The Tessy bear BOGOF thread


Well-Known Member
4 April 2012
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Dont want to worry you but have your vet on speed dial. Things rarely go wrong but if they do they do so very fast. I'm sure you've read up on timing of each stage so keep a close eye on things. Although I bet the crafty madam will sneak it out between your visits, it amazes me how clever they are at getting the privacy they want. We have cameras on all ours so I'm warm and comfy and they have things to themselves but constantly watched, although I do remember well the days of being freezing and exhausted for days on end, only to have them pop it out in the ten minutes I went to make a cuppa.

I'll keep an eye on the thread tonight, and hope she obliges sooner rather than later.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
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Dont want to worry you but have your vet on speed dial. Things rarely go wrong but if they do they do so very fast. I'm sure you've read up on timing of each stage so keep a close eye on things. Although I bet the crafty madam will sneak it out between your visits, it amazes me how clever they are at getting the privacy they want. We have cameras on all ours so I'm warm and comfy and they have things to themselves but constantly watched, although I do remember well the days of being freezing and exhausted for days on end, only to have them pop it out in the ten minutes I went to make a cuppa.

I'll keep an eye on the thread tonight, and hope she obliges sooner rather than later.

We have and the stud up the road as they are closer than the vets who said ring at any hour :eek: Fantastic women with years of experience between them so hopefully we should be good ! Oh no doubt she will do it whilst im inbetween checks

What times the next check A?
7 so 10 mins :)

Maybe leave her a bit of water at a time so she doesn't get thirsty but not enough to drown/harm. :) x

Yes might do that thanks :)


Well-Known Member
1 April 2012
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Or set yourself in the corner, on a seat , holding a bucket to pander to her as I am sure thats what these celebrities expect these days! :cool:

But all things being equal, she's not the first and won't be the last to do this, and you are looking after her so well is all gonna be fine :)


Well-Known Member
18 April 2008
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oooh !!! Just got home from work and the first thing I got asked was "is there a foal yet??"

Now I can finally answer "soon" !!!!! :D

Will be checking like mad now till I have to go back (hopefully not later!) hope it all goes well and you have a foal and a lovely day to enjoy it tomorrow :D

Good luck Tessy and TinyTessy xx


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
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Or set yourself in the corner, on a seat , holding a bucket to pander to her as I am sure thats what these celebrities expect these days! :cool:

But all things being equal, she's not the first and won't be the last to do this, and you are looking after her so well is all gonna be fine :)

Only after she has eaten her caviar :D She is an A-lister now !

Very true im sure we will poull through together x

oooh !!! Just got home from work and the first thing I got asked was "is there a foal yet??"

Now I can finally answer "soon" !!!!! :D

Will be checking like mad now till I have to go back (hopefully not later!) hope it all goes well and you have a foal and a lovely day to enjoy it tomorrow :D

Good luck Tessy and TinyTessy xx

Finally a positive sign things are moving :D thank you x


Well-Known Member
31 May 2007
Land of nod
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Don't worry about a few drops, a mare I had ran milk when she was in labour, it was lik a tap from both teats, leave her with water, you don't want her to dehydrate, but when you checking on her once she in labour remove it til foal is on his feet. Once she started labour you checking her isn't going to stop it. Good luck!!! Think you are going to have a sleepless night. I was lucky lol our mares foaled either before 9pm of after breakfast lol


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
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Don't worry about a few drops, a mare I had ran milk when she was in labour, it was lik a tap from both teats, leave her with water, you don't want her to dehydrate, but when you checking on her once she in labour remove it til foal is on his feet. Once she started labour you checking her isn't going to stop it. Good luck!!! Think you are going to have a sleepless night. I was lucky lol our mares foaled either before 9pm of after breakfast lol

Well that's it i wouldnt want to do that to her :) will do as you have said thank you so much ! Ah that is great timing on their behalf :p


Well-Known Member
8 January 2009
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Abbie, regarding the water, you could leave the bucket, trough(?) in a corner and put a bale of straw in front of it. I always did that with my Shires. The mares can lean over to drink, but the foals can not. You just want to keep the baby away from the water so that it won't wind up in the drink, so to speak.

As far as waxing goes, one of my mares waxed so dramatically that it looked like dripping candle wax hanging from her boobies. For one foaling, it went on for 7 days, for another foaling, it went on for 10 days before she foaled. Needless to say, she wasted almost all her colostrum. When I thought I'd outfoxed her for her last foal, she waxed, I collected the colostrum and froze it, and she foaled 13 hours later, outside at 2:40pm! Looking back, I wish I had known about the salt/sweet taste test. It would have saved a lot of time and guessing. There's a window of time when the foal's digestive system can accept the colostrum. After that the window closes, any colostrum fed to the baby cannot be assimilated.

Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
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Abbie, regarding the water, you could leave the bucket, trough(?) in a corner and put a bale of straw in front of it. I always did that with my Shires. The mares can lean over to drink, but the foals can not. You just want to keep the baby away from the water so that it won't wind up in the drink, so to speak.

As far as waxing goes, one of my mares waxed so dramatically that it looked like dripping candle wax hanging from her boobies. For one foaling, it went on for 7 days, for another foaling, it went on for 10 days before she foaled. Needless to say, she wasted almost all her colostrum. When I thought I'd outfoxed her for her last foal, she waxed, I collected the colostrum and froze it, and she foaled 13 hours later, outside at 2:40pm! Looking back, I wish I had known about the salt/sweet taste test. It would have saved a lot of time and guessing. There's a window of time when the foal's digestive system can accept the colostrum. After that the window closes, any colostrum fed to the baby cannot be assimilated.

Good luck!!

Ooo thank you will defo do this on next check :) such a good idea ! Ah so could be any time really :)


Well-Known Member
3 July 2010
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Still not interested (eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!)



Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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i have only logged in to check on this thread.....seems like things may be moving at last :D:D dont know about foaling myself but have read the posts about water. just a thought, does she have a raised feed manger, if so that could be scrubbed out and used for water and use her water bucket for feed temporarily. my friend does that anyway so it keeps the bedding out of the water as her boy throws his bed all over the place.....good luck and hope tonight is the night!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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I am so heartened by this thread and all the support Abbie and Tessie are getting - actually have goosebumps thinking that foalie could be making HER grand entrance soon - sending "happy foaling" vibes xx


Well-Known Member
3 September 2007
I don't want to be funny and upset anyone but on doctors orders I have to turn off all computers by 8 pm due to serious insomnia and stressy stuff. So from a medical point of view that's 41 minutes so can she either get on with it or wait until 8 am.:D

Thank you so much;);)


Well-Known Member
4 April 2012
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That's great that they are happy to be on call. Short of bring able to supply any medicine needed breeders are often better than the vet, they've certainly delivered more foals.
It would be a good idea to get them to check mum and baby anyway, even when everything has gone like clockwork.
I'm always so happy for first time breeders, no one can tell you how wonderful it feels to see the fantastic relationship a mare has with her new baby. Do also be aware she may be happy for you to be all over it like a tramp on a kipper, but equally may be a bit foal proud and possessive, and sometimes you can't believe this behaviour from your sweet mare, just remember she is doing her job and protecting baby. It usually only lasts a couple of days, but do respect her if she is foal proud, she may insist quite seriously that you stay away.

Oh goodness me, I'm loving this. I'm re living my first foaling through your experience.

I know everyone is focused on Tessy and the foal, and I am keen to hear the good news, but I really can't wait to hear how you feel after experiencing it all.
I know it was initially a shock and not what you wanted at all, but you have accepted it and dealt with the situation superbly and your heart will burst with joy once the little horror is here.


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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I really hope tonight is the night when one becomes two.

I'm so excited I just can't hide it :D :D

Mind you I'm going to miss checking umpteen times a day for news so will have to have daily updates on foal antics and development instead :)


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
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i have only logged in to check on this thread.....seems like things may be moving at last :D:D dont know about foaling myself but have read the posts about water. just a thought, does she have a raised feed manger, if so that could be scrubbed out and used for water and use her water bucket for feed temporarily. my friend does that anyway so it keeps the bedding out of the water as her boy throws his bed all over the place.....good luck and hope tonight is the night!!!!!!!

Hello :D no she doesn't sadly but the straw bale trick sounds fab :)

I am so heartened by this thread and all the support Abbie and Tessie are getting - actually have goosebumps thinking that foalie could be making HER grand entrance soon - sending "happy foaling" vibes xx

It reallyis amazing how many people care, the support regularly makes me over whelmed :) Thank you so much x


Well-Known Member
27 May 2012
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Meant to be out of door but could not resist a good luck wave to Tessy and Abbie..... Left two trays of cakes with dogs whilst throwing horsey stuff off to go to village thing. Could be funny if I had to explain no cake.... Sorry people seeing if Tessybear had had her foalie...


Well-Known Member
9 May 2011
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How exciting! Just wanted to say good luck to Abbie and Tessy. Abbie you have handled this all so well, I take my hat off to you! Good luck, hope all goes well, we are all thinking of you and Tessy!