The agility thread


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20 November 2006
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Zig competes at 250 if available, otherwise 300 , and I train at both heights . Don’t think mine have ever had 6 weeks off , but I don’t train or compete as much as some people . He hasn't done anything since 10th December, I may go to an independent show on Sunday and just have 2 runs , otherwise it will be training on 11th so nearly a month off . He also has physio every 6 weeks as he had surgery as a pup and has metal work in his leg 😏

Errin Paddywack

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20 June 2019
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I have an intermediate and train over medium height, mainly because most of our class are mediums and it saves constantly changing jump heights. On the odd occasion that I go to the training field I will run her over her proper height just to remind her. My old girl no longer trains but still competes in anysize at small. She can still jump large but not fair on her.


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26 May 2008
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Sorry if this has been discussed but I am not twaling through 9 pages 🙈

When you train, do you always train at your competition height?

We tend to have a group lesson once a week, which we will train at competition height as it wont be too strenuous when having to take turns.

Then we hire the paddock once a week for sole use, for which I will drop the jumps down from 500 to 300.

Also, I was reading a piece earlier which indicated that dogs should get a break each year. It indicated dogs need a good six weeks or so (I think it was) off completely each year. Do you give your dogs a big break each year?
Not agility but our flyball dogs have at least a month off at the end of the year and normally a 3 week break mid year too. Does them the world of good.


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15 September 2018
Dartmoor, Devon
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Good luck @ihatework

Rew had a fortnight off due to broken tooth and the weather but yesterday I set up a square grid, and then a jump, jump, hoop, weaves, and we had a few goes with cheese as the reward! He was delighted to be back at it and tried very hard and was well rewarded. Today he went zooming off to the same bit of the garden so we had five minutes more practice but no cheese, he had to work for a thrown stick as that was all that was available, he was again delighted so double whammy.

Proper training on Wednesday night with a new (to me) club 😬


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29 November 2011
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Arthur had another busy weekend. Agility Vision on Saturday resulting in 2 x 2nd places.
One was a clear 0.9 seconds behind the winning time, the other was the fastest time by 3 seconds with a pole down.

Yesterday we went to uka at Cheltenham racecourse. He was off his head in the morning, but won his novice steeplechase by 5 seconds in the afternoon.
My friend calculated he was covering 6.4metres per second, which sounds fast to me. But I'm not very good on these things.
It certainly confirms he's faster than me 🤣


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20 November 2006
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Arthur had another busy weekend. Agility Vision on Saturday resulting in 2 x 2nd places.
One was a clear 0.9 seconds behind the winning time, the other was the fastest time by 3 seconds with a pole down.

Yesterday we went to uka at Cheltenham racecourse. He was off his head in the morning, but won his novice steeplechase by 5 seconds in the afternoon.
My friend calculated he was covering 6.4metres per second, which sounds fast to me. But I'm not very good on these things.
It certainly confirms he's faster than me 🤣

Congratulations. I made a late entry to Dig it independent show yesterday , as our training field is flooded . Think he was pleased to be back doing agility, he won both beginners agility and jumping 😀. Up to novice now which means I’ll get lost on the courses 😏
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17 September 2009
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Well done everyone. Pebs has had physio so am hoping for better things at our show on Saturday. Fingers crossed. Daz, following xrays, has been given the go ahead by vet and physio to start agility, so will have to play that one by ear. New training place so that will be interesting. Again fingers crossed.


20 March 2007
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I am purple from hip to knee. Large dog is not coping well with the set-up at our new venue. We also set out today to emulate the exact same scenario I was praising her for in another thread last week, only for her to be a complete asshat the entire time.

Small dog has decided that he can no longer flick away from me and wrap back (tandem turn/offhand wrap type cues) and instead is taking off long, slicing and wrapping the wing furthest away - every single time. Attempts to sort this out last week with a turn off the dog walk crapped up his dog walk, he spent the session throwing himself off it sideways and then barking at me all pissily.

I've simmered down a little. 🫥


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15 September 2018
Dartmoor, Devon
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Mine doesn’t do the barking at me because it went wrong thing, hence I can still find it quite funny when other people’s dogs do it. However I have more than my fair share of everything being rubbish so I feel your pain.


