Shwmae horse products

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24 June 2008
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Im no expert but all with issues should log complaint with thier trading standards and get together and get others refernce numbers and go back to thier trading stanards and say the following complaints have been made blah blah. does that make sense. basically talk to each other and work en mass. Keep logs screen shots diarys of all said.the "people" running said company are playing with fire here. Watchdog? Maybe worth a mail to them. just hate low bad service esp with posts they have written :)

Corner Mad House

Well-Known Member
9 November 2013
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Well a lesson learnt then. Idiot puts a ridiculous item on the market and fools buy it.

ps I do not see why you should object to people trying to keep their horses clean and save themselves time. Surely even you must have some modern gadgets at home to help you or do you still scrub your laundry by hand and sweep the floors with a brush.


Well-Known Member
30 October 2012
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You say you bought the *ultimate Onesie* these words make me roll on the floor laughing. How in gods name you fool,did we cope with horses in the past without a ******* ONESIE. I am sorry but you make stockmanship look like a joke.


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6 December 2013
West Country
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They are absurd! Onesies are the shell suits of tomorrow. Thinking of packing mud into containers of varying sizes and selling it as an instant onesie. Easy to fit, easy to apply, warm, natural, organic and brushes out easily. Could add glitter to the mud for Christmas and do white mud for greys! Anyone interested? Don't go and nick my idea mind, I have take a screen shot to prove I thought of it on here first!


Well-Known Member
7 June 2007
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You say you bought the *ultimate Onesie* these words make me roll on the floor laughing. How in gods name you fool,did we cope with horses in the past without a ******* ONESIE. I am sorry but you make stockmanship look like a joke.

And you sound like a complete ass!

Just being as blunt as you have.

The point of the thread, if you bothered to read it, was about poor customer service, not the products.


Well-Known Member
22 July 2013
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I hope those who are having problems get a full refund.

At least that way the horses won't suffer the indignity of being dressed up in one.

What's wrong with people these days ? Is there one part of the horse's anatomy that doesn't needed to be covered and protected from mud, rain, sun or wind.
Horse's roll for a reason. They know better than humans how to look after their own coats.


New User
6 December 2013
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hi just wondering if ur got ur rug yet ? im having massive problems with these people 5 weeks i have waited now for this delivery that was supposed to be sent out in november after payng over 200 pounds for items, and now i have messaged several times and they remove my comments off the page also i recived a message (not to nice) saying they didnt have the message but i actually have a screen shot of several messages and conversations saying its been seen out ect different stories from them all the time untill they stoppe replying at all , i will be happy with a refund or my items from this company but i certainly will not be ordering again, and if ther will be no response i will be contacting my bank and paypal as this is alot of money and should not be happening and isnt very professional im extremely dissapointed by tis haven also spoken to other customers who have not recieved ther items either and are going through the same thing!


Well-Known Member
22 July 2013
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Its easy and quite simple to get a refund from paypal if you paid that way. Raising a dispute gets results especially from traders who don't communicate with you.


Well-Known Member
11 March 2012
West midlands
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Good evening,

It's amazing how quick you all have shown your colours, turning on each other and bickering as though you have a real cause to fight for.

Getting a group of friends to pretend for you is smart I must admit to that, getting people to come up with fake and untrue accounts of misconduct is beyond smart.

A forum allowing your constant bullying again is remarkable but.... To argue amongst yourselves. Shows to me and hopefully others that you are indeed just a group of people with nothing more then time on your hands.

I don't see the point in this,
I would apologise if I or the company were in the wrong. I would sit back and beg on my knees if I thought it wouldn't just fuel your fire. However the truth of the matter is nothing anyone does will stop you because your bullies and bullies love attention.

If you have a genuine issue you can message me,

But we are sending upto 60 items plus weekly and only one has come back for alterations in the past month. To me that's success! Non of you are justified and your just putting worry in people's heads because you're being selfish,

Statements like its terrible we have so many happy people and we are bragging is uncalled for and we all as adults know it. I have said it before and I will state it again, if and it's a big if.... You are someone who's genuinely unhappy then that's a real shame and maybe if you messaged we could sort it but coming on here and doing this just so you can make yourselves feel better is not fair on anyone... Including your families who you are ignoring to do it and the thousands of families who will be getting onesies this Xmas and just want the chance to share their happiness without people like this making them seem bad for being happy.

