The agility thread


Well-Known Member
29 November 2011
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Just to add, I feel like not competing anywhere, not just at this show.
Arthur is the best agility dog I've had. He's been competing for a year.
He's 3.
Last week we had our first G3 win (in agility) which has been completely overshadowed by this 'incident '.
He's been amazing. I ran him first in fenced rings as I was concerned about him running out. We progressed from that to competing for 3 days in the unfenced rings at kci, the biggest agility show in the world.
We actually made it to the main ring starters cup semi final, and only a pole down stopped us reaching the final.
He's got his bronze warrant, and 50 points towards his silver.
He made the agility club starters cup final, the agility vision grand national semi final (won it).
He's done the UKA Grand Finals in 2 events, and last years inspire Finals.
He's competed indoors and outdoors, and has performed beyond anything I expected at this stage.
I train with 2 different clubs in groups, and is never aggressive towards other dogs.
I am incredibly careful as he goes very fast and is a very compact 16kg, and I have always been aware that people may not appreciate him.
However at the end of every run he goes straight to his pot of sausages with no interest in any dogs around.
On a day to day basis I walk my dogs either at silly or clock to avoid people, or in an enclosed private field. Not because of him, but because my elderly bitch is an absolutely cow with other dogs on walks.
I now realize I need to be even more careful.
My trainer is absolutely furious about this report.
Knowing how many different dogs he's trained with and how he turns away from conflict.
Sorry for the rant. 5 days on and I keep telling myself that this was not an agility related thing.


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13 July 2020
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It is ridiculous. I actually do not think that people in agility actually have as much understanding of dog body language as you would hope.

The first show I took mine to, we were stood quietly by ourselves. Her behaving perfectly, just sat at my heel.

A woman then allowed her two small dogs to literally walk directly into our space so her dogs were nose to nose with mine.

My dog is a nervous Nelly and air snapped to make it clear that she needed a bit of space. Nothing more to it.

You would think that people would understand not to allow an on lead greeting, uninvited, with a dog you do not know. I dont allow on lead greetings in general anyway.

So I see her a bit later at the show and she says 'you better not bring your dog too close as she went for mine'

I couldn't be bothered to respond. My dog did not 'go for' hers.

Errin Paddywack

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20 June 2019
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I am absolutely furious on your behalf. I see quite a few staffies doing agility, possibly yours too if we go to the same shows, and haven't met a nasty one yet. I wouldn't mind betting she told this story to her friends and they made her escalate it without knowing the truth of it. If I speak to a passing dog and it jumps up wagging its tail I don't immediately jump to the conclusion it is aggressive as she seems to have done retrospectively. Do try and put it behind you and carry on enjoying your agility.


Well-Known Member
29 November 2011
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Thanks so much everyone. I really appreciate the support.
I did consider nominating myself on the irresponsible owners thread.
It's incredibly sad that there is no way to contest this.
The fact it is put on his record without anyone making me aware feels wrong.
I am grateful that it's recorded as disputed, and thank goodness I had a witness.


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29 November 2011
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Take screenshots of the other owner's social media posts/pics, including time stamps, showing the dog competing/no mention or sign of any injury, save the pics too so you can zoom into the leg.
I have done this. Including comments. None of which refer to any incident. The dog is a cockerpoo. All I can see is curls.


Well-Known Member
29 November 2011
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I’m so sorry for your troubles, and it would put me right off too.

I’m at a show right now and it does surprise me how people will pull up close behind when queueing, and then let their dogs come right up close.