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17 September 2009
East Anglia
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We ventured out today. First class in the outdoor she flew till she got to the weaves then acted as if never seen them before and popped out twice grrrrr. Inside for agility again speedy but plants on dog walk many time pens 🙄🙈 nails the weaves though! By the last class we were ready for home as so cold, weaves 100% I missed out a jump 😂 better than our last outing though.


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7 September 2004
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Random, possibly dumb question.
Training tonight in sub zero - ok to train in an equafleece tankie? Bearing in mind thin single coated wimp (wouldn’t even consider it for a dog with proper natural coat!)


Well-Known Member
6 December 2004
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Random, possibly dumb question.
Training tonight in sub zero - ok to train in an equafleece tankie? Bearing in mind thin single coated wimp (wouldn’t even consider it for a dog with proper natural coat!)
Loki needs a word with his brother who was on the cold water treadmill today naked and it was -2c in the barn....!! 🤣 Their mother however was installed under a blankie in front of the stove.


Well-Known Member
20 November 2006
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Random, possibly dumb question.
Training tonight in sub zero - ok to train in an equafleece tankie? Bearing in mind thin single coated wimp (wouldn’t even consider it for a dog with proper natural coat!)

I wouldn’t personally . When we’re training in those temps he has a fleece in in between runs but I take it off when working . Most important is do lots of warm up exercises.

Presume your training is in a surface indoors ? Bit like a horse I wouldn’t jump on frozen ground .


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29 November 2011
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I had an awful shock on Monday when I received an email from the kc.
I have attached the email in question and my response, also the witness statement.
I still can't believe that someone has misread this so badly and logged it in the incident book without even having a conversation with me.
Also I would like to add that I was one of the last competitors to leave on the day, and the last thing I did was go to the show management office to collect my trophies and rosettes. Nobody said anything.
I have been attending these shows at least once a month for a year now. The organizers know me.
It makes me feel like never competing again.
I also feel like a terrible owner for failing to protect my dog . He is the least aggressive dog I know and walks past dogs showing aggression without reacting.
I don't know how to get past this mentally.


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29 November 2011
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You are not the first person to suggest this is possibly breed related. It didn't occur to me at first, as I don't find the same prejudices at agility shows, and people there tend to have such a good understanding of dogs that they can see from his body language that he is not a problem.
He is a very enthusiastic boy and people can see that. I get a lot of people asking if they can talk to him, because they can see how excited he is. However if people ignore him he walks straight by. His priority is his agility and he can't get to the ring quickly enough.


Well-Known Member
3 October 2018
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Gosh I'm furious on your behalf and unfortunately my first thought was would there have been a complaint if he was another breed 😡
I'd really want an apology and to see it removed from his record. I can completely understand you not wanting to compete there again, I wonder when it was reported to the venue(?) I imagine it's one of those scenarios that the owner has got carried away and each time she's told the story its got worse. Idiot.
People like this scare me! Our beautiful staffie (that we lost a year ago) jumped up at the postman when she was less than a year old. I shouldn't have let it happened *but* she was a very friendly pup that wanted to say hello, he never said anything but we then received a letter about a bite happening at the address 😱 absolute nonsense!


Well-Known Member
29 November 2011
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I'm sorry think happened to you.
Yes, it was put in the incident book at the venue/show management office. The incident book is then sent to the kc after each show.
There are 2 ways of doing this. One is paying £35 and means that the incident will be investigated further.
If the person reporting does not want to pay, then it is automatically recorded as resolved on the day.
Unfortunately there is no option to appeal against this as it's been downgraded to an alleged/disputed incident. So there is no way I can remove this completely.
I can't imagine a situation where your dog gets bitten and you don't speak to the owner of the dog who did it. It's ridiculous.
There is no mention of injury, and the dog continued to compete for the rest of the day. (I have done some fb stalking) . There is a post on the agility vision fb group the day after the show, from the owner saying what a fantastic day she had, getting 4 clear round wins with her grade one dog, no mention of any incident.
Yet my dog now has a mark against his name which is there forever.
I feel physically sick.


Well-Known Member
3 October 2018
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I'd be disappointed the venue didn't mention it to you then, they had a perfect opportunity when you went to collect your trophies.
I hope this person knows the impact of her lies! So sorry this has happened to you. I can understand why it would be hard to move forward, but you know him and his lovely personality, don't let her ruin your fun. Just avoid her like the plague, these people are the minority, they just stand out 😡