It's Christmas in a couple of weeks and I am sure know one wants to waste their time worrying about a silly little thread that we all know is just becoming a joke.

Telling me to get off my arse and work.... You know nothing about the work I or the team do. You don't know our hours or our days. Because if you did you would see we do a lot more for the horse and animal community then you think! And by making us out to be bad people inevitably you will ruin it for many. All the charities we support will loose their money, all the horses we save and give lives with the money behind the scenes, all the people we help with problems that could loose animals their lives... Is one thread which has no true meaning actually worth loosing everything we do.

I think it's time you all stopped arguing now, sit back and realise your acting like a group of school kids ganging up bullying.

we are all old enough to know better and it would be nice if you could see past your insecurities and just message me with the same respect I offer you and sort this.

You've taken this too far and if their was a line you have not just crossed it you've taken a run and jump over the edge.

Let's act like the adults we are suppose to be and get it sorted before Xmas! If you can't bring yourselves to do that and you want to continue this then I'm afraid I don't see how it can ever be resolved and you'll prove me right that there was just no true reason behind any of this.

Now I must head off to bed because I will be working again tomorrow and so will those I work with,

I would like to think you can all be mature enough to message no matter how big or how small the matter and you'll soon see I am human and I'm not the terrible person your making out I am.

Night all


Well-Known Member
28 November 2013
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Right lets all settle down and get back to the basics. One buys a product on-line and one is told it will be despatched in 3 working days because you have paid express delivery. The product (what ever it is say it was a an oven) failed to appear at the appointed time. You try on many occasions to contact the company. You become a little alarmed as you find the only number is a mobile that goes straight to voice mail.No surprise your receive no reply. You try writing to them but there is no address anywhere on the website or fb page. You then email the company. Again no reply, and if you are lucky after weeks of chasing you get a reply sorry, but due to delay in moving office/sick horses/internet down/we don't have fabric in stock but your item will be dispatched next week. Surprise no items comes through. You email the company again and leave messages on their mobile. You have paid your money - where next do you go. The company do all of their advertising and are very active on FB. You message them via this route. Funny your negative message is deleted and then you are blocked from posting on their site. You are now in a quandary, a company has a substantial amount of funds from you, you cant't get hold of them. You alert the trading standards in their area, and then you start to google them and find you are not alone. Not only this, that they have been carrying on this type of practice for years and using the same excuses. You next find that you are threatened via their own FB that they will be going to the police and that they will be seeking legal advice and have been recording phone messages without following the proper protocol. There are over at least 8 laws that the company have broken, so far by them with these threats, and their retain of funds without supplying product or in many cases return of funds. When you find the company on not just on a daily basis but an hourly basis posting on their FB that they have so many happy customers, but when people who are not happy have their posts taken down by that company, but who are very happy to write frankly silly things on their site and invite people to view their happy customer experiences, by which most people mean to "Google" said company and their perspective customers, read the reports of what has happened to so many of us, and not to mention posting on the FB page threatening to take their customers to court, when they still have not learned of the basic definitions of slander and liable, if it were not so serious, because of the amount of money involved, when you add up those that have not had a return of funds, or product, this is a huge amount. Also more worryingly they report on their own Fb page that they are recording telephone messages without the consumer knowing - I can't tell you how many laws they are breaking here. They then write on their own FB a diatribe of how it is not their fault, and that everyone is ganging up on them. This has invited customers to google the company and a number have reported on the companies FB page that they would not be buying because of what they have read- So fridge, mattress, TV, or what every, a company that takes money but does not supply the product, or only does so after a huge amount of angst for the buyer and has a long record of such business practice, this fact should without doubt be made aware to the public and the relevant authorities and the press. That is why programs like watch dog, cowboy builders and rogue traders are so popular and not to mention why there are so many consumer laws put in place to stop businesses acting in such a way


Well-Known Member
28 November 2013
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Andy from my own experience you have to get your paypal dispute in within 45 days of order or they will not look into it and the company are well aware of this deadline - I fell foul of it. Good luck xx


Well-Known Member
27 March 2006
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Just give the people their goods or refund the money, you are looking like a total incompetent idiot , you won't have a business before long if you don't sort your attitude out. Disgraceful. You have 14 pages of complaint on here alone. Unbelievable


Well-Known Member
11 March 2012
West midlands
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Like I have said... If they are true allegations they will come forward via messages on email and resolve it but as of yet know one has done.