Good luck!
You are right about the way others behave.
It bothers me because this is the one thing we cannot control.
Seems like having a dog with no aggressive thoughts is not necessarily enough.
I am planning to run my dog as close to the end of the class as possible in future to avoid any chance of queuing with 'cockerpoo lady'..
And will be reassessing how I get to the rings.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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Just to add, I feel like not competing anywhere, not just at this show.
Arthur is the best agility dog I've had. He's been competing for a year.
He's 3.
Last week we had our first G3 win (in agility) which has been completely overshadowed by this 'incident '.
He's been amazing. I ran him first in fenced rings as I was concerned about him running out. We progressed from that to competing for 3 days in the unfenced rings at kci, the biggest agility show in the world.
We actually made it to the main ring starters cup semi final, and only a pole down stopped us reaching the final.
He's got his bronze warrant, and 50 points towards his silver.
He made the agility club starters cup final, the agility vision grand national semi final (won it).
He's done the UKA Grand Finals in 2 events, and last years inspire Finals.
He's competed indoors and outdoors, and has performed beyond anything I expected at this stage.
I train with 2 different clubs in groups, and is never aggressive towards other dogs.
I am incredibly careful as he goes very fast and is a very compact 16kg, and I have always been aware that people may not appreciate him.
However at the end of every run he goes straight to his pot of sausages with no interest in any dogs around.
On a day to day basis I walk my dogs either at silly or clock to avoid people, or in an enclosed private field. Not because of him, but because my elderly bitch is an absolutely cow with other dogs on walks.
I now realize I need to be even more careful.
My trainer is absolutely furious about this report.
Knowing how many different dogs he's trained with and how he turns away from conflict.
Sorry for the rant. 5 days on and I keep telling myself that this was not an agility related thing.

I think that’s the thing you need to keep in mind. This is not an agility thing, this is a dumb pathetic dog owner issue. I suppose the kc can only act on a complaint, they don’t know if it’s valid or not. I hope your dispute is upheld and your lovely boy keeps going out doing his thing!


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29 November 2011
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No opportunity to change the status from disputed/alleged bite.
This is as good as it gets.
If the accuser had paid her £35 to take it further I would have had opportunity to clear his name.
It feels like a crazy system.


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29 November 2011
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That is gross! It should be if she refuses to pay to take it further then it should be dropped! Wtf sort of rule is that?
I agree.
I had no idea. This has been a fast and unpleasant learning curve this past few days.
Having spoken to a few experienced competitors, this sort of thing is not uncommon.
A friend who is a vet, has 2 marks against her dog's name and he is the most inoffensive dog on the planet.
Nothing to stop anyone making something up and putting it in the incident book.
I have never reported anything in 15 years competing.
Dogs have a go at mine all the time, but as mine don't react there is never an incident.
My older bitch who is horrible and absolutely not trusted on walks, is completely unreactive at agility shows.
It's not a nice system


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29 November 2011
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FFS people have to put their money where their mouth is. Otherwise you can just keep complaining for no justification
I think no dog should have a mark against it's name without investigation, ie putting the money down.
Even my witness statement is only logged, it's not looked at unless I get another allegation that is taken further.
No response from kc after receiving the witness statement.
Looking at it anotherway, if my dog HAD been bitten I would be talking to the owner of the dog immediately. I would be taking the owner's details and my dog would be going to the vet. I would expect the owner to be offering to pay.
I would not be continuing to run the dog at the show.
Writing stuff in the incident book would be lower down the list than my dog's welfare.


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17 August 2005
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I’m so sorry @sarah.oxford . That’s really shitty. I absolutely do not see how you can lodge a complaint without paying a fee, as at horse shows. Equally nothing the KC does surprises me.
I have only been to one agility show and about half the dogs looked aggressive to me! Because they were wound up. I’ve no idea how Mrs Cockerpoo can cope at one at all.
I’d be furious and it’s ridiculous it will not be investigated one way or the other.


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17 August 2005
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I think no dog should have a mark against it's name without investigation, ie putting the money down.
Even my witness statement is only logged, it's not looked at unless I get another allegation that is taken further.
No response from kc after receiving the witness statement.
Looking at it anotherway, if my dog HAD been bitten I would be talking to the owner of the dog immediately. I would be taking the owner's details and my dog would be going to the vet. I would expect the owner to be offering to pay.
I would not be continuing to run the dog at the show.
Writing stuff in the incident book would be lower down the list than my dog's welfare.
If a staffy bit a cockerpoo the chances of it being 100% unharmed and able to compete would be slim, I’d think.
Did you beat her? Were you in the same class?


