The Tessy bear BOGOF thread


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
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Good luck Tessybear and Abbi!

Thank you ;D

Iv been watching but haven't really replied , but I'm getting inpatient now. Come on I want to see the baby
Hello :) and me too ! they need to hurry up

I don't want to be funny and upset anyone but on doctors orders I have to turn off all computers by 8 pm due to serious insomnia and stressy stuff. So from a medical point of view that's 41 minutes so can she either get on with it or wait until 8 am.:D

Thank you so much;);)

Tess has a time limit now... will she cave to the peer pressure ;)

That's great that they are happy to be on call. Short of bring able to supply any medicine needed breeders are often better than the vet, they've certainly delivered more foals.
It would be a good idea to get them to check mum and baby anyway, even when everything has gone like clockwork.
I'm always so happy for first time breeders, no one can tell you how wonderful it feels to see the fantastic relationship a mare has with her new baby. Do also be aware she may be happy for you to be all over it like a tramp on a kipper, but equally may be a bit foal proud and possessive, and sometimes you can't believe this behaviour from your sweet mare, just remember she is doing her job and protecting baby. It usually only lasts a couple of days, but do respect her if she is foal proud, she may insist quite seriously that you stay away.

Oh goodness me, I'm loving this. I'm re living my first foaling through your experience.

I know everyone is focused on Tessy and the foal, and I am keen to hear the good news, but I really can't wait to hear how you feel after experiencing it all.
I know it was initially a shock and not what you wanted at all, but you have accepted it and dealt with the situation superbly and your heart will burst with joy once the little horror is here.

Ah they are fab these ladies up the road :) They breed PRE beautiful spanish horses and they are so in tune with them :) We are very lucky they will help ! Oh i wouldn't blame her for being foal proud like you say that's her job as a mum :) we shall take each day as it comes and go at their pace .. we are in no hurry :) Im excited now, but will no doubt burst into tears at sight of foal :eek:

I really hope tonight is the night when one becomes two.

I'm so excited I just can't hide it :D :D

Mind you I'm going to miss checking umpteen times a day for news so will have to have daily updates on foal antics and development instead :)

Me too ! im excited now :D i can post videos now so you can suffer the nail biting anxiousness of watching the little terror tear about on those twiggy legs;)

Good luck :)
Thank you :D

I hope all goes smoothly - good luck Tessy and Abbi (and Baby Bear) :)
Thank you so much :)


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5 February 2006
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Yet another one who's been lurking for the last couple of hundred pages but is now getting very ridiculously over-excited!

Abbie, you have been amazing through all of this. As well as this thread being a record of MiniT's pre-life experiences, it is also a tribute to you personally that you have captured everyone's imaginations and so many people are following it and supporting you every step of the way.

Hopefully we'll have the patter of tiny hooves by the morning.



Well-Known Member
26 February 2013
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Another lurker coming out of the woodwork! I have to confess to logging on several times a day to check for news..its like a mini-soap! I have everything crossed for you and Tessy..and of course the very eagerly anticipated mini-T.

Nugget La Poneh

Well-Known Member
28 May 2012
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I have been lurking too - so near to 300k views! I check in morning and night, and was convinced baby would come last night when you said she was grumpy!

You need a Tessy-Cam!!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
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Day 16 ? I think

Dear my HHO aunties would someone please come and adopt me before i die from social suicide. That feeding machine that always panics about everything decided to give me a groom in the sun. All was fine with that i have to look my best for the two boys next door but who wouldn't find my mustache and Mr T hair attractive ?:rolleyes: P.l.e.a.s.e

Until she decided to put this thing on me: :eek::eek:

I don't mind where you keep me i don't eat much, dont poo a lot... and I am excellent at being a "pain in the arse " whatever that is :confused: Buy one get one free deal ?

But yes Tessy was covered in flies :rolleyes: Especially here Boobies but i didnt think it would be a good idea at all to put fly stuff round there incase foal came ? was the right decision ???


And finally to show you how much she has bagged up over 2 days:

Todays update you missed it ^^


Well-Known Member
20 June 2007
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Good luck for tonight (if it is tonight). Will be logging on tomorrow morning first thing to check the news - very excited, but probably not as excited as you!!!


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20 April 2009
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Just wanted to wish you both good luck and let you know we are behind you.
I have been avidly watching this thread from the start and have actually just cancelled a night out so I don't miss anything!


