builds a strong supple horse. There are videos and pictures floating about that I have seen with horses in this position or indeed in a correct competition outline (poll high) with captions of Rollkur underneath, please when spreading the facts make sure people know what is and ISNT Rollkur. I dont believe Carl Hester works his horses in Rollkur but rather that he works them in an outline deemed to be 'overbent' which is totally fine and not Rollkur, I am willing to be corrected on this though
This website shows head positions which are acceptable...
None of them are Rollkur in my opinion.
I agree, but I also don't think the photos correspond to any of those "acceptable" outlines, by a long way![]()
Well exactly- the drawings are acceptable, the pictures deffo don't compare! If I was a little more computer literate you could but them side by side to show comparison...
Im surprised that people are picking just on PK....as far as I have seen (and I work in dressage) everyone has at some time or another had a horse in a hyperflexed state.
I see nothing wrong in taking a horse who isnt listening to the seat or the bridle into a deep outline and saying hang on matey, listen.
IMHO I would rather see a horse go into rolkur for 2 mins than see someone kick hell out of one with spurs on, or belt it with a whip! The tap, tap, tap, nag, nag, nag of a schooling whip makes me want to do it to the rider!!
I dont like to hear/see equestrianism being portrayed as an elitist sport, or as a cruel sport, but I dont see how hyperflexion is seen as worse than horses with spur wheals, cut mouths, whip marks that are seen at some shows.
There are many many many worse things that could happen to a horse than a little hyperflexion in a workout.
Pootle, no, one is not limited to one concern apiece, nor am I commenting on every thread I find banal, as that is a waste of my time. Are you being deliberately pedantic or have you a bee in your bonnet?
I merely feel that there are a lot more things to fret over than a german rider hyperflexing for a few minutes in a warm up.
ETA: Im well aware that Rolkur is banned - however it is only banned when going over the length of time the FEI allow. Those who wish to use Rolkur in short bursts are allowed to do so, and as such I find nothing wrong with it.
I do disagree with constant hyperflexion. The video of PK warming up has been cut to make it seem that he is in constant rolkur, when he infact is not.
tallyho!: my experience of much of Portuguese and Spanish riding is that they start the horses quite early on, with no hacking, very strong bits and riders are mainly strong men who use their hands a lot. They also seem to progress to advanced moves far too quickly before any of the basics are established so you might have a horse that can piaffe, but it can't do a 20m circle without support from the hands[/QOUTE]
There is much I disagree with and perhaps I speak for very few people who don't treat horses like this. The people I have met, wait until horses are 5 or 6 to start as they know how late they are to mature. Some back at 3 which is normal but I imagined that members of that association would be against rollkur or at least had something to say. Clearly, I was very wrong.
The places you are talking about are the ones people don't know how to avoid. Particularly foreign buyers. They see a nice Spanish horse that can piaffe and assume its an advanced horse. How wrong they are. Sadly, these are the ones experts in this country take the inexperienced to see! They don't get shown that it lives in a dark stable most of its life and piaffe is the only thing it can do!
But anyway, I am not here to discuss the intricacies of Spanish horses. I wanted to raise awareness of rollkur in the Olympics.
So basicly dont think for yourself wait until an expert tells you what to think!!!!What did everyone think of Rubi's test then? He seemed clearly BTV to me in parts of the test (and was marked down for them) despite being 'the right' breed and having been trained in 'the right' method?
tallyho!: my experience of much of Portuguese and Spanish riding is that they start the horses quite early on, with no hacking, very strong bits and riders are mainly strong men who use their hands a lot. They also seem to progress to advanced moves far too quickly before any of the basics are established so you might have a horse that can piaffe, but it can't do a 20m circle without support from the hands.
jesstickle: ironically the few studies on this issue have been funded by the Dutch, despite the 'outcry' no one else has bothered to spend any money on this. It's a very dangerous step to require the 'accused' to prove one's innocence simply because others have a gut feeling there is something wrong. Remember that over time people have had a gut feeling that there is something wrong with you if your skin is black or yellow, if your religion in Christian, or Muslim, or Hindu, if your sexuality is promiscuous or homosexual, etc. For anyone who thinks these are attitudes of the past there are current examples in the US where people have cited as their defence in the killing of lesbians their disgust of the practices! If individuals are satisfied with unexamined and unproven gut feelings as the basis of their opinion, so be it, but they are not sufficient for limiting the behaviour of others. Otherwise my gut feelings about this and similar threads on rollkur is that they are pretty disgusting and shameful, so let's rely on my feelings to ban all these discussions!![]()
Booboos I would liken it more to introducing a new surgical technique to the world or a new drug or something along those lines. Likening it to racism is, I feel, very crass of you and belittles those who have been victims of such atrocities. Being a holocaust survivor isn't quite the same as being PK is it? If you want a new method, in scientific terms, to become the norm it is entirely up to you to prove its efficacy and safety. If you want to make this about science anky et al need to follow the scientific rules too.