Well-Known Member
29 November 2011
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If a staffy bit a cockerpoo tge chances of ur being 100% unharmed and able to compete would be slim, I’d think.
Did you beat her? Were you in the same class?
That was my thought regarding a sbt bite.
There would at the very least be a horrible painful bruise..
She was in the 2 of my classes, but we are not currently in the same grade.
She has now won into G2 and we are G3 in the same height.


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15 September 2018
Dartmoor, Devon
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That was my thought regarding a sbt bite.
There would at the very least be a horrible painful bruise..
She was in the 2 of my classes, but we are not currently in the same grade.
She has now won into G2 and we are G3 in the same height.

Well girl you whip her @@@@ getting into G4!

BTW, we had our customary 3 x E but the runs are improving loads - judge sought me out at the end to say ‘vast improvement’ , which was great!


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13 July 2020
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A question.

I was just looking at the entry form for what will be our first 'proper' show which is an A4A show.

It indicates about needing a measure. I will be running my Large dog at 500 under the Select option.

Do I still need a measure? 🤷‍♀️


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17 September 2009
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Vast improvement is massive 👏

I've just found out that my friend is not going to the next 2 agility vision shows that I have entered and now I'm having a severe confidence crisis.
I definitely need to have a word with myself, and not let this woman destroy me
I hate that feeling and its 100 times worse without your wingman. Head up, tits out be ultra jolly and go. Even if you feel like shit inside. Don't let them put you off. I know its not easy 😔
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
29 November 2011
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A question.

I was just looking at the entry form for what will be our first 'proper' show which is an A4A show.

It indicates about needing a measure. I will be running my Large dog at 500 under the Select option.

Do I still need a measure? 🤷‍♀️

I wouldn't have thought so, but if you put the question on the a4a fb page, or message them, they are very quick to respond


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17 September 2009
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We had two runs today, agility and jumping, G1-3, and we were not eliminated in either class!

That is a freaking miracle for us!
Any progress is progress well done! I have backed off a bit with Pebs. I wonder if we are doing too much and she doesn't find it fun. Did lots of ball throwing in training yesterday and just encouraging her to go on a bit more. We have another physio next Friday to check for anything physical but I think we need to do less. Have a nice show next week with graded classes so may give that a try but try to keep relaxed and chilled. I don't find that easy as am competitive 🙄😂 and she is so sensitive.


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15 September 2018
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We have three shows booked each month until the end of January. I found out last year that Rew is not the summer dog I was expecting - being short coated means weather changes are felt instantly, he spent last summer too hot, too cold, too wet, too blown away etc! I rug him, but the heat was the biggest problem.


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17 September 2009
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@Spotherisk Pebs doesn't like dry prickly grass in the summer or godforbid the merest hint of a thistle. Or if it is too long or the wrong sort of grass 😂 Doesn't like it too hot or too cold tbf rain doesn't bother her. All in all she is a bit of a snowflake I suppose 🙄😂 being so small doesn't help either.


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15 September 2018
Dartmoor, Devon
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@Spotherisk Pebs doesn't like dry prickly grass in the summer or godforbid the merest hint of a thistle. Or if it is too long or the wrong sort of grass 😂 Doesn't like it too hot or too cold tbf rain doesn't bother her. All in all she is a bit of a snowflake I suppose 🙄😂 being so small doesn't help either.
Oh yes crunchy grass has caused grazed pads and needed steroid cream!


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17 September 2009
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Well the Special One had her first agilty lesson tonight. She is definitely not all there and I daren't say more for fear of upsetting anyone. She behaved in the group and pretty much did as asked. Was quite excited as didn't think she'd ever get to go and do agility although still early days. New place to train never been and it was good. We even have homework! Am looking forward to next week!