Well-Known Member
25 January 2002
Still logging in here from Spain and watching the thread...

I know what its like waiting for a foal, Ive had one come early 'Moonshine' (never saw him born) ... and Harley was late (typical for him) its exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time..

hope it all goes well, when she decides to drop...


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3 March 2012
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The water bucket thing, not sure if you have seen a foal being born but the mare sometimes turns around in a circle with foalie half hanging out, you dont want the water bucket anywhere without some protection in front of it, in fact i would worry in case foalie landed on the bale of straw then either fell in to the bucket or on the correct side of the bale, so worrying, could you hang a bucket up from a tie up chain maybe.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
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Good luck for tonight (if it is tonight). Will be logging on tomorrow morning first thing to check the news - very excited, but probably not as excited as you!!!
Thank you :) I am excited

Just wanted to wish you both good luck and let you know we are behind you.
I have been avidly watching this thread from the start and have actually just cancelled a night out so I don't miss anything!

Aw thank you :) you have not have you ?:eek:

Awwww, I can't wait for foalie pics!!

Foalie should be cute :)

Still logging in here from Spain and watching the thread...

I know what its like waiting for a foal, Ive had one come early 'Moonshine' (never saw him born) ... and Harley was late (typical for him) its exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time..

hope it all goes well, when she decides to drop...

Moonshine i love it :D Thank you

Oh oodles of good luck! Think it's going to be soon! Come on Mumma bear and mini T :)

Thank you lovely,

Holly Hocks

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1 March 2010
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I got really quite excited when I saw the number of posts and thought she must have had the foal........and now I'm disappointed again....FGS hurry up!!

Fools Motto

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30 June 2011
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The water bucket thing, not sure if you have seen a foal being born but the mare sometimes turns around in a circle with foalie half hanging out, you dont want the water bucket anywhere without some protection in front of it, in fact i would worry in case foalie landed on the bale of straw then either fell in to the bucket or on the correct side of the bale, so worrying, could you hang a bucket up from a tie up chain maybe.

Or if you have a (feed) bucket that hangs over the door, clean it and use it for water?
But, if not don't panic, just squish a bucket into the corner, - handles away or not at all. Bank up straw to it. If she doesn't foal, then you can keep an eye on topping it up/cleaning it out, and if she does pop - and you are there, you can take it out while foaling, and put it back after! I've seen most foalings with water buckets in situ,and no problems. The mares at the stud have fixed managers for feed, hay and water. Lovely when they poo in them!!:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
4 June 2011
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I've been lurking since the start, and been checking every day for your updates.

I'm so excited!! Good luck to you and your beautiful Tessy Bear!! X


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4 April 2013
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Hi tessyBear, I'm another who's been lurking on this thread since the begining, getting more and more excited for you and TB. It's just a lovely story, and so likeably told.

I'm not really one for joining lots of forums, but had to sign up to wish the both of you all the best.


Well-Known Member
16 January 2009
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Good luck we are hoping soon and I would be in a sleeping bag by the door!! Just in case! Fingers crossed it will be a follower too.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
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I was waiting for that crease to dissappear from between the boobies and finally it has :)
So excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know finally :D
Hi tessyBear, I'm another who's been lurking on this thread since the begining, getting more and more excited for you and TB. It's just a lovely story, and so likeably told.

I'm not really one for joining lots of forums, but had to sign up to wish the both of you all the best.
PM'd you lovely :) x

Good luck we are hoping soon and I would be in a sleeping bag by the door!! Just in case! Fingers crossed it will be a follower too.

Eeek with all those mozzys about no chance ;) thank you for the support x

Come on tess lets have a baby.hugs to your mummy to x

We need one ! Thank you so much x


Well-Known Member
5 February 2011
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Good luck we are hoping soon and I would be in a sleeping bag by the door!! Just in case! Fingers crossed it will be a follower too.

When my mare is almost there I intend to camp in the next door stable :eek: If it's good enough for the horse to sleep on should be good enough for me :p

Crugeran Celt

Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
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So exciting, I have been out all day and have just got in and its all happening. Looking forward to beautiful baby photos in the morning. Good luck OP with the foaling and you'll have a fantastic filly?? by the morning.:D


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11 June 2012
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My regular twenty minute checks have now developed into ten minutes. I just can't leave this thread. Can't wait to see pics of the foal.