I am not an imcompendent idiot and I am not the one arguing amongst myself.

14 pages and most of them are occupied by arguing.

I will say it again.... If anyone has a genuine issue and is not faking it or making it up please message me and I will work with you.

I can assure you though as before know one will because I am starting to think this is friends of friends and so on.


Well-Known Member
27 March 2006
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But you take them off your page, if you have nothing to hide you wouldnt , you would reply and sort it.
On a separate note, your fb page shows a horse in a leopard print onesie, please contact the owner of that horse and replace the hood before you cause it an accident, the eye holes are so close to its eyes you will blindfold it and cause panic or seriously injure his eye. You have a duty of care to ensure that your product fits and more importantly is safe, this is not.
I have no issue with your product but that is down right dangerous.


Well-Known Member
27 March 2006
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Like I have said... If they are true allegations they will come forward via messages on email and resolve it but as of yet know one has done.

I am not an imcompendent idiot and I am not the one arguing amongst myself.

14 pages and most of them are occupied by arguing.

I will say it again.... If anyone has a genuine issue and is not faking it or making it up please message me and I will work with you.

I can assure you though as before know one will because I am starting to think this is friends of friends and so on.

So you can honestly say that all these people are lying, they have ,made it up? They have their rugs and /or a refund? Honestly? All of them telling a story?


Well-Known Member
11 March 2012
West midlands
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I take off the liars and the people who are just a result of this petty attempt to ruins company.... Your right I will take off those attempts as they aren't worthy of anyone's time. The ironic thing is away from this forum you'll be lucky to find two people who are even anxious about their items and those people are fine once they realise it's normally down to the time scale of delivery they've chosen.

The leopard is fine, it was down as she's as new to a hood and we explained to pull it up. Just like anything new when people haven't had them they need direction.

Again another attempt made by everyone here to damage a name without taking into consideration we had already addressed it.

I would appreciate those with an issue actually message me privately and we will sort things but know one has and non of you can explain why... Is it they are fake or is it you know you've ordered in time and your being totally unreasonable.

It's beyond me why you have all started arguing amongst yourselves like primary children.... Wouldn't adults of messaged.


Well-Known Member
1 September 2011
I really don't know. I'm a wonderer
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from what I gather people are trying to contact you with complaints but you, the company are ignoring them so how can you say you are happy to resolve it so which is it. Also by recording phone calls without people's permission is against the law. Also slating the haters on your face book page has only lead to more potential clients seeing this thread and deciding to stay clear of your products. Very clever of you


Well-Known Member
11 March 2012
West midlands
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No they didn't.... What got a response was the fact you all look stupid. You've started arguing with each other.

I can sort PayPal in seconds, they are bespoke items and trackings are always available so no reason for me to even think about PayPal if I'm honest.

I just think you all look silly arguing and it's like you've run out of things to blast at us so you've started on one another


7 December 2013
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I'm a genuine customer. Shame we can't attach your email responses on here.

Paid for the good on the 11/13 no goods. False hopes. Sure your aware, calling me a nightmare customer because I'm worried you have my £500 for almost a month and still no goods.

I have the right to chase and you formed a contract by accepting payment yet you still have Fulfilled the contract.



Well-Known Member
11 March 2012
West midlands
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from what I gather people are trying to contact you with complaints but you, the company are ignoring them so how can you say you are happy to resolve it so which is it. Also by recording phone calls without people's permission is against the law. Also slating the haters on your face book page has only lead to more potential clients seeing this thread and deciding to stay clear of your products. Very clever of you

Trust me they aren't phone calls they are messages some sick people have left and they are something if I chose to go through with it would get some people in an awful lot of trouble! Threats can end up in prison but I'm not like that. I know those people are provoked by this god awful thread.

People aren't trying to message,
If they were they would have a reply.... That's the amusing thing though isn't it. They say here they do all those things yet I have staff and people who know us who know this is not true.

But who do you believe? The company with hundreds of happy customers or the threads filled with people who's only posts are on this thread or the others they've started?

I know who looks the more dodgy from my side
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