The agility thread


20 March 2007
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Mixed feelings this week but mostly positive. Large dog had her first 'proper' training day - new venue, new trainer (to her - I've trained with her before and she always has me feeling ten feet tall by the time we're done), unfamiliar dogs, buckets of environmental stress. Once she's in the ring she doesn't give a fig about anything else, there were barking lunging dogs up against the railings and a dog running in the adjacent ring, no problem. Smashed the actual work. She definitely can't stay out between runs though and the management to and from the car has me all unnecessarily stressed out.


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15 September 2018
Dartmoor, Devon
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At a show at the mo, had two jumping rounds

First round dog was on it, we were not E but had faults, he drove on, made one mistake in the weaves, it was (for us!) an excellent round.

Second round dog had never seen equipment before, made his own choices about which end to enter tunnels and missed out the first jump on straight lines. Oh and barked at the dog next door which was going through a tunnel. I’m not sure we took a single obstacle correctly! 🤣 it was carnage (tbh we weren’t the only ones in that ring to have a chaotic run, I don’t think there were any clears, and about 70% E).

Just agility to go in about three hours time zzz


20 March 2007
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I could get used to this teaching lark. One of my group has sent me a video from a show this weekend and they've so clearly put into place some of the things we've been discussing and working on over the last few weeks. They and others could see the difference too and they seem really pleased with the progress. Doing wonders for my imposter syndrome 😂

Small dog's first champ dates are on the calendar. 🫣🫣🫣


Well-Known Member
20 November 2006
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I could get used to this teaching lark. One of my group has sent me a video from a show this weekend and they've so clearly put into place some of the things we've been discussing and working on over the last few weeks. They and others could see the difference too and they seem really pleased with the progress. Doing wonders for my imposter syndrome 😂

Small dog's first champ dates are on the calendar. 🫣🫣🫣

When can I book you ? :)


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17 September 2009
East Anglia
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Long day for 2 classes. We have had issues with contact equipment and her shutting down so tried a different approach today. I tried to be ultra casual and not get het up and competitive 🙄 I didn't carry her in like I usually do but I bent over crippling my back and led her in. I also didn't make her wait but tried razzing her up. She went much better, flew the A Frame 🎊 was sticky on dog walk and we ended up clear no time penalties so was really happy. We were an unplaced 3rd. Lengthy wait until the jumping and I tried same approach. Flew number 1 then stopped and went weird. I realised I had pulled collar too much and it was over 1 ear! 🙈 She was not impressed! I pulled it back down and off we went. The judge obviously didn't see me touch her😄 as we were given clear with just time penalties. Really happy with that as she ran so well so I pulled out of last class and came home. Won't do next week's show either and will back off a bit.


Well-Known Member
15 September 2018
Dartmoor, Devon
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Our final class of the (long) day was agility and we were of course eliminated.

I shouldn’t have changed my mind on the start! It was jump, dog walk, left jump to wrap to jump on the right. The dog walk had the A frame next to it, on the right. My brain said start on the left, then he will gravitate to me, will do the dog walk and the left jump. But I changed my mind, started on the right, and yeah he gravitated right and went up the A frame. Eliminated after the first jump. 🤦🏼‍♀️😁

Further to earlier post the large jumping G1-2 caused a fuss as the E was about 80% with seven completing and 25 eliminated. Only one clear round and that was a slow and steady type. Large jumping C1-2 was 50% E (well loved local trainer and judge) and the large agility 1-2 was 75% E, with only one going through in G1 and that was with a lot of time penalties.

It’s a bit demoralising to do so badly all the time, but I can see improvement, especially with new trainers helping me loads.
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17 September 2009
East Anglia
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@Spotherisk we all get demoralised. If it makes you feel better I cried in the cafe before my rounds! I feel such a rubbish handler and that it's me making Pebs be like she is because she is so sensitive. I think the more we progress the more we pressure ourselves even sub consciously. We all want to go up the grades and it's not easy to handle.

I have changed my mind over ways I intended to run and regretted it, equally have not changed my mind on watching others run a different and better way and then wish I had! We all do our best though xx


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15 September 2018
Dartmoor, Devon
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Better day today! Note to self - read Agility Plaza notes, not just the schedule, as the start was brought forward 30 minutes and therefore I didn’t walk my first jumping course!

But, we were not eliminated in any of our three runs today, that is a first for us, and only the third time I’ve not been E in agility, where today we only missed one contact and nailed our weaves (slowly, but correct).

Absolutely chuffed!

Oh, and gained points in the Winter league 😁


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13 July 2020
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We did a small competition yesterday with our local club. Only three dogs in our section though.

We have not trained in three weeks due to our holiday in Wales and weather constraints, but she ran well and came away with two firsts.

I was really pleased with her for running so nicely after a little break.

Off to Elf next week.


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7 September 2004
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Had such a (long) fun day for both of our first show. Wasn’t quite sure what to expect but A4A was very relaxed and accommodating - so much so I changed from casual to nursery & beginners steeplechase.

Nursery we got E at the dog walk as he was freaked out by the tunnel under the up ramp and wouldn’t go over it 😆🙈 but they let us carry on and he jumped everything else clear.

Then jumped clear in the SC to come 2nd! (Whispers out of 4 in his category …).
Just needs to do a bit less pogo and more forwards drive now ❤️



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17 September 2009
East Anglia
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Have any of you been to the Agility Nuts show in Lincs please? If so what is it like? I may be in that area in April and wondered whether to go or not as somewhere different.


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13 July 2020
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Today we went to a show.

Jumping she screamed basically the whole way round, got eliminated at the final fence as she took it the wrong direction. She went so freaking fast that I have no idea how I kept up with her or maintained control up until that point.

Agility had 15 faults so not eliminated, but silly mistakes that she would not normally make as she was so wired.

Steeplechase just five faults caused by my handling not setting her up quite right.

She thought the whole event was absolutely hilarious.


Well-Known Member
15 September 2018
Dartmoor, Devon
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My dog doesn’t like the rain and I’m aware (now!) that he hasn’t been out enough in all this wet weather… so today he had the zoomies, and generally was not listening, so 2 x E. never mind!

@Clodagh was passing the venue so popped in say hello, Rew was very pleased to see her and showed off what he considered to be his best moves! 🤦🏼‍♀️ Never mind!